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Make me feel new things with you , ❤ Goal: Sexy and naked dance [154 tokens remaining]

186 thoughts on “ANTONELLAJONES77naked live sex chat

  1. Once you open pandoras box its impossible to close not saying i wouldn't but its a consideration that must be considered

  2. Meet new people or get a new girlfriend so you can create new memories. The new memories and experiences will help the old memories fade.

  3. I agree, I think handjobs are great! Especially if combined with other things. I love making out while getting a handjob or having my ass fingered during it!

  4. Yoo I do this with my BF and reading this now I feel sorry. In my mind I only like wanna do playful flirts with him and he gets hard too and would touch my V and wants to fngr it and I would say no and then he would stop and I would tease him again but it's not my intention to like hurt his feeling or what. Idk if your GF is same as me but genuinely in my mind I only want playful flirts/tease and not full sex. Get it? No? Me too.

  5. Maybe spend 2023 practicing the art of letting things go. No offense, but it's just a sex toy. Who cares if she uses it on herself or with another person?

  6. I'd like my girl to be on top more often, but she just doesn't know how to move her body lol I try guiding her hips with my hands, but after 10 second she'll start moving randomly and everything just goes out of rhythm Also, by doing this, half the times it slips out and almost bends cause she puts weight on in while in the wrong position, so that hurts like hell

  7. Just in case he's not just fucking around with you, I'd keep any hint of stalking/”second page of google results research” to yourself even if it's your friends trying to keep you out of harm's way. I don't particularly care about people using the internet for what it was built for (in fact I encourage it) but some thinner-skinned individuals can be particular about their privacy and can view that as a breach of trust. I would just wait for the subject of his age to come up naturally. If he wants something serious he'll just eventually tell you or let it slip during a conversation when you're around and you can pick up the ball and roast/grill him as much as you think is necessary at that point.

  8. This post breaks Rules 5 and 8 and has been removed. Posts should not be rants and should seek specific, actionable advice about your personal sex life.

  9. I tried finding any other size but couldn't find any, they are all 19 cms if I remember correctly, I was worried I may run into issues because 19 cms is also my size, But it worked when I tried (Leaves a bit of skin not covered and it breaks if I force it). I was reading on it, turns out thats an issue here. Inflexible condom size leads to increased failure in both small and bigger sizes.

  10. If your both having insecurities about appearance, maybe join a gym or some outdoor activity that you can do together? On the sex front, you have to find a way to openly communicate your wants and desires “together”. You may have a higher labido than her and that can be challenging. Been married over 25 years and I'm still trying to figure out my wife's desires. I did get turned down a lot “having kids adds a whole new dynamic to sex”. Even though kids are now in college, it's difficult as I've always had a higher libido than my wife. We've had many discussions over the years. She just is not in to initiating. So we have agreed on at least once a week a few years ago, so It's expected I will be determined to connect once a week. However mutual respect still has to play a major role. If my wife's not feeling well or is tired, we might wait a day or skip a week. My goal is not to get just a but. I genuinely love my wife and enjoy making love. So, I always try to please her first. That means I put in a lot of effort. If I didn't. We would most likely be in a sexless marriage. Some women still very much enjoy sex, but their upbringing never discussed sex or self pleasure and it can have long-lasting repercussions For my situation, wife enjoys sex, its just a challenge to get her in the mood! Good luck.

  11. If you enjoying places like clubs etc. you can try to hook up with women in such places, from what i heard from my gf it is kind of casual for girls to have a couple of kisses with each other, unless they are extremely straight of course.

  12. Fuck first eat/dance/celebrate later. What she did isn't cool. How about spicing up the sex without anal aex/play? Have you tried a butt plug on yourself? Maybe you'd understand why she changed her mind. Don't get me wrong, I like butt play but not after Christmas dinner. And it's not something I can just do. I need to be relaxed and not dead tired and full of food. There's has to be foreplay and teasing throughout the day. You'll probably roll over and fall asleep after but she'll be awake with a sensitive butthole. You two need to have a serious talk.

