πŸ’– , 𝑲𝒀𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑴𝑫 πŸ’–naked live sex chat

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Do you want to see me completly naked sweating for u?? each goal blowjob [333 tokens remaining]

10 thoughts on “πŸ’– , 𝑲𝒀𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑴𝑫 πŸ’–naked live sex chat

  1. I fully believed the β€œwomen can’t come from PIV” narrative for years and also was all up in my own head for years about orgasming with my long term partner. But I’m comfortable now and I orgasm from PIV almost every time. I am possibly atypical because I had orgasms and masturbated from a very young age, so I’ve always been comfortable and able to orgasm. There are women in adulthood who can’t orgasm or don’t masturbate. Idk I feel like I was actually personally gaslit into believing this was sooooooo impossible that I never dreamed I could do it and actually it’s pretty damn possible to come from PIV every time and I’m kind of mad I was led to believe otherwise? Just an opposite experience I guess

  2. I for one find it one of the sexiest thing women can do, my wife hardly ever initiates which I don’t like, she has a higher sex drive, sometimes I’m not in the mood, but I guarantee I would soon get in the mood if she initiated! Can I ask how you initiate? Verbally or physically?

  3. Watching porn that mirrors what you do in the bedroom is totally different than watching stuff that is way more extreme than what you do in the bedroom. The stuff I like is the same as the stuff I do in the bedroom with my wife, there are no issues. That said, it caused problems with more vanilla GFs in the past. Same porn, different impact.

  4. not really. Nothing against you personally. If I were a betting man, I bet most of these (5bad:1good ratio) threesomes or 4somes don't end well…. from what I've read, and spoke with others about their experiences. There is a whole more ways for it to end badly, than to end good. Either the sex winds up being bad, and/or the fallout afterwards destroys relationships etc. People break the ground rules. Jealousy etc. STDs, protection, etc. Some perform better than others. General nervousness leads to temp.E.D. situation, etc.

  5. He cares about you deeply, but doesn’t give a shit about your health? Constant yeast infections are terrible, why would you subject yourself to that constantly? There are latex-free condoms, that’s just a lame excuse. Sounds like he just doesn’t wanna use condoms. Sperm can mess up your PH balance for sure, but I wouldn’t think every single time. He’s most likely not cleaning himself properly. I wouldn’t want to have sex with my husband either if I got a yeast infection every single time. Respect yourself, and tell him to get to a doctor, or use latex-free condoms.


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