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16 thoughts on “AlisiaParrilnaked live sex chat

  1. Welcome to being old. Half the time these days I pull a pec while jizzinating and have no idea why

  2. Sexting your ex is not cheating? Are you kidding me? Just because something physical isn't happening doesn't mean it doesn't still count as cheating. Your partner should be the only person you have any kind of intimacy with. You most definitely are a cheating scumbag.

  3. This is not a forum for you to fap too and write out your fetish/ sexualize a woman trying to live her life. Leave her alone.

  4. Use dental dams. They're basically thin sheets of silicone that you hold over the area, and can protect it like a condom, but cover a wider space

  5. Experimenting (with your partner) when it's new is most of the fun. The worst thing you can do is go in with expectations.

  6. Tell him you'd like him to be more passionate. In both your post and this comment i read you want more sex mostly because you want to feel his passion, i think it's easier for him to become more passionate (if he knows that's what you want) then to initiate more sex (if he doesn't really know why you want that). I hope this makes sense.

  7. I have similar comments to most other people Its not kink shaming to have limits. Kink shaming would be something like “pegging is gross, and you're a bad person for wanting to it” health limits looks something like “I respect that you are into pegging, but that is something I am not comfortable with” Your notions of women being submissive, and men being dominant is completely rooted in social norms. It has no innate truth. You are welcome to be okay with being more dominant, and wanting a more submissive partner, but we are treading the line of sexism here. Might be an interesting idea to reflect/read on the subject Your yin and yang idea simply isn't true. Most couples probably roll roughly neutral, but there are definitely people who switch roles up, and submissive submissive, and dominant dominant couples. Good relationships are about communication. Your ideas that “bisexual women are into that” again borders on sexism. There is no reason to believe any demographic has specific sexual characteristics. Just be open and communicative Where you need to go: You need to sit down and have a conversation with her. You could have her read this post. You could read it aloud, or you can share it in different words. But if you're not immediately ending the relationship it needs to be more than “idk”. You need to be able to share with her You then need to ask her. Is pegging a deal breaker? Its okay if it is, and it is okay if it isn't, but this seems to be a thing that could be a sexual incompatibility. It sounds like anal for you is a hard limit (which again is not kink shaming), but you need to express it as a hard limit, and let her process the information and decide where to go with it.

  8. Let's face it, truth here. I also live in a smaller body that didn't get me much attention. OP has been getting sh*tty messages her whole life about her size, either explicitly or otherwise. That trauma is hard to undo.

  9. Your post has been automatically removed because it appears to lack a descriptive title. Please resubmit the post with a title which better reflects its content. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  10. My wife and I have been trying an app called Spicer to gague new sexual interests. I dared her to jerk off my hand like she was masturbating my penis during a theater show. Before we left for the show, we had a quick make-out session on the bed: tons of belly kisses and breast stroking. She told me to imagine that she was giving me a blowjob tonight instead of jerking me off. As the show proceeded she did exactly as told…. several different times. Unbeknownst to her, I had plugged myself for the evening and it was hitting my prostate just right. She performed several stroking types with her hand, and couple of times I shoved my finger further into her hand like I was forcing myself down her throat. New achievement unlocked: at intermission I go to the restroom and noticed that I was so turned on by her gestures that I’ve precummed through my boxers and got my pants wet.

  11. I'm so sorry this happened to you. Other commenters are saying your boyfriend raped you but I don't think we can know if that is true. If you did indeed give consent and were the one who asked to have sex, it would be unfair to claim that he did. Drugs and alcohol are a huge problem in the realm of consent as you'll never know what really happened. It sounds like a really immature mistake to me from both sides. Take some space from your boyfriend and do whatever processing you need to do to feel better. This doesn't define you or your value as a person.

  12. “Hello my fellow women, let’s point the fingers back at ourselves for a second. Can’t complain about toxic behavior from men without the whataboutism!”


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