  13. I've taken a LONG time to cum all my life – including when I was a teen and before it was easy to access porn on the internet. I don't think I've EVER cum in less than 5 minutes – no matter what I'm doing sexually. It isn't that he isn't sexually attracted to you. Just be with him and kiss him and touch him all over as he finishes himself, talk dirty to him as you do so IF he likes that, and make him feel good about himself. Don't make it about yourself and make him feel bad that he takes a long time because you are worried he isn't attracted to you, or he will have an even harder time in the future. Let him know it is OK to stop and rest for a while, and you two can come back to let him finish later.

  14. I really appreciate the time you took to write this up. All your points are super logical with the right amount of emotion ad it definitely helps me understand healthy ways to approach this together.

  15. Never a negative. There is something innocent and pure about being a virgin. Don't loose it just to fit in, but rather do it when your body and mind is fully ready. Don't let age or social pressure force you.

  16. No that's all fantasy. Dicks don't twitch just at the sight of an attractive woman, on the off chance that something in public makes me a get boner I, like most guys, am good at discreetly adjusting myself so it's not obvious to others. Those things depend on having the intent to fuck in public, without the purposeful intent to do so most guys won't just get hard that easily

  17. I’ve been with my current gf for 6 months now and I’ve only been able to cum twice so far, it’s in no way her but I’m working on it. Lol I feel bad because she can cum like crazy and I’m over here like 😔

  18. It's not you. Coming isn't easy for some guys. If he weren't into you but still went through all this he has deeper problems than not being able to come.

  19. Have you tried working out why? (Granted there may be no reason but worth thinking about). Common ones I’ve personally experienced… – depression – stress – medications – burn out at work – wacky shift patterns – lots of back to back physical illness (flu, colds etc) – didn’t feel sexy (gained weight, wasn’t hitting the gym as much etc) – he wasn’t putting the effort to make me feel wanted

  20. I'm gonna look to put myself out there more and have as much fun as I can, in usually pretty introverted but I'm gonna change that

  21. You have to push it into some of the fascia under the muscle (if they’re done well, you can have them put in over the muscle and that what those big round porn star boobs are). But really you shouldn’t have to do much cutting and the fascia you do cut or tear can heal itself. None of the milk ducts, lymph, vascular of the breast goes past the muscle so you aren’t dealing with any of that when you do implants. Especially since normally they go in from under the breast itself. Though they do sometimes move the nipple, but even that is pretty minor.

  22. the first time my boyfriend & i ever had sex (both virgins), he came within 6 strokes… since then has been longer so dont be afraid if your first is like that. also, dont fall in to death grip syndrome bc (although i doubt this would occur until maybe later in the relationship) it would be very disappointing if you didnt come at all lol. dont try any sort products until you know its a problem (after you have sex with her a few times)

  23. First if all, I'm very sorry the abuse happened to you and now you are having this problem. Second, you are so brave to tell your story, even anonymously. Thank you for that. ❤️ It sounds to me like the bodily reactions are related to the trauma from the abuse. I highly recommend you see a therapist who specializes in recovery from trauma from sexual abuse. You've come a long way, but you deserve so much more and you don't have to do this alone. You have sexual, physical, emotional, and perhaps spiritual healing to do. It's a lot. A qualified therapist is your best bet. Take care🙂

  24. I'm guessing he wouldn't be turned on if I tried doing the same thing for him. But… I will bluntly ask him to share all of his kinks and desires with me.

  25. Oooof! You should see my face now! I had to take a moment, you genuinely got me speechless. You sir have won the internet today. We might as well shut it down for the rest of the day.

