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Asya-Kisssnaked live sex chat

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19 thoughts on “Asya-Kisssnaked live sex chat

  1. Yep 👍 in the moment we do some pretty gross stuff but if you realize somethings are a hard boundary then share with her. For me scat and water sports are off the table.

  2. I get it…there just isn't enough information to guess how he'll react. For some people, it can make them feel like they're not a good enough lover for you, especially if you aren't satisfied in the bedroom. Like another commenter said, you really need to be vibing to bring something like this up. I can't tell for sure, but you guys may be mismatched in what you want sexually. If that's true, proposing a threesome is more likely to destroy your relationship than fix it. Just know that going in.

  3. I knew a someone who I’m pretty sure had casual partners and ended up contracting herpes. Crazy because it threw a hitch in their life for some time.

  4. When I said “I don't care” it's because she was going on about the mess and whatnot. Or how she felt so weird that it happened like that, that she's never seen that. Started making it up, thought. Telling her it felt so good, I was in awe, etc etc.

  5. This isn't healthy. How/why is she going to so many parties you aren't allowed to go ? Thtoe occasional party I get, but every single one? every weekend? Come on. She gets so drunk that she hits you? That's really bad man. I hate the whole “reverse the genders” thing because it shouldn't be necessary but do it. If you got so drunk and you hit your girlfriend you'd be a total piece of shit. She is a total piece of shit. I've been black-out drunk around my wife a number of times. My wife has been blackout drunk around me a number of times. Not one time has either of us ever struck the other in our 11 years together. She's getting blackout drunk every single weekend? That's not normal or healthy at any age and she has a serious drinking problem. Time for intervention in my opinion. She needs to get her shit together. You're three months in, just leave man, this isn't worth it. She's treating you like shit and she has a lot of red flags. You're 3 months in, it isn't your job to fix what is broken. Just throwing this in here, if she hasn't cheated on you already I'd be surprised. You're 19yo, not every girl you date needs to be “the one” and you don't need to fight for every person you date like they are.

  6. Focus on building up the relationship again instead of focusing on your sexual needs/your-fucking-self (like you did when you cheated on her with her friend!!!!!?!?!?!) I couldn't ever imagine forgiving my bf if he cheated on me with my friend… Id never be able to trust him again. Thats crossing so many lines. So much wrong with that. You should be grateful she even took you back. If you want a strong relationship with this woman again, you're going to have to be extremely patient and you have to do everything you possibly can to make her trust you again.

  7. Well, yes it will get better, plus thats not a small dildo. You said you didn't really finger yourself so my advice is to just let yourself, enjoy yourself and see what you like and your body. Not every first time is the best, believe me. Good luck :))

  8. Get the candle that has a label saying “light me when horny” or something like that. You can just light that candle and he can know that's his signal. They have them on etsy but probably anywhere else too


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