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Moaning, spanking, and good rough sex 355

110 thoughts on “ArianaPalkernaked live sex chat

  1. That literally just happened on Saturday. I gave the woman we were with permission to suck his dick while I suck his balls because he said it was so he thought it was so awesome that a woman would do that, and it made him fall more in love with me because we were doing it together pretty much. But of course, the view wasn’t the right view she sucked his dick too hard both of them made it all about me. Somehow it was enjoyable, but not the best experience we could’ve had. I’m not sure he would want to do that again.

  2. Most couples will rely on birth control and also pull out, sounds like you and your GF need to discuss your options going forward

  3. There are good men out there, and there are good men on the dating apps. One of the most important relationship lessons I learned was that I am the one who is attracting and selecting all of my partners. Any consistent pattern is unlikely to be a reflection of the overall pool of possible partners and much more likely to be a reflection of my own selection criteria. I know that’s vague, but if you want to match with a different kind of guy then you need to make real changes in how you filter and select men. If you keep applying the same filters you’ll keep getting the same results.

  4. There is no “best way”. It's either too cold or too hot. Everyone can see that your car is moving. It's hella uncomfortable, especially if one of you is tall or on a bigger side.

  5. Plenty of people get tested even when they are confident that they are clean. If you feel like you should, then go ahead. Do you NEED to? Probably not, but what's the downside? You are fast-forwarding in your head (as many people do) straight past the whole period of development where you would meet someone with whom you would feel comfortable enough that you want to be intimate with them. Your “not so perfect body” is going to be attractive to that guy who wants to be with you. By the time you are ready to join in an intimate moment with him, you will have gone through your first kiss with him, some making out presumably over a period of time before jumping into bed (just judging from they way you are talking that you won't be rushing right into sex with him)… you will have put your hands on him, and when you're feeling ready then you will probably WANT him to see your body because you will WANT the close, intimate bond that you will feel.

  6. are you only talking about penetration or oral as well and can you cum from pleasuring yourself? if so just do that before or after

  7. Condoms especially skyn ones are a very minor inconvenience in comparison to the many side effects and health risks of the BCP

  8. This is fascinating. Was this down to an undiscovered kink? What is it about exhibitionism that changed everything?

  9. I rarely ever come from blowjob unless the girl is really good. I will enjoy the experience but won’t cum. Lack of cuming does not mean lack of enjoyment

  10. How about you take a step back and concentrate on pleasure instead of tge orgasm. Just enjoy his touch, don't push it. Get a massage from him, something that will put your whole body at ease with him. Maybe give him a massage, treat him as good as he has treated you. Hopefully as you get even closer to each other your body will realise he isn't going anywhere, he does not think less of you and his touch makes you quiver all over hope this helps, good luck!

  11. Just to let you know, liking domination, and liking humiliation are two entirely separate things. People in this thread keep assuming you must like humiliation because being slapped seems humiliating, but that absolutely does not have to be true. I like to be dominated but I specifically dislike humiliation, and I've had enough experience with both to concretely be confident of this. So if you find out you like being dominated, or the situation was just overstimulating, know it's perfectly normal to not like humiliation in either case. They are not inherently connected kinks.

  12. Nope, he is not fit or healthy. I’ve talked with him about this affecting his drive and he just gets incredibly defensive. He denies it all.

  13. I'm having a closed marriage, but what I learned about NMR's is that you need to open up when nobody is in sight. Otherwise it's just a vehicle to drive safely from one relationship to another without risk to loose both. She clearly has someone in sight so in fact she's asking permission to cheat on you. Refuse. This can only be discussed when that guy is out of sight. For good. People say over here she already has slept with the guy. You simply don't know that, but chances are she did. But if you blow up things, you are the bad guy. Unless you are fed up with her, just show her where your boundaries are. Do you want an open relationship? Fine, but that guy is out. Period. Remember, open relationships work better for committed women than for committed men, you may end up without second partner if you think: she has her fun, I want some too. Don't want an open relationship: just state that. Don't be afraid to openly ask what she will do after that refusal: break up, sleep with the guy anyway, accept your boundaries,… If you can't trust her commitment to that answer, you shouldn't be with her in the first place. But don't be naive…. Don't let you fool yourself by letting be told your manipulative or something like that, you just state your boundaries and you are entitled to. It's in fact manipulative from her if she doesn't respect that. Don't be afraid to end the conversation if she goes that way. Don't want to disappoint you buddy, but things seem grim for your relationship. It hangs by a thread.

