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AmandaHelennaked live sex chat

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72 thoughts on “AmandaHelennaked live sex chat

  1. First, nothing wrong with wanting to get pussy. I was gonna rip OP a new one for being a douche, but this is more productive. I’ll bet that there is someone for anyone out there. Definitely be completely upfront about everything. You’re never ever ever ever going to get a date with regular pics up and oh by the way, those are before the car wreck follow ups. Also, as mentioned, most women aren’t really looking for hook ups as compared to guys. You’re going to have to become realistic about what it is you are trying to accomplish here. You my friend are looking for a unicorn! Someone willing to see you for who you are as a person with serious physical limitations. It doesn’t make someone an asshole if they reject you. You can’t help preference. If your penis is functional, that would be a plus I’d wager, but more down the road after you have already made a connection. I can’t help but read a little bit of past trust issues in your tone. You’re going to have to try again if that is the case. Good luck brother.

  2. There are simply too many people walking this earth for there not to be some percentage of the population who either due to ignorance, vanity or porn-brained expectations care about how a girls vagina looks.

  3. I’ve never seen someone so worried about the consequences of sleeping with a hooker lol you smelt it, you felt, and now you must dealt it. Update us tho. I am intrigued

  4. Along with when we first met asking me if people think I’m gay and if I get my eyebrows done. I take care of my nails and my facial hair. But I dont see why if someone had long fingernails that you wouldn’t just let them cut them and go on. At least she did that. If they have long fingernails does that mean they have a STD or something wrong with them? Sounds a bit judgmental. I’ve had sex with girls with the same length my fingernails were and never any problems. I’ve hooked up with probably over 20 girls in the past 2 years. Not one of them has had a problem.

  5. THIS was a heart medicine and also affect your birth control but the stress relief from the sex is probably contributing.

  6. You mention flexing hard to show muscle definition, if that's something you want to focus on, or that she's initiated she likes, then let's pump you up. Your muscles will be naturally swollen after a work out so grab some hand weights. Lay on the floor and do 15 seconds of flutter kicks and rip up those lower abs

  7. Not sure how to help with gender, but it does sound like asexual. Of course, no one can define you for you. Asexual is a blanket term that just means a distinct lack of sexual attraction. It's a whole spectrum, ranging from sex-favorable (people who would actively want sex) to sex-repulsed (people who want nothing to do with sex). I would recommend checking out more LGBTQIA+ subreddits and asking around there. I understand the appeal in a lack of labels, but labels oftentimes allow us easier access to a like-minded community who understands our experiences better than the general public. Good luck on your search!

  8. You have no idea what I know and don’t know…you have no idea what my partners have been like. Or what I will do for them.

  9. Anytime my wife takes my entire dick down her throat. Even better when she reaches around to grab my ass or thighs and pull me in deeper to where my crotch is pressed against her face. When she begs for my cum, says please and thank you, all that. One time she ate my ass while I jerked off. Never gonna forget that. Hopefully it happens again.

  10. Yeah it's a really long shot. Why would anyone want you to watch? Highly doubtful. Your best bet is just to do a private room at a place like Chaturbate

  11. It sounds like he only wants to use you to have sex with a virgin. I’ve never met a guy that “got us a place” just to have sex. Screams two things to me: 1) ASSHOLE 2) potential to be human trafficked.

  12. It's 100x easier to extricate yourself from someone else's place than to convince someone who doesn't want to leave that they must leave your place. Had one scary thing happen and never again.

  13. Truth! I lived with a woman for 10 years. We were very active and the entire exterior wall was glass blocked. Her [and my] favorite shower activity was to suck my off. We were great with this for a few years until someone from the apartment building across from our house casually mentioned to me while we were walking our dogs that he and his wife enjoyed the morning entertainment. Blush. Not Blush.

  14. It could have been that they had no chemistry, she was initially looking for a relationship but after going on a date with someone who’s right there thought why not also have sex. The guy was looking for a simple hookup, she wasn’t at first but then thought why not. Since that’s exactly what he wanted I don’t see any way it’s “abuse.” Sometimes people just change their minds.

  15. My first two experiences with anal sex (each a different woman) were both initiated by them. And I later came to realize I missed vague hints from yet another. Later on after that, I slowly warmed up initiated it with another woman and it blew her mind. She loved it. But she was somewhat embarrassed to express her desire for it whenever we had sex. I just sort of came to know that's where she wanted it to go for a finale. She made it incredibly intimate and erotic. So, yeah. For some it feels amazing.