  26. Yeah realized pretty quick even thinking ID was a little overboard. It’s just my first time meeting almost strictly for sex and I’m waaaaay overthinking it 🤣

  27. More info: how often does he actually shower? Maybe he is showering relatively regularly but was never taught how to wash his dick properly My answer regardless… it’s not your responsibility to teach a grown man how to keep himself clean. Tell him frankly that he needs to wash his dick before you will fuck him, simple as that. Don’t let it slide and be firm every single time if you know he hasn’t showered. No shower = no sex. He’ll get it eventually

  28. My wife definitely did not like it and we tried a few times and with a few different sizes. First time she HATED and the second time we tried it with a LOT of lube. Even then, she preferred it without it. The ones we used were kinda squishy, so maybe it would have been different with a harder one.

  29. Whatever happens, there it is! This is life. This is who we are. I understand your desire to be alpha, powerful, correct and admirable. That's the big trap of our time: to demand, require and deliver at all costs. BUT YOU CANNOT BE HUMAN if you're not alive and in the moment. Intimacy is about being yourself, whoever that may be. The scrawny boy who blows his load… the man who trembles when he's hugged… the girl who despairs after sex… the woman who cries at the single touch of true love. We are who are. We try to be our best selves, and we get closer to that person when we are most alive: when we are paying attention, not divided by thoughts, and considering the other is what is probably THE most sacred moment in a human life.

  30. I'm missing something to. She literally said to him that she wanted to have sex. That's not taking advantage, that's consent. Because he's her good friend, he probably was able to read the situation with more nuance. Alternatively, Dante said he read tired lol. Either way, sounds like a great experience.

  31. I'm like you and i get extremely wet when im turned on. Never had any complaints and ive often been complimented on it. I wouldn't worry its actually a turn on for alot of men out there.

  32. Other methods are developing but for now yes, condoms are definitely the safest option. I'm pretty sure anyone can find the right size, there are bigger size if it's too tight. I can somewhat understand why they don't want a vasectomy but some really should.

  33. My husband bought us the Lovense Ferri. The only problem we've had with it is the signal dropping occasionally. It's a little loud, so depending on the clothing worn over it, it might not be the best option for really quite environments.

  34. I think it could be multiple possibilities : It's a legitimate problem that he has issues reaching orgasm. This could be due to his masturbation habits or even anxiety around sex. He's getting turned off mid-sex. Usually a sex partner wants to feel wanted, physically and even emotionally sometimes.

  35. It seems like there is a lack of communication here. Not everyone likes A or B, but a relationship is “give and take”, so I'm quite sure you can figure this out. Another aspect – it takes some time before you are truly “into each other”, and I would not ditch this partner before having a meaningful conversation about this. Might be she has some issues you are not aware of or something in that manner, but talk it out and see if you can resolve this and both be happy. If not I guess you are not compatible and should probably digest this and move one. Anyhow – best of luck..!!

  36. And some just won’t have vaginal orgasms, no matter what. That’s okay, just get creative. A good experience for everyone is more important than ticking a box that you think needs to be ticked.

  37. yeah, most women i know talk about how they've only had “around 8-9” inchers, when that's statistically impossible. most guys lie, & most girls don't know any better. they've obviously been with mostly 5-6 inches bc that's what the majority of men are gonna be. but most guys, & i've experienced this myself, are gonna say they're “about eight” when they are barely a correctly measured 6. so stop listening to what ppl say about it & either accept yours or call it “about seventeen cm” like any other guy. unless you're really a correctly measured 4 inches just convincing yourself you're a 5, then say about six. men do the very same thing with their height. i'm an athlete & know very well i am exactly 183cm tall. yet when i was dating, so many guys who were “about six-three” would show up significantly shorter than me. they would always deny being shorter than 6ft & call me the liar saying i've gotta be atleast “six-four”. it's all bs that i find over & over with guys & it just is what it is. it's possible it's a bit different now in the older range of men, but back in my early dating twenties it was almost all men i encountered who were like this.

  38. I think this boils down what most relationships require pretty well. Ultimately you're looking for someone that treats you with respect and is concerned about your wants and needs. You can't go without either one.

