~~, πŸ’‹πŸŽ€ Raisa Allen πŸ’‹πŸŽ€~~ HD

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39 thoughts on “~~, πŸ’‹πŸŽ€ Raisa Allen πŸ’‹πŸŽ€~~ HD

  1. Unless you're ready for a possible baby/abortion, always wear a condom -even if she's on BC- (vasectomy works too).

  2. Tongue and hands. Blowjobs don't have to be deep-throat, you can just give some head and use your hands to stimulate everything else.

  3. Is it that you mentally desire it, but the physical desire response isn't there as much? The fact that you're saying you want to want it makes me wonder if it isn't physiological rather than psychological. Hormone and vitamin imbalances can disrupt libido. Might not hurt to get your levels checked just to be sure it's not an indication of something being amiss. I'm not dismissing your concerns or saying there's something wrong with you at all. I'm just speaking from my experience. For a long time, I wanted to want sex, and i enjoyed it when i had it, but I didn't crave it like I wanted to. That combined with a few other things prompted me to go to the doctor. Turns out my progesterone levels were low and my thyroid was on the fritz.

  4. Well no because I can’t actually tell if he has feelings for me or if he’s being a guy who’s being extra loving so he gets more sex. Because I have asked him multiple times if he feels something for me and he says no but then goes and does these things so I genuinely cannot tell which is why I came to ask

  5. It would be gratifying to witness him listening and practicing. I understand that people joke around and what not but I live a very β€œintentional” lifestyle as does my community. No one in my friend group would speak to another that way. Interestingly enough, I like it rough. AFTER I’ve gotten mine or right before, pause, get me, go back to the jack hammer… the COMMENT about me being boring after giving it up twice in 4 hours (both 30+ min sessions)….. if I was someone else he may have been slapped. Now my dumb ass has to wait to tell him about it because it’s something I want to say to his face. I wanted to text him and tell him β€œyou say some shit like that to me again considering the circumstances you’ll be out a girlfriend” but I’m not like that and we don’t talk to each other like that. It was so random and unsolicited.

  6. Hi so im 18 and I don't know what a blow job is is that bad ( esps ist odd cause i love sex) can you tell me

  7. My wife lived up to most of those rules (mind you, not our rules) her first time. No kissing, condoms, no head all checked and she had sex with 2 plus me that night. Just showing it’s all possible

  8. Ok, I think it’s helpful to reprogram some patterns here. Because you’re like sex is not something to be ashamed of, but this other sex, outside a little more taboo. You don’t hear too much convo about it so you come here to judge yourself or be judge. Sex and outside sex are different points in a line of taboo. The thing is unless you’re doing something non consensually I wouldn’t consider it wrong. Embarrassing if you got caught or worse. Pathetic, you’re having sex? passionate possibly, I can’t picture someone on this subreddit who wouldn’t want to be in the situation. Other than it’s risky, but that is what moves it up the line of taboo, some people get excitement from this. So it wouldn’t be right something be taboo being wrong just because taboo. It’s circular reasoning. The secret being, that it is probably more common then we give it credit for. It will probably become more common as people have their own place less.

  9. i've never went to one and i feel really uncomfortable to go to one. My period has to start after a week. It's just small bleeding here and there and a bit of burning.

  10. Id try to make sure and encourage him and tell him how much you appreciate it and how good he looks doing it. That usually gets them to REALLY enjoy it. Also it helps me if I close my eyes and just think about my physical feelings to not become overwhelmed by thoughts

  11. It seems like you'll have to start with small things, both practical things to do during intimacy and the talking that goes before/after it. Hit some books as well, there should be books written by/for Muslim couples with this kind of problem, to offer you some perspective.

  12. Is it though? I just googled it, before your comment and.. Squirting, when someone expels thin and clear liquid in response to pleasure, has long baffled sex experts. Plus I wasn't gonna type this but I've peed on carpet before and it didn't look at same. So.. Idk man.

  13. Well you have to determine honestly if you are wanting a long lasting meaningful relationship or just a hookup. Something real and meaningful isn't something you can rush. It requires sifting through tons of guys until you find one!! If you just want a hookup then those are easy to find. Just be clear that you are looking for a hookup

  14. Well we vibe chorus is one of the #1 for couples and has 10 speeds. Voted one of the best. We have it. we vibe chorusCheck it out!

  15. I don't think anyone thinks that. It's more like the fact that just because one's “vagina”* produces mucus and one's nose produces mucus, we treat them differently despite them both being incredibly similar (99% water + 1% different antimicrobials) ​ *really bartholin's gland

  16. Tell him what you like to do to him, ask what he would like to be doing to you. Maybe bring up a time that was really hot when you two were together. It gets easier the more you do it.

  17. There's not a “have you had sex” test, though some people (incorrectly) believe the hymen only breaks during intercourse. A doctor should know it could break for many reasons though.

  18. Men who care about your satisfaction will always do “clitoral simulation, foreplay, asking how things feel, sexting throughout the day, paying compliments during the deed” I myself read a lot of articles to improve my game to make the experience the most pleasurable to my wife. Even if my pleasure is at stake because that gives me a different high.

  19. It's happened to me and my husband. My muscles just clamp down. He doesn't blame me it out me down for it, though.

  20. That's a damn good question.. I can't give you advice as I prefer woman but I am not cock shy either.. But if what I identify as is of consequence it's male.. But that is a very interesting and thought provoking question.. I wish you luck.. And my compliments for the question

  21. Actual useful information on reddit? I'm SHOCKED! Can't be her though. Just can't be. Must. Be. GUY!!!111

  22. Some people are. Some people don't even need that much. Possible for you? Hard to determine, I'd say possible and reasonably probable.

  23. Yes, another winner! Back rubs and body massages are a great way to get a woman’s motor running. Massage, firm, and intermittent light touching, will drive her wild. Enjoy.

  24. Calling people Karen when they aren't having temper tantrums about an issue and aren't demanding to talk to your manager… … while having a tantrum and being the person who's personally insulted about behavior that doesn't affect you, that isn't harmful, and you've taken the absolute worst possible interpretation on–so bad that you're imagining malicious intent where no reasonable person sees it–to call someone else a Karen? That's a straight up Karen-bomb. And the only satire is the horrible irony of the person who's so slavishly attached to her own opinion that she can't be open to someone disagreeing and even preloads a possible debate with a highly charged, punitive, and shitty word like “Karen.” There's your satire. I ain't coming from me though.

  25. Really easy fix Get a cock ring and Viagra, if it's just nerves a few times with the aids will get him over it. It could be a physical problem also, a doctor visit for the Viagra prescription can check that out too.

  26. Context matters. Did you mention it first? Coz if you said something about being small and that was her response, it changes it entirely. Sometimes when we are insecure we say insulting things to ourselves hoping the other person will disagree. Is that what you did here? If it was not prompted by you, and she called you small knowing you feel insecure about it then sure.. let her know that it hurt. It kinda sounds like she was trying to reassure you that you're her choice, despite not being hung like a horse. And as an FYI, this “size is everything” shit doesn't come from women. Most of us would prefer an average (including the smaller end of average) peen to a massive one. The skin down there can be delicate, the cervix can be sensitive and an average (including the smaller end of average!) dude is more likely to focus on using what he has than a guy who thinks his cock is God's gift to women. This is one insecurity you probably should find a way to let go of.


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