  16. Since you’re not primarily seeking advice here, please consider posting this in one of r/sex's Daily Sexual Achievement Threads. It would fit really well there. But as Posting Guideline #3 indicates, achievement/appreciation posts like this one get removed from the main forum.

  17. Since you’re not primarily seeking advice here, please consider posting this in one of r/sex's Daily Sexual Achievement Threads. It would fit really well there. But as Posting Guideline #3 indicates, achievement/appreciation posts like this one get removed from the main forum.

  18. Huh ? it's the porn actresses who do way better prep than the folks at home … they don't do ATM without extensive prep… you think they just stick it in like that without … o.O

  19. Sounds like this guy has intimacy issues and just wants to fuck. Sometimes the sound of kissing makes me angry like I wanna punch someone in the face, maybe i have issues too lol.

  20. You're probably right. I came of age with the internet, so my early forays into internet porn at ~12 was waiting 30 minutes for a Playboy jpeg to download. The tube sites were in their nascency a few years before I began to have sex regularly. So my impression of sex was influenced slightly by wholesale porn consumption, but nowhere near as much as my friends who are just a few years younger. Those friends (at least the ones I talked to about sex) were much more likely to incorporate aspects of BDSM into their sex lives, even with short-term partners, but were sometimes freaked out by the more romantic aspects. It seemed like part of their sexual maturation involved recognizing what they actually liked in bed, rather than what they thought they were supposed to like.

  21. Ya don’t! Unless you’re living at home and the shower is the only place that you can, just don’t. Showers are great for intimacy, foreplay, and well, gettin your bits nice and fresh for the bedroom. I always thought shower sex was my fantasy when I was a virgin 😂 the real thing is just awful. You learn real quick that water actual makes things drier and that slipping in the tub can actually kill you lol. It’s definitely great for washing/feeling each other up, hand stuff, and maybe oral if you have a softbath mat for the givers knees and make sure the water isn’t hitting them in the face. My best bathroom sexy time was actually a bubble bath on shrooms, just talking and basically sitting across each other, knees up, genitals almost touching lol sounds awkward but was very romantic.

  22. It's a good thing that you are concerned about sexually transmitted infections! You can also look at pictures of some diseases/infections online to get an idea of what that could look like. But keep in mind that for example chlamydia oftentimes does not show any symptoms. You could also ask her if she got tested recently. In some countries you get free chlamydia-tests once a year. It's your decision whether you want to trust her about what she tells you or not. If you don't want to perform oral on her then maybe tell her beforehand. There is a huge gap when it comes to recieving oral in men and women on hookups. Many inexperienced men do not want to go down on a woman because it's “dirty” or some other bullshit. Just make sure to return the pleasure in other ways so that it doesn't come across as some excuse to only recieve pleasure. And don't be mad if she deciedes to not give you a blowjob if you don't want to return the favor the same way.

  23. Here come all the hall monitors crying “rape” and “sexual assault” even though they are married and he has given prior consent. Good on you, have fun.

  24. no-one is going to match up 100% right? I'm not into anything extreme, just mixing it up a little bit to keep it interesting but because he just enjoys the most basic thing and that seems to be it. Well every couple compromises a little bit, but you still need it to be satisfying. At 10 times you've already seen what he wants and that is the minimum, you've seen his peak and know it's nowhere near what makes you satisfied. Being a couple you need to share interest in things, sex being a very important thing. The couples that sacrifice this much are the ones with an unhappy partner that gave up sex decades ago. finally explore this part of my life and I've ended up with someone who is content with the minimum. in retrospect be so trivial It's not trivial. Sex is a very important love language for you, not as important for him. Love languages is a good way to break down a persons priorities for how you express/receive love. Unless you find “other ways” by yourself I don't think this relationship will be sexually satisfying. His libido might even go lower after the new relationship energy goes away. For instance my relationship is HL/LL. My partner doesn't want sex very often and that is frustrating for me but it does blow her mind when we do have sex. The sex is still good, just not very often. I think your situation sounds much worse, that you will never be the mind-blowing partner for him. A big part of sex is feeling like you are the porn star for your partner, that they crave you and have all the orgasmic emotions because of you. He does enjoy it but really only wants vanilla and doesn't even have a high emotional range for it. The big question for all of us is “how much compromise can I handle?”. Only you can know if this relationship is worth stopping your exploration into sex. He might keep trying things but hard to judge if it will ever be mind blowing for him.

