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🌈, Just call me Cindy🌈naked live sex chat

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18 thoughts on “🌈, Just call me Cindy🌈naked live sex chat

  1. It seems to me that you are pushing back pretty hard on the responses you are getting here. You say you are inexperienced, and you go to a roomful of somewhat-to-very experienced people for reassurance. You asked, is this okay? and the unequivocal answer here is No, not if you don’t think it’s okay. If you don’t think it’s okay, it’s assault. Your older BF knows this. He’s not into you, he’s into what you can do for him. Let us know how it goes.

  2. She's cheating and she clearly has no intentions to stop doing it. It would be better for you to just walk away. Considering she is even refusing to talk shows that the relationship is sadly over. You've been together a really long time but if she truly loved you, she wouldn't be doing this to you. You deserve a partner that compliments you in every way and gives you their undivided attention and true love.

  3. This post breaks Rule 5 and has been removed. You are encouraged to post this type of material in the Daily Sexual Achievement section, which appears as a post by the AutoMod every day.

  4. maybe just slap her ass as you walk by, squeeze her tit, or do smtn like that when y’all hug or smtn. Or say snarky remarks.

  5. Well she never mention size of exes, just lack of intimacy. She did mention one guy who was into anal and she was doing that with him but never wanted with me. She was always making sure to tell me how my size is “fine and right for her” and then never wants nothing with me. Even if i am undresing she rather turns around then look or just go to another room. When she is horny she starts initiating and after i make her cum with fingers she just say that “please i’m done for now, can we cuddle?” I didn’t want to be bad so i just sulk in and cuddle with her till she fall asleep and went to bathroom. Few times she went ahead with piv and that was like i described earlier. I love her thats why, i didnt want to be rude or something asking for something that she doesn’t want, but now i know why.

  6. That's good. I do apologize because I meant to say couples sexual counseling. This doesn't seem mentally healthy for either of you, but especially you. I am also curious about the pornograpy/masturbation rule. Am I right in thinking that she is okay with you jerking off just not to porn?

  7. As someone who comes from a home were one parent cheated on the other and eventually split up She already destroyed their world by cheating on you, they probably know something is wrong long before you two said something to them (if you did), if you stay and are unhappy/unsatisfied, they will know, and it won't make things easier. If you do wanna try to salvage your marriage, do it for you, the kids don't deserve this kind of burden on them

  8. I am considering trying putting a condom on! Though I personally haven't experienced giving a blowjob with condoms. I'll see how it goes.

  9. You ret in your head. Are you sure your notngetting in your head over him as well? It can 10-15 minutes straight of doing oral, is pretty lengthy amd can be pretty tiring. Have you cinsidered talking to anyone about the “in your head too much part?” Could help gives you a few techniques to keep your mind in the moment and not elsewhere.

  10. Have you tried talking to them about this issue? Letting them know how frustrated you are with the situation and what you would like to change?

  11. I don't care about the opinion of people that I am not close to but I understand that not everyone feels that way.

  12. Pretend you’re actually sucking a something. Maybe picture it as a large delicate loli pop. Also her jaw structure might just be small in terms of the teeth problem


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