  39. You're totally right, I don't know it for sure, but I'd bet money on it. And I do understand the fantasy aspect of porn. But it hurts that he seems to only ever search out this specific body type with assets I am lacking. I guess I can see what you mean about porn preferences he developed. I try to reassure myself that porn is separate from reality in that way, but I don't know if I really believe it.

  40. It’s gonna get real messy. IMO find a trustworthy, sex positive man with no strings attached you can experiment with who won’t get upset if you only try once

  41. No, they don’t. And you can get every single STD in your mouth that you can get in your vagina. So I’d be pissed if a hookup came in my mouth without clearing it first.

  42. I was peri… I think I was at my wits end. I was sad (for no reason), weight gain, no energy, just overall ‘blah’. No sex drive and I always had one. So I opened up to my gynecologist. (Joke intended) And she said, “Let’s check your hormones,”

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  44. I think it’s normal that you felt comfortable. But ask yourself this … are you willing to settle for someone who cheated on you. Just cuz it’s uncomfy to move on? I know it’s easy and comfortable to go back to him. But if he disrespected you by sleeping with someone else. That means he didn’t respect you the way you did him. And you deserve better Don’t beat yourself up for rekindling things and sleeping with him. But girl. I don’t know you. And I know know knowwwww you can do better than someone who would cheat on you and then still feel okay with themselves to sleep with you and rekindle things with you after Sometimes the most uncomfortable and scary things are what push us to grow. It will suck being alone. It will suck having to open up to other potential partners. And it will take time to find someone else ur sexually compatible with But your self worth and your healing. Is so so so worth it 🧡🥰

  45. That is correct for menopause. However there is such a thing as premature menopause and can happen in your 20s sadly it is a thing. see this link Working is a adult toy shop most 35-40 yrs would ask me about lack of lubrication and was basing the drop in lubrication from that and how some can experience in premature menopause. Fun facts 😉

  46. It's entirely up to you whether it's a big deal or not and it's totally reasonable to end it for such a reason. I imagine most guys would end it with a girl if she said she doesn't suck dick..

  47. Idk how to explain it, but I found either stopping stimulation or tensing my stomach muscles and focusing on something else helps me not orgasm?

  48. Your post has been automatically removed because it appears to be asking if some aspect of someone else's or your own sexuality or body is normal or not. We get a lot of questions here that are about really basic stuff that ought to be taught in schools but that unfortunately isn't. Variance is the norm in human sexuality. It's more meaningful to ask questions like: is this safe? Is this consensual? Is this mutually pleasurable? There are a lot of great resources for this, including scarleteen and go ask alice. You may also find relevant information with a search of /r/sex or in our FAQ. If you feel like your question is more complicated or will be a topic for thoughtful discussion, please message the moderators so that we can restore your post. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  49. I know that feeling… in my case it’s pulsing / throbbing when I speak to them, or getting a well thought text from them. You’re not crazy. Just different responses.

  50. You can still cover the sleeve with a condom I'm sure. You might need to look up the size and buy ones specifically for that. Putting on a condom and then the sleeve will probably break the sleeve at one point.

  51. Sorry I didn't know, it's my first post here. Will not mention that in the future. Just felt it was relevant, as you said the risks are higher because she is in an open relationship.

  52. Soo…he's not a 10 then, he's, at best, a 9. Bottom line, the problem seems to be your mindset – NO ONE is perfect. By thinking he is, you are exacerbating your feelings of being emotionally destroyed by finding out the flaw in his design. We ALL have them, and by holding ANYONE to an idea of perfection, you are essentially doing the female version of “putting the pussy on a pedestal”, i.e. you are not seeing him as a real person, but more an ideal that you WANT him to be – leaving him MUCH further to fall when you inevitably find out what makes him human and therefore flawed. What you are seeing now is the REAL him – he may be an amazing guy, but he's NOT perfect, and at the end of the day, you need to figure out if you can live without being eaten out. There ARE many women who are indifferent to it or who straight-up dislike it, so for them, he sounds like a VERY good match. You need to figure out if you can live with this flaw in his make-up, or if you need to find someone who enjoys, or at least will agree to, eating you out. But be advised that there will likely be something in THAT man that this one currently does much better – it's all about what you feel works better FOR YOU.