  25. Yeah I agree with you. Thanks its useful to know about you and your wife, I don't feel like I'm going crazy for thinking compromise is needed to some degree. I guess it's something I'll have to talk to him about at some point, about me not being fully satisfied, and see how he feels about how we figure it out. He tells me he has a high libido but it seems he says that just because he likes sex generally, I think he doesn't realise it usually means for a lot of people they want it more often.

  26. The only advice that seems prudent in this case is for you to clearly communicate the issue to your boyfriend and give a minimum requirement-based ultimatum that you'll have to see through 🤔

  27. Baby oil is generally not recommended as a “lube” because it's mostly mineral oil, meaning a petroleum product. If you're not suffering any adverse reactions to it, then go for it, but be aware.

  28. Listen, you two don’t view sex in priorities. Plus when you get to your 30’s, especially since this guy is almost 40, that means he won’t settle for something that matter and cut ties easily when they realize it’s not compatible long term. Op, try finding someone who views sex in the same capacity for a priority and then Sex won’t be an issue in the relationship.

  29. Have her on her knees and hands/forearms with her ass up and back arched as much as possible. I find entering at a downward angle not only allows for more depth, but also stimulates her g-spot.

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  31. I wouldn’t marry someone unless I was attracted to them. also I may be open to doing things before marriage but I just want to ensure it’s real love and commitment. I’m not made for the hookup life and can’t tolerate any physical relationship without getting my heart broken (including kissing)

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  33. It’s pretty simple. If he’s need are xyz and ur unable to meet them leave. Don’t pressure a man to be monogamous and then not give him enough sex.

  34. Couples therapy. It sounds like you and she have a lot happening, and aren’t having the best communication with each other to express where you are and your expectations Have you tried non latex condoms for her to see if that helps? You can’t solve her “puzzle” without her full cooperation and eager participation. If you’re trying to, that’s part of the problem. And… As someone with multiple chronic illnesses (including EDS which is often initially misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia) shit fucking HURTS. Literally trying to exist is exhausting, and there are a lot of times I want to do absolutely nothing except rest because my body constantly fighting itself takes everything I have some days. Sometimes sex is great. Sometimes I just need comfort and compassion and love and someone to eagerly help me through my poor mental health from poor physical health

  35. Open up the conversation casually during a non-sexual time like over coffee or something. The earlier in the day you bring it up the higher your overall chance of success if it’s something he’s into because he’s going to be thinking about it from then on

  36. Please – elucidate. Regale me with your linguistic sophistry. Delineate my poltroonery so that I may benefit from your eloquence.

  37. u really want to be with someone like that, right off the bat? A bf would be considerate and help you through it not force you through it.

  38. There’s no way my wife or I could survive in a marriage without sex that long. We need that connection with each other. Not showering is a huge deal. I’m sorry you’re feeling so stuck. What keeps you staying with him if you’re so deprived and miserable?

  39. Female here. Sex for me is not only about love. Most of it has been lust and then sometimes followed by regret 😅

  40. I'm a male, and this is my opinion on this: “Men have very little room to complain about [speaking to hygiene, of course] and zero right to exert control over a woman's body [aside from certain relationships in which that is agreed upon]. Age affects everyone, and our bodies are far less resilient to time than our minds and souls. If someone we love and care about is making callous remarks about our bodies, it is time for education, communication and comprehension, and cohesion, or it is time for relocation. If someone cannot love us beyond our bodies, then they do not love us. They do not deserve to love us for our minds and souls; that is the essence of self-respect.” I hope that helps. Best of luck to you.

  41. But he's already communicated to it to her and she's already communicated her side. Anything pushing is trying to force. Let her come to you if she is uncomfortable. It is not an unhealthy relationship just because it is a bit different. 99 percent of people can be wrong about what 1 percent want. Normal is not better. Sounds like you are a problem causer and like to fight…

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  43. I already told him I didn’t like that stuff. It’s not cool to spring that stuff on someone in the middle of sex after they have told you no. He’s a man and he’s bigger than me. I think I just said whatever in the moment because I was in shock and scared. It’s still not ok what he did. Your delusional if you don’t think he’s a bad guy. This is the second time he’s done this.

  44. This. I know I’m in trouble when we’re in missionary and she starts grabbing my ass to pull me deeper into her and bucking her hips around in a figure of 8.

  45. Thank you for this. I can relate as well, since it has been my experience that women also anticipate/expect sex very early on into dating. I know everyone isn't this way, of course, but I have rarely encountered them.


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