  14. My advice to you man is to just embrace rough sex. More than likely the next woman you’ll meet will want the same thing or some kind of variation of it. Women just want a man who’s dominant and takes charge, especially in the bedroom. I have tried man I have tried for the entirety of our relationship and it has ruined sex for me I legitimately hate rough sex it is awful and it makes me feel awful. I know that most women are going to be into this, but its just something I am going to have to deal with I know most women wouldn't be satisfied with me but it is what it is I cant change that.

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  16. This is definitely the goal. I love being romantic, sensual, and pampering my wife. It's just annoying that it works me up and I always want to close the deal after that. It's an exercise I can work on but I could use advice on how to reduce the drive itself. I've quit alcohol, cigarettes and everything that wasn't good for me before. Sex is not something I want to quit though. Just better manage it. So, this is a challenge for me. I appreciate you taking the time to respond, and will combine this with any other constructive advice I get. Thank you.

  17. He only wanted you. However, when you asked for an open marriage, that broke him. There was no way he could do both. He stopped loving you when he found out what you wanted The broke everything down into primary his needs. His mind is made up. There is no going back. You have to make a choice. Obviously, he already has. Good luck.

  18. It happens to the best of us. I remember one time I was super excited to be hooking up with this new girl and I was dying for it and was hoping it would be good for her as well and I kept losing my erection. We got there in the end but it can happen.

  19. Not saying that this is your issue but I know someone who masturbated first when they were 18 but didn’t like it because they couldn’t feel anything. It ended up they weren’t going for clitoral stimulation but just trying vaginal penetration with vibratory and that wasn’t their bag. I would watch porn but instructional videos on the different types of masturbation. I would try them all, mix and match, and see what works for you. Try with lube. Try without lube. Try from different angles. If you’re in a state where marijuana is legal then try that to loosen up and relax. There are so many different ways that people can enjoy masturbation, it just takes a little exploration and a lot of patience.

  20. You're profile, pics and posts tell a different story, “girl”. Stop trying to educate on things you don't know about.

  21. My ex used to the say the same about her rhythm haha is it better for us to just lay back and let you girls work it? 😂

  22. I remember that post you’re talking about. The wife wasn’t refusing oral sex, she refused him coming in her mouth. She claimed she had never done it before and had no desire to ever try. The husband eventually found out she had done it with some random hookups and was hurt that she had lied + was hurt the she did what he thought was extremely intimate with some randos, but not him. You seem to be over thinking it. While it’s a valid question to wonder if she’s doesn’t want to reveal the true reason for her feelings, your theories behind it are not. Since this genuinely bothers you, just tell this. If you can have sex with her, then you can be open with her about the insecurities or anxieties you have as well.

  23. I work out a few days a week, but I also like beer too much and drink more than I should. So that’s a contributing factor, I’m sure. But I’m cutting back.

  24. Ever been tired and hungry? It's kinda the same. You want, but your body just doesn't have it give. Sure, you might start getting out stuff to make someone to eat, but realize you just can't. So you grab a protein bar and watch some TV and fall asleep. You're clearly desired and trusted. Build on that. Return her honesty with your own if it happens again and you want to finish. Sounds like you two ate off to a great start.

  25. /r/relationship_advice my guess is this is some sort of fetish post though because your question has nothing to do with sex.

  26. I don't understand how anyone can say that and not know how rude and insulting that is. Kick this guy to the curb and move on to the next

  27. Yep. I'm a naturally gentle, dominant male-bodied person. I find that women sometimes seek me out for what I call “dad energy”. Someone who will be powerful and in charge, but gentle. Someone to wrap them up and coddle them and take care of everything. Dominance isn't about being mean. It's about saying “I'm going to take care of this”.

  28. Full stop. The making out part was already cheating. You do not make out with others in a monogamous relationship. That is grounds for break up.

  29. Agreed. But if the first time was a disaster because they were anxious, but trying hard and cared, that's completely different!

  30. If she feels it's degrading to her, it is. How other women feel about it doesn't apply to her feelings. Full stop.

  31. If this is a sincere comment, I applaud you. I don't mean this is a creepy way, but in a way that reflects genuine concern for needs of a partner you're unable to satisfy. My wife and I at times have had these kinds of conversations (not identical but still very out-of-the-box) and it's strengthened our bond.