  53. …just as long as you're certain she's on board with the idea and not just aiming to use the video footage as evidence for why she broke up with you… 🤔

  54. I guess if you want to get picky he didn’t shove his cock in her mouth. He put it somewhere near her mouth (maybe hoping to cum on her tits or face depending on how ‘near’ we are talking) and then OP took the initiative and leaned in to suck the cock.

  55. Oh no worries! My comment wasn’t necessarily directed at you specifically and more a general statement. Even English first speakers will misuse certain words often. Your English is fine! 🙂

  56. Risk of getting hiv from a single act of swallowing somebody who has it is about 1 in 40,000 – and we don’t even know if the guy has it – statistically he almost certainly doesn’t have it. So really the chance of op catching hiv from this guy is vanishingly small

  57. Since you care about each other and are very compatible as long-term nesting partners, would you be able to have a conversation with her about opening up your relationship? Is that even something you're interested in? It would allow you to continue the two of you showing up and supporting each other, while also allowing you to find people that are interested in fulfilling those sexual needs and helping you feel desired sexually. That's a good question. I have thought about it, but we'd have some things to address before it could be a feasible solution. Number one is that I can't help but feel like I would be terribly offended if she got her rocks off with someone else; I would have a hard time thinking about how those years of chastity would reflect on me. And it doesn't feel fair to open a relationship only on my end. The other problem is that I'm a romantic; I want to desire my partner and be desired in return. I know that sounds silly, but it's true. So even if both of us are having healthy sexual lives apart from each other, I can't promise that it wouldn't still bother me. And then there's the logistical end. We both work from home and share a bed. So I'd be getting on a dating app to say, “Hey, I'm emotionally unavailable since I'm already attached, but if you want to host I can have sex with you.” Feels like a hard sell. So all in all I'm not saying I wouldn't open the relationship, but we have a few things to figure out before it could be a solution. Best of luck 💜 Thanks very much, I appreciate the thought you put into helping me.

  58. Ok, so common for guys to not know the combination for this. Some women are hard to get off, because most either have no idea what to actually do. Or, they've thought video was the best way to find out. So, you have a couple options. First, asked her how she gets off, and maybe direct you to how she likes it. Second, find the clit.. You might not actually be over it.. But when you do, try rolling your tongue like you're licking an ice cream cone over her clit, and then use the tip of your tongue to search around it.. As for penatration.. put her hips on a pillow, raise them about 3-6″ whatever angle she's comfortable.. While you're thrusting, take your thumb, and place it over her clit.. while you're working, you can try just placing your thumb over it first.. Then you can massage it to a comfortable point.. That might help you. Good luck in your ventures.

  59. This isn't a kink, it's a fetish. I'd suggest seeking help from a professional. It seems like it's causing you to struggle mentally and that is an issue.

  60. I'd like to say that first and foremost, sex was never something I have been worried about up until these last couple of days. Of course, I wanted it, we both did, but I have been much more worried about her health. Not only physically but mentally. Watching her go through something very stressful and painful for several weeks, during the holidays, was very upsetting for both of us. Especially since there wasn't much I could do to help other than be there for her and make sure she is comfortable. And while I genuinely do appreciate your honesty; simply saying that it doesn't affect me whatsoever is just demonstrably false. Thanks to the help of people on here not only giving me the honest truth but comforting me as well; I will be the first to admit that my feeling concerned about sex during this time was a lapse in judgment. I now have a better understanding of how to move forward.

  61. Consent is hot, asking is hot, “yes means yes” is hot; just doing it takes some trust already established (maybe he's told you that you have free use/access, or that you don't or even never have to ask).

  62. Pussy is not as hygiene as penis. U r working with internal tissues and hair. Its totally different for blowjobs. No hair and clean external tissue. Its totally ok for a man to say no.

