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Heyy, I, ´m new here!!! I want to have a good time with you ….. Blowjob & Fingers in pussy [320 tokens remaining]

52 thoughts on “adhara-skynaked live sex chat

  1. Sleep naked, feel up your whole body and be neutral or positive about what you feel. Oh, a squishy bit of fat? So cute and fun to squish, doesn't matter if it's on my butt, boobs, or tummy, it is soft and nice 🙂 Also if you use Instagram follow people with similar body types to you that love their body and do fun things with it, like going to the beach in a bikini and they don't try to hide nor exaggerate their figures. Unfollow pages that you do not like, and avoid “fashion” pages that are actually just body checks (the ones that try on different outfits but also make it painfully obvious that they're getting attention for their body, not the clothes). Watch porn of people with your body type. I didn't realize how much this would turn me on, but seeing women with squishy tummies and thick thighs being fucked by hot men was such a game changer. Porn is not just about seeing sexual contexts, it helps to visualize yourself in one of the roles sometimes, and that's easier if a player looks more like you.

  2. Men are complicated. I guess I'd feel bad about it if women weren't so damn complicated. All I can say is that I love my wife very much and we have a fabulous sex life. Of course I don't know y'all but it does sound like your relationship is healthy and strong, I wish the best for you.

  3. Not a huge fan of phrases or dirty talk, but I do have a thing for breeding. I think part of it is that it's something different. Sex with contraception is basically the norm nowadays, and so sex for the purpose of reproducing is actually kind of exciting and new! There's also definitely a part of it for me that just turns me on in a way I can't quite describe. Like how perceived “child-bearing” traits are often sexually selected for (big hips, big breasts, etc.) I kind of jazz with the idea of partners who want a child. It has to be mutual, though- breeding kinks where only one person wants to breed/be bred is a definite no go for me.

  4. Yes. It’s a complete freedom and there is no worry or stress, just pleasure. I am married in a faithful, long term relationship and husband has a vasectomy We always disliked condoms and hormonal birth control messed with me big time. So yes. Physically and emotionally it’s best. We can do that because we have zero concerns for STIs or pregnancy. NOW, if I were single and dating, I would 100% be using more than one form of birth control AND condoms to help prevent STIs It is what it is. And until you are in a long term committed relationship, there risk outweighs the pleasure. Just my .02 Now

  5. That's the ballpark that a lot of women seem to describe yes. Then girth is a whole other conversation and ironically much rarer than length.

  6. Congratulations! Sounds like a good time – happy for you! You did well in giving her some space when she felt uncomfortable. What you'll find (especially when pleasing her) is that communication is key. It sounds like you two are good at communicating, so keep that up and respect each others wants and needs. Remember it should be fun for the both of you!

  7. See a doctor about the erection issues, maybe Viagra or an alternative will work for you As for the other part… we have two openings down there and one is the butt so I'm not sure how you can't tell the difference between an anus and a vagina as they look and feel very different

  8. This is your first time being intimidate with this person or your first time being intimidate ever? Either way, I don’t think it’s a good idea. Is this guy experienced with anal? If not, it could definitely hurt a lot. Under ideal circumstances you’ve talked about doing anal and done some kind of anal training prep in the days/weeks beforehand. If this is the first time you’re putting something in your ass with a person you’ve never fucked before…just no.

  9. Never said there was no second option. Not sure where you’re getting that. I said my reason was more likely than yours. I do believe I know better than you when it comes to men’s feelings because I am a man. I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with believing that, especially when your argument is one as fallible as “but what about what other men have posted on Reddit”.

  10. Wow sounds like a lucky guy! Maybe you need to be more direct and tell him you want him to do this or do that. Other than that I don't really know.

  11. > I would really prefer to not go test unless I need to, but I could try some antibiotics if that’s something I can just get over the counter. Obviously if I have to test I will. You have to get tested. The discharge suggests it's some sort of urethritis, and probably bacterial. But that urethritis could be gonorrhea. Go get tested. I know you said neither you nor she has had sex with others recently, but gonorrhea can be asymptomatic in females for a long time. If it is bacterial, you need to take an antibiotic that will be effective against the organism. You need to get tested and treated.

  12. If you scroll in the comments you can see that I’m leaving.. and I’m not trying to make anyone feel bad for me. I only want to vent

  13. “Standard panel” varies wildly. What you’re asking, I think, is what tests can you take to show a new partner you are “clean.” At a minimum gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, and HIV1/2. Next level you could include hepatitis A/B/C which are rare for young people who aren’t IV drug users. Or HSV1/2 which are so common they often don’t bother to test for them. All of those are included in the 10-test panel from Then there are the many strains of HPV that have no tests. No one who’s had sex, or really no one who’s ever kissed someone on the mouth, can claim to be “clean,” even with testing. All you can do is say you don’t have “x” because you were recently tested for it. Get the big 5. Gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, and HIV1/2.

