πŸ’Ž, Kiki Vega πŸ’ŽHD private sex cams shaved-pussy

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14 thoughts on “πŸ’Ž, Kiki Vega πŸ’ŽHD private sex cams shaved-pussy

  1. Speaking as a licensed nail technician of 15 years, according to the clients who have asked me for this, they are either gay, play guitar, or are hair braiders.

  2. If you're the small spoon while in bed with him you can take your lower clothing off and start rubbing your butt against his crotch up and down When my gf does that to me it's an immediate invite to play

  3. Are you making your partners do all the work? One way to really help is take control and do the work. Sex is a physical act and it’s a work out for guys. If you aren’t consistently doing work as well it becomes more of a chore than a joy.

  4. Good for you, that's a huge step. I would imagine that will be a quicker road to recovery vs my wait and see/do nothing approach haha. Best of luck!

  5. Eating pussy requires space so it’s definitely not the easiest to accomplish in tight spaces. Since u feel guilty, eat her pussy a lot when she’s doing nothing/ lounging around.That way, when outings happen and she goes down on u, ull feel less guilt.

  6. It is a real thing. I am guy who like getting my partner off them me getting off. I enjoy the aspect of watching their body twitch, move, gyrate, you name it. Don't get me wrong. I like to get off too. I have no issues with not being hornier like her. However, yes what she has is a thing.

  7. Anal…..you don't just slide a dick in there. It will be horribly painful. You need to start slowly with lube and a finger and then work up to two fingers at first. Communication is extremely important. Over time increase the size of the buttplug as the woman feels comfortable. This can take weeks or even months and use LOTS and LOTS of lube and if/when she is finally ready to take you, you still need to start very slowly and very gently. Only in porn do you see men with elephant sized cocks simply slide it in and start pounding and in crazy positions…this is not normal nor is it advised and certainly “rosebudding” IS NOT advised and should land you in the ER. Even couples who enjoy anal on the regular still generally need to warm up, usually with a plug and still require plentiful lube (many people prefer silicon or coconut oil over water based lube).


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