  32. I disagree It is natures safeguard. The women who had casual sex and had children with men who didn’t care about them… would die. Natural selection has caused generations of women to survive and bore offspring by thus very safeguard. When a woman is pregnant she’s practically useless, some can’t even walk. If other people don’t care about a woman when she’s pregnant, she dies. In reality All things will never be equal

  33. I lost about 80 pounds over the last 3 years, and I feel the same way. My wife and I are like teenagers again. I wondered the same thing, but I think it's actually this: You are more confident in your sexuality, freeing your mind. No longer are you burdened by the shame you felt about your appearance. Also, having your partner be so much more attracted to you also makes the whole experience more sexually charged for you. Pleasure is very much mental, and you've improved your voluntary and involuntary thought process toward sex. Even looking in the mirror these days gives me a pleasurable shot of serotonin. Having someone feel the same way the mirror does is an absolute rush.

  34. You are less likely to hear about the good ones. I’ve had good ones of several types. Some spontaneous, some planned. FFM, MFM. Moresomes.

  35. Yes exactly, I love it if she initiates anything at all. I've noticed that some things that are obvious to me never happen according to her. Not big things but small things.

  36. Have a little basket of women’s toiletries in the bathroom coz that’s a lifesaver as someone who once lived the casual sex life. But underwear…. Weird 🤣🤣

  37. Well here's a wild idea. If he is willing to do the things that toys will do, you both won't need toys! The root of the issue is he's not willing to perform the acts that bring you pleasure. This is not even about toys. It's him thinking the toy is larger than his dick or some inane irrelevant detail. But yes. Throw the whole dude out. Call the whole-man disposal service.

  38. Yeah. If I have fresh ones (my own) available I would go for that option. When I hooked up in the past I've use pantie liners so I can feel fresh in the morning even if my panties are from the night before.

  39. This is why I feel like people should spend their younger years getting around and wait until they're a bit older to get into any serious relationships. That way once you find your person you've already got all of the “getting around” out of your system lol

  40. Unpopular opinion: I mean whatever. This is coming from a herpes free clean medical professional… She was embarrassed, I'm sure she didn't have sex if she had a flare up, and was looking out for your help even though you didn't know it. Yes she didn't tell you, it's not hiv. Many endocrinologists that I work around will tell you probably 75% of the population has it and it either never flares up or it does not show on a blood test. I mean you do whatever. But people lie to people all the time, and while I understand how you feel betrayed, you and did not want to lose you. I mean she could have been lying about fucking her ex-boyfriend on the regular. It is still one of the most common, treatable, not life-threatening viruses on the planet. My point is, I wouldn't lose a great girl who was really into me over this.

  41. “Just like that!” Is the easy one, will work to fill a mind blank “Like you need me” “Like I'm your little slut” “Like it's our last time” It doesn't have to be a specific thing or mean anything, can just say any kind of emotion or description. Or just fall back to “just like that, don't stop!”

  42. I only found out the other day that most guys fuck with their butt muscles… I don’t, I use my core so odd lol

  43. It doesn't sound like he's jelly. It sounds like he's got a bit of a cuckhold thing he's fostering there. NBD. If you're not into it, be real with him. If you're worried about you being jealous because you think if you share your past like this he'll want to tell you about his own, explain your apprehension to him. If it's picturing you with other guys that gets him going he might not mind you nixing the idea of hearing about his own past exploits. I'm doing a lot of guessing here because I'm not sure who's jealousy you're worried about exactly, and why, but you get the idea. tl;dr one “secure relationship” is going to be different from another. Figure out your boundaries in regards to hearing about one another with other partners and proceed cautiously from there.

  44. Communication is key. Boundaries need to be set of what you both like. You don’t want to go to far down the road without saying anything.

  45. No I wouldn’t say “rough”. We are very aware of each other’s bodies and when pain is present when not wanted. The closest I’d say to rough would be a lack of lubricant when we’re both half asleep and can’t be bothered to grab lube. He keeps his nails short but not “trimmed”. So maybe it’s partly that.

  46. I second this. She wouldn't be grabbing it or even having the playful wrestling with you if she wasn't really into you. Also the playful wrestling, to me, says that she feels plenty comfortable with you to be able to mess around like big kids. RELAX BRO. YOU GOT THIS 👊


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