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22 thoughts on “AnastaciaApricotnaked live sex chat

  1. Don't try to supress it. Accept it as a part of you. Its just another thing that you need to learn to co-exist with. I'm an 18yr old virgin so my hormones are pretty unstable, I tell myself, there is nothing I can do about them but what I can do is listen to those cravings and pay no heed to them

  2. Respectfully but your idea that “he might be gay” is profoundly off-base. Being straight doesn't mean “liking vagina.” Being straight means “liking women.” Him liking anal sex isn't the same thing as wanting to fuck men. But anyway… It sounds like he has a pretty rigid set of sexual preferences that are not in line with yours. That's unfortunate but it's also ok. One of the things we all discover by being in relationships with people is realizing that how compatible we are with them in all realms: our interests, our values, what we want for our futures, and also: do we want the same things sexually? It's ok to discover that you're not on the same page. That's part of the point of getting into relationships to begin with. The real question is whether or not you want to stay with someone with whom you have such different sexual preferences.

  3. Not every woman likes her nipples played with. Some don’t feel much at all from it and some love getting their nipples touched constantly. Don’t assume they like it and communicate with her to avoid it being awkward.

  4. You might want to check out r/vaginismus as it could be that. Most women there describe it like “hitting a wall” rather than simply too small but that could be the issue

  5. As long as it's 10 year old calluses on each of your hands…. and all over your face…. that you can't stop thinking of….😎

  6. People have different libidos. I’ve done it my whole sexually awakened life and it was pre-porn (I was a 90s kid, so didn’t have easy internet porn like today). It’s just the way your mind works. The only thing that would make you a bad person is you externalize that and treat women as sexy objects instead of people. You can always have a desire to do nasty things to a hot girl but at the same time respect her as a coworker, subject matter expert, etc.

  7. That’s why I was thinking maybe I was cumming cause my legs would shake and everything I just thought it was different from a clit orgasm

  8. I work as an oncology nurse and unfortunately see many patients diagnosed with cancer due to HPV. If you are eligible for the vaccine I advocate that you received it. Some arm pain from the vaccine is worth not having anal, penile, cervical, or head and neck cancer.

  9. Well I think the guy you responded to thinks it's fake since he's got some incel ideologies. BUT this account in brand new, spewed this story everywhere, and posted a nude they got off Google to some porn subreddits claiming it's them. It's a fake story unfortunately

  10. It'll get better. Nobody starts out a sex god at first! Give it time and practice, practice, practice!


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