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4 thoughts on “🍭, 🍬 Evelyn Gomez🍬 🍭 college sex cams anal

  1. If you think about it, if we consider humans to be animals, finishing fast is the best way to impregnate the female before she runs away. So you’re basically one of the best specie of the human evolution

  2. I'd like you to try to see those 14 years as a blessing, an amazing piece of luck, something to be incredibly thankful and grateful for. A 14-year maintenance-free streak in your relationship is remarkable. I'm a little worried that your good fortune in that regard has become something that is making you feel worse instead of something to make you feel better and give you lots of hope. Try not to fall into entitlement, and go for gratitude. In any case, you are now at a point where you relationship needs some regular maintenance. No shame in that. That you haven't needed it before is immaterial (other than to recognize your luck). You need it now. So, go seek out recommendations for couples therapy and try it out.

  3. Sexting can be really romantic and make for really hot sex both. Been together with my now-wife for almost 11 years, married for almost 9. We most certainly live together. I hugely disagree with your husband, if it’s not obvious. It’s fascinating that he parodies sexting as ‘for teenagers’ because I regard his attitude aa quite adolescent and sexually stunted. Sexting can be incredibly sensual. We are both professional writers, so perhaps that helps. We sometimes sext each other when we are in different rooms. We definitely sext each other when our kid is still awake. We sext each other in an idle moment at work. And it’s also not ‘for teenagers’ because we fell in love after years of friendship and after each having failed, abusive first marriages, and in our 30s. Our sexting reminisces. Our sexting recalls two people with plenty of sexual history rediscovering something special, ‘resetting’, and frankly, alongside that, having the best fucking sex of our lives. Your husband’s take reminds me of relentless PIV people who say ‘handjobs and fingering are for teenagers’ and my shrugging response is ‘eh, maybe if you don’t have any skill. You know, like nunchuck skills, bo hunting skills, computer hacking skills. Skills with handjobs and fingering. Just jam it in and flail away like boring “adults”, eh?’ I mean, people are allowed to like what they’re allowed to like and I’m not advocating bullying him — well, a little, in that he deserves to be teased given that he dished out the parody — but it’s a palate of such limited taste to dismiss something that really works for you and to dismiss it out of hand. It’s fine not to be into it, but ‘hurr durr it’s for teenagers’ is an eyerolling attitude.


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