  63. Yeah it's degradation. Some people find it exciting. I don't either. All is good as long as people aren't getting hurt haha

  64. I recommend seeing a therapist. It'll get tougher before it gets easier once you start opening up about your past

  65. 20 to 30. MAX I dumped someone for this reason (and others). He purposely dragged it out. After he made a comment, “You're the best ever at this and I'm going to make it last for hours” I noped outa there. Hee didn't ever reciprocate or even touch my 😺with his hands. We lasted one month after we got physical. He also had ED and BJ on someone who was soft more than hard (he always finished) was awful. They were lasting over an hour. Exhausting!

  66. Doesn’t sound weird. You’ve stayed over multiple times. It sounds like things got hot and heavy multiple times but he knows you don’t want to have sex yet—and he was looking for an alternative. Mutual masturbation is pretty rad. Why does it make you feel weird? That he views you sexually? Is gently exploring sexual intimacy with you? And if you can better understand what your concerns are then you can thoughtfully raise them. Or just ask what he was imagining when he bought the vibe, etc.

  67. Yeah, believe me I try that all.the.time. Occasionally it does work, but not reliably. 2 nights ago I put on cupless/ crotchless lingerie and got in bed and lubed up my hands and starting playing with his junk, and I put his hands on my breasts and asked him to play with them. He acted irritated about ~2 minutes into it and got up to put pants on because he couldn’t concentrate on me and the show at the same time. So he chose the TV. We had a date to fool around last night and he completely acted like he forgot about it. I say “acted” because he didn’t act normal, he went out of his way to avoid any touch or contact, to be busy on his phone and fully clothed on the very edge of the bed when he did come to bed, to make preemptive comments about how tired he was, etc. Interestingly if we have a date for something that’s just about him, he doesn’t just magically forget about it. But last night was supposed to be about me. I didn’t even bother pushing the matter because I had made a suggestive comment about it that morning about how I was looking forward to it, and there was an alert in our app about it- so I know he knew. His persistent lack of enthusiasm when it comes to anything for me just wasn’t something I wanted to combat… again. Not interested in literally begging. I know sometimes people just aren’t in the mood and that’s totally understandable and normal even. But it gets old constantly having to be the motor behind our sex life while societally the narrative is that men want sex all the time and women are just frigid and make them work so hard for it. It’s just laughably untrue for many couples.

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  69. This right here, I broke up with my girlfriend of 4 years and lived in the basement while I looked for a new living situation. It was many months and believe me I came very close to asking on a few occasions, especially after some drinks. And boy, not doing that was the best thing I could have done. Our sex life at the end was not good, and I'd be willing to bet it would've felt great in that spur of the moment. But would have started some issues and/or left me living in that basement even longer. My last week living in that house I went on a date with my now girlfriend of 3 years. With whom the sex is 10000000x better than it ever was with my ex. So yeah get out there man! Whatever it takes, your children will be happy if your happy.

  70. Yeah you're probably right. It's just a fairness thing because they do shave (and I love that) and I don't like the double standard just because I'm male.

  71. It speaks volumes that he didn’t pressure you to use it. Sounds like he has a very healthy view of sex/masturbation. There are SO many posts on this sub of insecure guys being jealous of their wife/GF’s sex toys. This guy doesn’t have that insecurity. Nice!

  72. YOU made her cum by purchasing and using it with her. It’s so hot when a guy wants to use toys, really shows that he wants you to be satisfied and that you care if she orgasms or not

  73. Toys are your friends Sir. Especially when you are in control of the toy is feels very different. I have my own vibrator/dildo but I hardly ever use it internally it just never felt that good. Until one day that my ex got a hold of it while we were playing around and he used it on me and it felt worlds different with him in control of it. Don't try and fight with the toy sir, instead use it as a form of edging while you fuck her. Gentle surprise passes over her clit while you have sex will make her more sensitive, and more needy plus I think it would feel pretty damn good if you bury yourself deep in her while teasing her with the vibe, you'll get to feel every throb and twitch on you and even if she does cum just fuck her though it it will definitely feel really good to watch her fall apart

  74. She likes it very rarely, and it's usually when I try and initiate sex, ya know with foreplay and stuff to start out. Cause I am not a fan of havin my peen go in dry

  75. I know there is a lot of bi hatred where cis hetero won't date bi men and gay men won't date bi men either. He might have been afraid you wouldn't accept him. Surry for excusing lying.

