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3 thoughts on “𝐋, 𝐞𝐚𝐑 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐑naked live sex chat

  1. Okay, with their mentality, that's genuinely bad at sex and they're assholes and indeed a bit immature. And maybe it's not a bad idea to work on your asshole radar ? You obviously don't have to sleep with them ! And there's nothing wrong with wanting to sleep with older. It's just dangerous. Be very aware those guys have been with tons of girls, plenty of relationships, etc. Assume they know exactly what to say to sweettalk you and can read you like a book and some of them will take advantage of you when you're in a vulnerable mental space. So always stand your ground and know exactly what you're comfortable with. There's questions to be asked why an older guy wants to sleep with someone your age and not someone 5 years older with more mental and social resolve.


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