  14. Your post has been automatically removed because it appears to lack a descriptive title. Please resubmit the post with a title which better reflects its content. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  15. Your post has been automatically removed because it appears to be asking if some aspect of someone else's or your own sexuality or body is normal or not. We get a lot of questions here that are about really basic stuff that ought to be taught in schools but that unfortunately isn't. Variance is the norm in human sexuality. It's more meaningful to ask questions like: is this safe? Is this consensual? Is this mutually pleasurable? There are a lot of great resources for this, including scarleteen and go ask alice. You may also find relevant information with a search of /r/sex or in our FAQ. If you feel like your question is more complicated or will be a topic for thoughtful discussion, please message the moderators so that we can restore your post. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  16. Yeah I think the prostate swells when you have an erection and it acts as a value to stop you peeing (and allows semen to exit). I can pee fine when I have an erection, maybe takes a slight bit more effort. But if I ejaculate it's literally impossible for me for at least a few minutes and even then I'd have to really try and probably run some water to help force it 😅

  17. This is the explanation I was hoping to hear since it is an uncommon situation to experience. I know that it’s difficult for men to pee while hard. The night prior me & him were out drinking and I guess he still had all of that liquid built up in his system. After debating with myself since this morning, I’m going to choose to believe that this whole situation is just coincidental that he joked about it & did the action with intent prior but what happened earlier was a mistake since he seemed super embarrassed.

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  19. I tried introducing something but either I am very vanilla or I didn't really find what I enjoyed. I will try to come up with ideas and see if that helps! You say resentment and honestly I think it's a very good way of expressing how I feel.. That could be a nice hint on what to try and do. Thanks a ton!

  20. Hey regarding your post about your hubby, if you ever wanna vent feel free to. In a similar spot and having someone to talk to goes a long way 😄

  21. This sounds a lot like NRE to me. I think you should just let nature take its course. You guys will probably slow down a bit once the newness of it all wears down. When that happens, you'll have more time to do proper QT with him. For now, I would just enjoy it while it lasts. It would be a shame you now forgo experiences you may end up missing later on.

  22. If u are an attractive woman just be more chatty and feminine with the guys around you, and you will surely get what you want.

  23. I’m a guy and I’m ashamed of… him. This isn’t South Park and he needs to grow up. He need to let that go it’s natural, and you didn’t know you were having sex with a 5 year old. When my wife it, i don’t pay much mind(it’s cute sometimes lol) unless she gets embarrassed. When she dose, I stop and hug her and tell her it’s cute and not to be embarrassed it happen because we’re we’re so hot ready for each other.

  24. Your post was removed from /r/sex because it is too short to be likely to foster meaningful discussion. Consider posting again with a little more detail. If you feel this action is in error, you may also message the moderators to request that your post be reviewed. Remember, please, to not ask for the impossible. If your post IS really short, we will hesitate to reinstate it, even if you ask nicely. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  25. Hey sorry for the slow reply, thank you so much for this! The survey was super helpful to help compartmentalize things a bit so I can think about the various lanes things are in rather than just being a big jumbled mess of things. Unsurprisingly, I scored 79% vanilla on the test, but 18% masochist in there as well. This gave me an idea of maybe asking her if she's willing to do to me what she'd like me to do to her so I can maybe understand it better (understanding that this is just one 'lane' but it is one that I think she's into). Thanks again!!!

  26. Depends on the rules you agree on and the boundaries you set… I'd go with a little chill time… Hug her as a greeting.. Sit down, start watching a movie, have a drink, etc.. (warm up) Light touches, caressing, increasing the intensity.. Adding sexual tension… Light kisses along the neck, light nibbles on her ear, kissing on the lips… Start slowly undressing, etc.. Every touch should be slow and very, VERY gentle at first in the genital area. As she gets more aroused you may (but don't have to) increase intensity and speed. Observe her response (visual mostly, a lot of girls won't tell you verbally.. Observe her breathing, facial expressions, moaning…).. Don't focus too much on “making her cum”, she might subconsciously feel it out and paradoxically block herself out of it. Focus on enjoying each other's company and having a good time instead. Also, some girls may not even be able to cum from fingering at all unless they do it themselves… In condom is a common courtesy. If you want to cum else where, it's best to ask if she'd be OK with that. 👍 It's called “aftercare”. Kiss her, hug her, cuddle her… Watch/finish the movie, etc Biting is a broad topic. Depends on where and how strong she likes to bite. Whether she can control it or not (especially during the spicy time when she's orgasming, etc…). What should matter to you is: do you like it? should you bite her too? Where? How strong? are you OK with it hurting her you? Leaving marks? Or where may she bite you so you're OK with it? The reasoning: – some people actually feel pleasure in their body when biting. It may also be a kink. It may be just the biting itself, or the fact she's causing a pain or leaving a mark 🤷🏼‍♂️. (that's more into sadism – but I do not think she's at the spectrum.. Even if she is, it's nothing scary) If you agreed on FWB, you should be able to actually talk openly what each of you expect out of it beforehand. Or during the act, if it doesn't take you out of the moment too much.

