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26 thoughts on “Adaa-Lovelacenaked live sex chat

  1. I think that’s def been true before. But now I’m married and I’m super comfortable with her. What sucks is that now I’ve had to ask her to re-concentrate on me because we started being all about her. But she was super into it and has been great.

  2. If you don't like getting touchy in public, there's nothing wrong there. My gf and I are both pretty shy, and I am very weird about touch, especially initiating it for the first time. So we didn't do any more touching in public than hugging and maybe holding hands on a walk,and even both chickened out on what should have been out first kiss. So yeah things moved slower than if either of us had been just a little less shy/awkward. I made sure she knew I was still interested by scheduling our next dates before the current ended. When it finally came down to breaking the tension, I invited her to my place to cook her dinner and watch a movie. It took us two movies, but we broke the tension by just cuddling on the couch then, eventually resting our hands on each other's thighs. Then did the whole lock eyes and kiss thing, and things moved fast. All of this is to say, with two shy people somebody has to break the tension or you'll both just be waiting for a move. If you aren't comfortable being overtly touchy in public or being very clear verbally. You have to try to set up a situation I which you are comfortable, and things will move. That's not very conducive to hookups unfortunately.

  3. The advice about working your way down slowly is a really good one. I personally find it incredibly jarring when a guy just tries to go straight to my pussy with his hand or his mouth before he’s done anything else. It leads to me immediately being like “whoa, um. No thanks??” which then leads to the guy thinking I don’t like oral at all. I like it just fine I just don’t like to start so abruptly. Maybe guys don’t have a problem with it when the roles are reversed, but I don’t shove a cock in my mouth when it’s 100% soft, I like to get some arousal happening first, sheesh. Pay me the same courtesy.

  4. But why cant straight women look at us men and look at our nudes? Its like women are only romantically attracted to men but not sexually, its like they are more visually turned on by womens bodies but with men its about our personalities and how we make them feel

  5. Wetness doesn't matter, get in there. Suck and lick her clit. You might get some on your face but who cares. if she is going to put your dick in her mouth and swallow your cum the least you can do is reciprocate. It's no less unsanitary or disgusting. So go get fuck face deep in that pussy and make her happy.

  6. Lol, im sorry its literally impossible to gauge whether someone moans or not during sex before you have sex. not to mention thats a terribly weird question to survey before hand (edit: spelling)

  7. Enthusiasm does a lot. The more you show a guy you're loving giving him head, the better he's going to enjoy it.

  8. If he had known this he wouldn't have married her. It's that simple. And it's deception. And it's deception into a relationship therefore.

  9. It definitely is! Granted there can be different “bests” depending on what the situation is but that’s been a good generalist.

  10. NTA but man what a difficult conversation to have. People are so in their own heads when it comes to sex and I think it’s harder than almost any other subject to be open and not defensive about. I’m convinced the times when conversations go well were because generally the couple was already on the same page about things.

  11. I love my country But I can see how I was driven into this situation under the circumstances that I lived in and that were made by this society.


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