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12 thoughts on “1stdraftpicknaked live sex chat

  1. When I want to blow his mind (literally), I sneak upon him when he is leaving shower, after drying up. When he's naked, almost about to leave, I enter, kneel, put his dick in my mouth, look up with cute “shreck cat” eyes. And suck him hard, then say: shall we continue it in the bedroom?

  2. Everyone is allowed to be into what makes them happy. No one is entitled to force others into being into what they are into.

  3. embarrassing moments happen during sex, that's just real life. smells, body fluids, awkward positions, weird sounds. non porn sex is not being produced or set up. but it gets better as you realize these things happen and feel less embarrassed by them and can laugh about it.

  4. Sometimes, one of the ways to deal with trauma is to replace bad memories with memories that are similar, but more pleasant. Sort of putting yourself in the same situation you don't want to think about, but not so close that all the bad emotions you have from your past gets transferred to your new partner. In other words, I don't think it's a good idea to try face fucking anytime soon. And if you are going to try restrains again, probably not both hands and feet tied and almost certain not while giving him oral as a first attempt at it. So…where do we end up with that line of thought? I'm leaning towards that the type of oral giving you are going to enjoy is the type where you exercise a lot of control over him. It looks like you already kind of hopped onto that idea because you suggested edging oral. I don't think there is an obvious way. On one hand, maybe the trick is to sort of push through a bit and try to overcome it. On the other hand, if you push through you put yourself in the same mental state you have been in many, many times in the past; you are having sex and you are forcing yourself despite that you don't want to. Maybe the best trick for your own mental health's sake is to pull the curtains and be done with the show for the evening. If we are going to roll with the idea that you want to tease, edge and control him, I may have an idea or two worth considering. To begin with, you can exercise A LOT of control over him simply by doing something really, really intense and forcing him to stand up with nothing to hold on to. It'll force him to divert some thought process to the task of not falling over, in a way that is quite difficult when what you are doing is consuming all of this thoughts. (you know, if you enjoy the idea of being down on your knees.) A somewhat milder version of that is to have him sit on a stool. A high one, with no backrest. Once it get's truly intense, he'll have the time of his life AND a constant worry that he'll fall off the stool. There and then, nothing else will exist in his world but your mouth and the stool. One way to edge him is to get him worked up many, many times during a day. Imagine, for the sake of reasoning, that you have him in your mouth once every hour or so. Just enough strokes that he starts to hold his breath (three or four or something?) and then zip up again and get on with your day. It doesn't really matter if you make it super-intense or gentle, after a while he'll spend all his time looking forward to the next full hours passing. You can give him a blow in the morning, but deliberately don't bring him to completion. And let him off to his morning commute with the words “You'll get the rest of it when you come back home again.” There is a penis anatomy theory thing that suggests that some types of stimulation “just” feels super-good, and some also contributes to building up an ejaculation. If you know what to NOT do, you'll be able to have him in your mouth for hours (literally) without him getting off. Every second of it will feel aaaaaaamazing, but it will not get him off until he also gets that required type of stimulation. Being in control, you can deliberately deprive him; The theory is that to get off, he needs a sliding-squeezing sensation. Sliding on the shaft, squeezing the shaft. Squeezing the glans. But if you don't give him that, YOU decide to keep him entertained. In other words, flickering tongue motions on the glans can be eternally good. (On me, the best spot is right up on the tip. On others, it's just below the ridge, so to speak.) You'll probably notice eventually that a natural reaction to THAT is that he'll eventually start unconsciously lifting his hips, to create the sliding sensation by himself. Get your mouth away, and he won't get it. That simple. Play with him like that for half an hour. Two hours. A weekend. You know, as long as you want to. Other things you can do to tease him with oral is that you can just have him in your mouth, and not doing anything else. Your presence alone has a lot of mental entertainment value. It can be fun to give him a distraction blow, when he is working on a boring spreadsheet or trying to beat the final boss in a video game. It'll be as intense or as gentle as you want it to be. If you want to challenge him in the game, be intense. If you want to tease him as a preparation for when you two go to bed, be more gentle. If you two have had that oh-so-important consent talk, perhaps it can be a nice tease to wake up and finding himself in your mouth? (and you can decide there if you want to just have him there, or if you actually want to do something purposeful.) Maybe it's the worst tease ever to fall asleep with your lips gently closed around him? Perhaps it's time to create a new household rule; the second he's out of the shower, you need to do an inspection. With your mouth. Just long enough to ensure that the machinery is working, and then get on with your day. Also, remember; A lot of teasing things you can do with your mouth, can be done by having him in you as well. With the interesting twist that it'll be TWO people being teased. Can be hilarious. When you manage to get him off with your mouth, no matter if it's deliberate or sooner than you intended, remember that it's possible to gear up a bit and instead see how many times you can get him off in…say…the upcoming 60 minutes or so; be aware that an erection is technically speaking not a necessity to cause an ejaculation. Most softies prefer a more gentle technique, which your mouth is just perfect for. Now, start by asking yourself if ANY of these ideas speak to you. If you can decide on one or two that you kind of like, I'm sure we can think of something somewhat similar that may work better for you. Let us know…

  5. A lot of friends call me by this nickname ‘Beige’ IRL as it rhymes with my real name, so this was really funny

  6. I've never eaten a meal, and by the time I'm done, I've been completely drenched in sweat and drained of all physical, mental, and emotional energy. Sex is just like any other part of a relationship. You could have a partner who's like a good meal, or you could have a partner that monumentally blows your mind, leaving you craving them every second that you're away from them.


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