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2 thoughts on “augustinameownaked live sex chat

  1. I would lay out the situation, especially the why and how it makes you feel. Watch his reaction and bond over it to feel more accepted and welcomed. From that, just go and experiment, no pressure, just fun and communication ( and you can learn a lot in the process). Don't force yourself into an orgam/fake orgasm, it's perfectly fine if things dont go as planed, the main goal is to maintain the communication and the comfort for you and him. The more you'll get to know each other the better it will get till you overcome these fears and insecurities 🙂 There's nothing wrong with you at all. Your okay, your doing okay. Just step by step without any obligation.

  2. Trust, get to know a guy, not sure your preference but personally thinking about it, I find it really hot maybe teaching a girl a little older than me some tricks, but yeah 100% for your first time get to know a guy and be as open as possible


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