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35 thoughts on “brittbnaked live sex chat

  1. If she had non reactive pupils, she sure as hell wouldn’t be able to type a message on Reddit … lol. Y’all are nuts giving out medical advice

  2. One thing I’m hearing is that you’re not sure what you want or will be comfortable with. This is normal. And, since you’re new to this, I would not recommend going into the experience with the objective of just trying whatever he wants. Your first experience will be an opportunity to learn how to communicate about what feels good and what doesn’t. After time, you can start trying more things, but please feel free to take it as slow as you need to! Good luck be safe!

  3. Goodness, the only way out of this is through and I hope you can get through it together. Maybe start with sharing how you would feel if you saw a video of him with his ex to reinforce that whatever he’s feeling is valid and maybe crack the door open to him verbalizing his feelings. Another thing that might help is if, instead of having this divide you, you can create momentum to team up against this awful person so that you’re working together on this issue. Working together on it legally might work as a proxy for working on it emotionally until the sting has gone out of it a little for both of you. Best of luck, sorry you’re going through this.

  4. I m exactly the same with social anxiety I know those feelings of overthinking… but this guy is evil he’s using you and will cause trauma! You are worth so much more , please remember that ! Ditch him , he doesn’t deserve you- at all!!!

  5. Yes But no. Its a little bit different tho. We got high-school from 12-16 and then gymnasiet. Where you get to choose your own path. Do they also do that in high-school maybe? Other places? In that case yeah it similar.

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  7. Your post has been automatically removed because it appears to be asking if some aspect of someone else's or your own sexuality or body is normal or not. We get a lot of questions here that are about really basic stuff that ought to be taught in schools but that unfortunately isn't. Variance is the norm in human sexuality. It's more meaningful to ask questions like: is this safe? Is this consensual? Is this mutually pleasurable? There are a lot of great resources for this, including scarleteen and go ask alice. You may also find relevant information with a search of /r/sex or in our FAQ. If you feel like your question is more complicated or will be a topic for thoughtful discussion, please message the moderators so that we can restore your post. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  8. i have the same issue, i try not to dwell on it tho cus it’s out of my control. i’m usually super wet and not tight, that’s what happens when i’m enjoying it, it’d be odd if someone had a problem with that. BUT if you’re comfortable, buttplugs make you feel tighter, i recommend it.

  9. Your post breaks numerous Rules of this sub (which I doubt you ever bothered to read). Your post doesn’t seek advice (Rule 5) and is effectively a rant about not getting laid (Rule 8).

  10. I don't think it's “mostly” guys who watch porn for visual stimulation. I usually watch it when I'm lazy and don't want to think too much about getting off. Looking at hot guys (or girls) is just helpful for that. Is that abnormal?

  11. Thank you for your submission to /r/sex. Your post was removed because it appears to be a post seeking a partner for explicit chat or hooking up. These posts are not allowed. If your post was not actually a “personals” post, then feel free to message the moderators and ask that your post be restored. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  12. I have actually thought he wanted that. I have told him just to see what his intentions were. For example I told him ” if you want pussy let me know”. Which he used to reply next weekend or something along those lines so I would wait and he never would text me back so I don't think it would be that. He does joke about other things like always asks what the baby is doing which I bottle feed and he says oh I though she breast feeds I was going to say one for the baby and one for me

  13. Maybe focus on how you're communicating that you want to have sex with her next time you bring it up, instead of saying like I'm horny and I don't feel satisfied, maybe tell her you miss having that intimacy with her, you love her body and you love making her feel good and you can't stop fantasising about making her cum or something. u/ringthebellsthatcan has a good point there, tbh that happened me & my bf and I was a bit insecure that he got into shape and I didn't, and it did affect our sex life. I was nervous to be naked around him tbh but he told me, quote lol, “you're depriving me of one of the greatest joys life has to offer, seeing your lover completely naked” and tbh that was all the reassurance I needed. If this is the case, from personal experience just make sure you are really telling her every 5 minutes that she's so gorgeous and sexy and you love her body and she makes you so horny etc etc. If it is just insecurities, she'll come around

  14. Oh this makes a lot of sense. I agree with treading carefully that's fair enough. In my experience with younger men wanting casual sex they are usually the pursuers and know exactly what they want but I can see the potential for unethical behaviour if the older person was coercive. Thanks for all your thoughts it's interesting stuff. I had a child at 19 and raised her successfully and always felt like an adult so I think I grew up fast and view ages a little differently

  15. I am from Catholic origin, not actually active believer, from Belgium. The FWB I talked about was from Northern Ireland, she was protestant. Things didn't work out by many factors, including this religion difference. Even though I had nothing to do with the conflict over there and the Irish Catholics, left alone the IRA, these associations were made by her family. And the truth is I don't even believe in God. But I was “Catholic”. So my advice, if you don't want to go through a situation like mine and do fall in love with him, don't have sex with him. It's been many years and I'm married with kids, but I still think of her daily. There is no bigger agony than falling in love with someone that's not available, even if he thinks the same as you. But it's a free world, you do as you please.

  16. Your post has been automatically removed because it appears to be about anal sex. We get numerous submissions regarding this daily. However, because it is a topic that comes up so often and is well covered by our FAQ our community has asked the mod team to direct posters with these concerns to these resources instead. If you're interested in discussion on the topic, please do a search of /r/sex and read some of the many past discussions on the topic. If you feel the topic of your post is not covered by the FAQ, please message the moderators and ask that your post be restored. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  17. Lots of good advice here, especially on documenting the abuse. If she’s not abusing your son yet, she will as soon as he’s old enough for her pattern. I was with a woman kind of like this. Fucking misery. Was codependent, said all the kinds of things you are saying, justified staying for same reasons you did. Still undoing the damage 20 years later. Daily derision fucks you up. So my other advice would be to land a therapist if your own. I’ve put it off but it’s time. I just hope to god it helps.

  18. Now THIS is a man who KNOWS what he is talking about. As a woman, my mind is absolutely that. It’s ALLLLL in the mind. No amount of technique will get you there. You have to seduce me with substance.

  19. Somebody once told me that if you squeeze fresh lemon juice onto your dick after sex it will prevent you from getting an STI, including HIV…. I immediately thought “this daft punk is full of shit”

  20. Yes. Like I said in the post, we’ve talked about it and she knows I want her to, but she thinks she’d feel guilty if she had sex with another guy. She says the idea is hot, but that she doesn’t know if she could go through with it.


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