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30 thoughts on “Bastiannaked live sex chat

  1. Sorry to hear that, hopefully you guys can talk about consensual non monogamy . If I was ill I’d still want my partner to enjoy some good fun. Wish you the best love.

  2. Why is it surprising that he want to cum in side you even though he’s never done it with you or anyone else? It’s a pretty natural desire isn’t it ? He’s never experienced it so of course he wants to life is about experiences. I’m sure if your taking the pill and making sure not to skip a day then you are safe but if you feel like you need to be overly cautious then it’s your body and your choice.

  3. Probably you just have sone rawness from the friction. Blood diluted your natural lube and you were going at it raw… Next time use a good silicone based lube that doesn’t dilute in water. Have fun!

  4. I think it's quite reasonable to be a bit panicked – that will have been quite a shock. It's going to not feel right for few days but unless there's blood then it's likely to be a bit of bruising and it just needs time. Obviously if you're concerned then speak to a doctor. When you're ready to have sex again, ease yourself into it – maybe start with missionary and take your time from there.

  5. OMG. So many red flags, I cant see anything behind that… The age gap is the smallest of the issues. You can be sure he is selling the videos and pictures he made with you in the internet. I guess he does this with a lot of other teens too that are (sorry) dumb enough to believe him. I urgend advice you to never see him again, this “relationship” is beyond toxic. He uses you like a soda can and when he is done with you, he will not care about your health (mental and physical). Again: Never meet him (or guys like him) again. Don't make videos of you, that you can't control. Don't let strangers make videos of you. Don't take drugs. Alcohol is okay, if its not n addiction Use condoms with strangers!

  6. i really appreciate that u took time to answer. and u r a woman so this is really helpful. when i talked with my bro about it he was like be the alpha male take some performance enhancers… it didn’t help me at all. and yeah i can’t talk to my mom about this^ i probably should have told her that it’s not her fault more clearly. i told her that i experienced that before and it’s kinda normal for me & i should maybe visit a doctor, but not this. so maybe that’s the problem. she was sexy as hell tho haha :p but it’s not all about her sexiness, i really like her in general, she’s a kind & loving person. thank u so much, it took some pressure of me, if u r interested i will give u an update after our talk. let me kno

  7. It amazes me how many posts on this thread could be solved by sitting down and talking. It’s your husband. Sit down and speak to him about your desires lol

  8. Well the friend she mentioned is the type of person that is just living for fun and I don’t think it would mess anything up it might end up being a laughable moment if so

  9. Thank you so much. We actually took another test today and the results came back negative on one and the other one had a question mark. It’s been about 17 days since the night at the hotel. I don’t know what that question mark means but I’m happy that we have 3 negative results

  10. I agree with this and would add giving her compliments that she does something that excites you. That validation will also turn your partner on.

  11. Just tell him that you love him playing and sucking on your boobs an nipples, maybe press his head against them while he dies it. My girl loves it when i'm doing it and seeing her getting so turned on by doing it, gets me really turned on. We love seeing you really enjoy something we do and then can do it “forever”.

  12. You are absolutely right. In fact, you are more than just right you responsibly right. At 6'8 they don't even know what they are asking for and haven't communicated it with you. Whatever is in there head is absolutely not something you can guess. There should never be aggressive BD/sm style activity without candid conversation and negotiation first. You'd be on a one stop street to jail I'd imagine lol. You're right though, you can't read their mind and honestly your cuddles sound AWESOME find you a new one 🙂

  13. I liked the Bridgerton sex scenes. If you don't want to watch the whole show you could just skip ahead to sexy episodes. Also I have heard of Ashford Manor, if she likes the Jane Austen time period 🙂

  14. Better to ask early in the relationship when the stakes are lower. Better to find out now if he is going to freak out and say no way, than to wait until you are both committed to each other. Plus if you broach the subject and he is all for it, then you have more time to indulge in your fantasies. Personally I am all for it.

  15. might be a good idea to get one then! Another idea would be to have your nipples sucked on and lightly bitten–this always turns on my current gf

  16. Well, I had a partner whose kink was being the mommy dom, needless to say that she turned me on a lot. What she will do was restrain and blindfold me, whispering at my ear while se was teasing me, but making me wait. She would give me a gentle bj and I couldn't touch her, until I couldn't wait more and then I “earned” the privilege of fucking her (it was all roleplay, we both knew it was going to happen) She will sit on my face until I made her cum, calling me a good boy later. She will ask me to suck her nipples when she was on top ridding me, that turned both of us on a ton. That's when I realized that I am not a dom, I am a switch hahaha.

  17. The base rule is, your body, your toy, your decision. Now we don't know the depth of the situation, so it's just random internet speculation. But have you considered, that he might feel insecure about the toy? Men have body image issues as well and maybe that's the problem here? I don't want to excuse his behaviour, but I feel like a lot of answers jump at the “he's toxic screw him” Vagon too soon. People have traumas, insecurities and such. There is this saying, don't assume, because you make an ass out of u and me. My advice would be, talk to him and ask for reasons. Of they seem controlling, dump his ass cause it will just escalate. If they aren't, figure out what's what and try to heal together.

  18. Who are these women that want hours of penetrative sex? I was under the impression most women wanted no more than 30 minutes of actual penetration… Granted it’s just from comments here on Reddit, but there’s no way I personally would want it to last that long. Foreplay sure, but not intercourse…

  19. Depends on age. If you're under 21 lots of hotels at least in my experience won't rent a room to you. If you don't have a credit card, often times they won't either. We went to friend's houses when their parents weren't home. Secluded places outside. Judging by the sound of things (living at home, no personal vehicle), you sound young so you gotta get creative sometimes or just go without.

  20. Pink is how it's usually described in erotica. Rest assured, a sensible person would not entirely focus on the color. All the best

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  22. Too sensitive bro. You said you are not insecure but felt insignificant when she made those remarks. No one is free from prejudice, they just vary in degree. Learn from it and move on.

  23. I would want to “fix” it a bit if it were me and I did. I had some leftward curvature (not quite as much as you) as a teen due to masturbating wrong (rubbing myself on the bed while laying face down). I fixed it gradually by masturbating with hands only using my left primarily. It was pretty well straight again after a few years. A doctor (specialist) or internet search might be able to advise some details on how to go about that but basically mild pressure back in the other direction while hard/hardening worked for me over time.


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