  27. No, because I was already dealing with a multitude of doctor appointments for other things at the end of 2022, and had COVID over the holidays. But it’s definitely something I’m considering. I’m due to see my gynecologist in April so I’m thinking of discussing it with her then.

  28. For me personally, I have to be in the right state of mind. This is going to be a lot of “I” and “me” statements, but if I give you an in-depth review of how it works for me, it’ll give you plenty of ideas that you can pick and choose from to apply to you guys. I really, really like anal, but I have to really want it to even start to think about it. When my boyfriend and I are intimate, we just have fun until I start to get desperate for more stimulation. When I’m really eager for anything because of how horny I am. We’ll start with me riding him, and he’ll slip a finger in my ass. It gets me worked up, and it’s so easy for that initial finger, while providing me with extra stimulation. I then get on my back for more stretching. Two fingers is the most difficult, because you’re forming her butthole into an oval shape. Assholes don’t naturally spread and stretch the way vaginas do. Two fingers is like the worst turd you’ve ever had. Additionally, do not take them out and keep inserting them. The key is to stretch her out, so keeping your fingers in, and moving them nice and slow, just lets her body get used to it. Clitoral stimulation comes in super handy here! If you can work it, maybe even eat her out. It gives her something else to focus on. If she cums hard, don’t remove the fingers!! You’ll lose some of the stretch. Let her relax a little after she cums to keep playing with her, otherwise her muscles might be too tense. If my boyfriend keeps fingering me after I cum, it’s really uncomfortable because I need to relax my muscles again. Three fingers is the easiest part for me, because at that point I am very eager to get him inside me, and for sure I’m relaxed enough. The key for actual penetration is the position. I always, ALWAYS recommend her on top for the first entry. It gives her complete control. Do not force her down on you, let her take her time, reassure her it’s okay. She might need a couple of minutes upon entry – if she’s just sitting there, or laying on your chest, do not take that as an invitation to start moving. She will move when she’s ready. Take it nice and slow! Anal is not supposed to be done 20 minutes before work, lol. My boyfriend and I just tried doggy style anal – and it was the worst anal experience I’ve had. It was still hot and awesome, a good time all around, but easily it takes the bottom spot for “let’s try that again.” It’s just not comfortable for me at all. I had always wanted to try it, but now I see exactly why it’s not recommended. Maybe I just couldn’t relax enough, or the angle was off. When I’m on top, I could go for hours. It is just simply the best. Last of all, please just talk to your wife. Try all the suggestions you’ve been given. Make sure to check in with her. If two fingers is totally fine for her, but three fingers is difficult, she might need more time, or more stimulation. If she has difficulty with anal when she’s on top, try it when you guys are on your sides and spooning. The key is just making sure she’s comfortable and wanting. Not just willing, but wanting.

  29. Does he masturbate often? Maybe he isn’t giving enough time to recover. Maybe hold off, get him real excited and see what happens. Does he get fully hard during sex?

  30. If you do it, be specific about what acts are inbound and not ahead of time. If they have no-go things. Get an understanding if this is a cuckold (humiliation) kink or hotwife (sharing) kink. Bascially it sounds like they are very experienced, know what they want and you aren't the first young guy they've invited in. So I would expect they can communicate pretty easily.

  31. LEAVE HIM. He did that without consent after you made it VERY clear that isn’t something you were interested in. He assaulted you. He doesn’t respect you or your boundaries and isn’t a good partner.

  32. Learn to live with it, for the most part. Unless she wants to be something she currently isn’t, you’re not going to significantly change her. But if she is everything else you otherwise want, that’s a choice you’ll have to make, one way or the other.

  33. There were a couple of times (this doesn’t happen anymore) when he actually continued after I said no multiple times. He would not use force or anything buy would just ignore what I said. I don't know what you call “force,” but that's rape. I just want him to stop doing the exact thing that makes me not want sex. You have to tell him that. If he doesn't get it, tell him goodbye. You deserve better than this.

  34. for sure, and i’d be 100% open to helping but he never told me anything about his ex and never wanted to talk about it + he snooped on me and got the wrong info and still accused me. also it was getting a bit too intense, i was afraid he would hit me so i had to make him leave immediately 😰

  35. Does a label matter to you that much? It's not like a set of car keys that you need to progress on your journey. You don't need to stress about this, yes I know telling people not to stress rarely works, just move forward with your life engaging with those you feel attracted to. One day you'll basically go oh so I'm [Insert reliant label here] and realise that it wasn't that big of a deal after all. That day may be a ways off though. In my case, demisexual, it was almost forty years. The revelation was basically a “Oh, ok so that's it.” moment that was little more to me than learning the meaning of any other word. The only way you'll no for sure is to live your life. So just be you and the answer will appear.

  36. A little yeah, but intimacy dosen’t like consume him. Meaning sometimes like everyone he gets horny, but as mentioned he’s just a career focused individual. If life is t’s not going how he wants he could care less about sex. Sometimes he tells me what he wants and likes, but not often it does feel tabo at times. after reading comments here I’m thinking I may have to put in more effort then I’d like.


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