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Live video chat room AmberrMoon

AmberrMoonnaked live sex chat

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10 thoughts on “AmberrMoonnaked live sex chat

  1. if nothing enters the urethra, where does the bacterial infection come from? lol. if you can get a UTI from wearing dirty underwear/sanitary pads or wiping back-to-front, you can most definitely get one from a dick that’s rubbing right up against it (especially after hanging out anywhere remotely in the vicinity of your asscrack). regardless of whether SOME doctors debate it, it’s still common practice and doesn’t hurt. every specialist i’ve ever seen has advised to do it, so personally, i’ll continue to do so.

  2. I’m down for trying anything you posted except the word “seed.” If my wife ever said, “Give me your seed!” I’d say, “What are you? The Bible? Just say cum.”

  3. A conversation with her, about exactly that. Unilaterally deciding this, without her input, is exactly what an asshole does.


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