  76. That would depend on the relationship more than anything. In my experience, I used condoms most of the time and I could count with my hand the number of times we had sex without a condom. It's a nice experience, but some people get anxious about it.

  77. Orgasms are a bit of individualists. Two do not feel exactly the same. Which is one of the reasons that it's fun to cause them; they are always a bit of a surprise even though the general gist is kind of the same. Yes. The contractions feel good. Awesome even. Closing in on fantastic. The best way to experience them is to be allowed to be all the way in, and still. Which is a bit counterintuitive of course, because that is not how you CAUSE an orgasm.

  78. You realise just because someone watches same sex porn may not meam they're gay. What about regular porn, does she secretly think about the male pornstar while receiving oral from the bf?

  79. I was a virgin when I met my bf 2 years ago. A vibrator is the first gift he bought for me (it wasn't any occassion – he just randomly got me the vibrator as a present) – because he wanted me to explore my sexuality. And believe me when I say it's a keeper. Both the vibrator and the boyfriend!

  80. Nothing wrong with asking. The first time my bf and I had sex, we were kissing and when I realized he was hard, I asked, “can I put it in my mouth?” And he loved it. We’ve been dating a long time now and he still talks about how great it was to hear me ask that

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  82. Start by telling us what you have and what you like about them… If I was to make a blind suggestion, the Womanizer/Satisfyer line of clit sucking vibes are a huge hit with my friends. I usually give away 1 or 2 a year to people in your same circumstance.

  83. Dependant on the individual. If we stop moving, I rarely had the cervix may tap down on the penis head; with some, the vagina contracts, and it's always wetter and warmer.

  84. If I walked in on my missus watching any kind of porn, you best believe I'm asking her what turns her on about it then trying my best to simulate that. If it's lesbian porn, my face will start a new life in her lap.

  85. When I was in my early twenties, I definitely had more raw sex. It was purely out of ill preparation and being overly horny. I like to think it isn't something I'd risk in this day and age but that moment where you look at each other and decide to fuck anyway and you feel him go inside you raw is lush. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I hate myself lmao

  86. I'm wondering if there's more to it. Despite all the insecure man comments. Maybe you should try asking him and getting to the root of the issue. A room full of strangers can only offer so much in answer.

  87. Your post has been automatically removed because it appears to be about wanting some tips on new things to try. We get numerous submissions regarding this daily because it is a pretty common interest people have. However, because it is a topic that comes up so often and is well covered by our FAQ our community has asked the mod team to direct posters with these concerns to these resources instead. If you're interested in discussion on the topic, please do a search of /r/sex and read some of the many past discussions on the topic. If you feel the topic of you post is not covered by the FAQ, please message the moderators and ask that your post be restored. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  88. If you don’t like the decision, then use “Message the Mods” and another Moderator will review your post. They might approve it but they equally might ban you for it (which given your attitude, it might have been the right thing for me to do too).

  89. To be honest, a sauna is really hot and you should only be in it for short, safe periods of time. I’m not sure I’d really want to have sex in there if it was actually on and at sauna temperature. Blowjob, then sauna, is how I’d do it. But you could also sauna, take the cool shower, take a small nap, then blowjob.

  90. I think it probably varies a ton based in the woman. For a lot of women, it’s probably about confidence and finding the balance between “does this feel good” and just going to the next position. I dont think taking charge is a feature of bdsm only.

  91. OP, it is, of course, none of our business. But if there's an update, I suspect people would love to hear it. 😀

  92. When we were dating and hashing out what we did and didn't want in our sex life, my husband wanted to do anal and I didn't (was concerned about long-term health consequences), and I wanted him to spank me and he didn't enjoy it. So we've had a good married sex life, but without two things we were interested in. Oh well, not a dealbreaker. Anyway, I've recently started to get curious about the anal thing and he's recently started to be pretty okay with smacking my ass, and yesterday we played around with butt plugs for the first time. It was great! He said vaginal sex with the plug in felt different and awesome, which we didn't expect, he gave me a great stinging spanking in the process, and we stayed in bed for a couple hours having some of the most fun we've had in a while. I'm still not completely sold on full-on anal sex – I had some pelvic issues following childbirth that have resolved and don't want to push my luck – but this sort of thing was super fun for both of us. I could definitely see continuing with it and see where it goes.

  93. I find teasing licks along the shaft and eye contact to really elevate the blowjob. Teasing right under the head also is a great idea

  94. There is a difference between new sweat in a sauna (or sex), and the I have been working all day with my genitals marinating in it.

  95. Take a moment and consider his preferred style of orgasm. Is it kinda primal all out fucking before he comes? Watch him masturbate, does he beat that thing like it owes him money? Most likely, he doesn't realize how sensitive you are and how gentle he needs to be with you. He's probably just going with what he thinks will feel good for you. As for the beard, proper beard maintenance, brushing, oils, vitamins, etc, will give him a softer beard that's not so prickly. Everyone's beard is different though.

  96. I think people miss understand the terms. Yes she should was the vulva (outside) but dont force any shampoos in the vagina (inside)

  97. You're friends. It's completely appropriate to tell your friend you miss them even with those exact words. Something like “Hey I miss you and can't wait to see you again” is totally normal despite the 'benefits' to your friendship

  98. You've been together 2 years, 2 years, and you're still saving yourself for who? He's going to eventually realize that he's “not the one” after being so dedicated and patient with you. You obviously love the guy, you've been with him for longer than most relationships these days. You're wasting both of your time at this point, if you don't think he's the one and don't want to actually go all the way with him.

  99. Common misunderstanding. Asexuality and aromanticisim are two different animals. After all, having romantic feelings for someone is not the same thing as having sexual feelings for them and vice versa.

  100. I'm on so many different medications, I take it all religiously, especially the chlorpromazine, whilst the meds have helped my depression somewhat and I've found ways to cope other than hurting myself physically. Maybe this is my new self harm, I just don't know a cure for it yet

  101. no way. A woman just agreed with me. You obviously have never been around a women with really poor hygiene. It’s a very distinct smell and I’m not making it up. Like I said I grew up in a fishing family. I’ve smelled a girl whose scent was a bait bucket. Its a smell that occurs with bad hygiene and also PH issues. Very real. Not imagining it. It’s very gross as well

  102. Not shameful, we have all been there. May I ask your age so I have a better idea of the situation. I’m a 20M and all I have said has helped me. Do you have some kinks/fetishes that you are holding inside? If you do, then you will unlock a whole new world and connection if you and your partner open up to each other about them!

  103. There's no right answer for this. Same in reverse, when a girl wants me to compare her to exes. Of course I hype up whoever I'm dating, but sometimes she's like 'come on, look how pretty that ex is', and I'm thinking… what's the right answer here? Do I say no she's not pretty? She says I'm lying, obviously this girl is gorgeous, and if she's really ugly and I have no standards, what does it say about the girl I'm dating? Yet, if I admit she's pretty, it will inevitably lead to IS SHE PRETTIER THAN ME. Honestly, people should just not compare. There's no good answers. If you want to offer information like “you're better than my exes”, awesome, but people shouldn't ASK their SO that question. It won't go anywhere good. Obviously, if you're here with me now, it's because I want You and not them. Just be with your partner and stop being silly. Ugh. Sore topic I guess lol.


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