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BustyAfribabenaked live sex chat

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12 thoughts on “BustyAfribabenaked live sex chat

  1. I don’t see me talking to her just after I fucked her 😭I’ve been always shy my all life it’s the first time a girl is asking me this drastically to have sex

  2. It's totally a “today's” issue. Her behavior today isn't an issue, but her former choices and the pain you are feeling today are the issue that you have to figure out. Please bring it up with her, with therapists, or with whoever else is in your support net. Re: what you want out of talking about it. It might be enough to state that you are still angry, still processing these new facts, and that you need help with that.

  3. I'd tell her that I liked what we were doing and we would do only what she wanted, on her time. I understand not wanting to pressure someone and make them feel used. But you're a whole person with you're own needs, wants, and desires. In any other context would it make sense to say “we would do only what she wanted”? You're literally telling her to think only about her needs, and not yours. You don't want to wait another year or two years. You want to know that the person you're dating is attracted to you. And the same way you care about her needs and try to make her feel comfortable and safe. She needs to care about your needs and understand that making you wait isn't fun, it's a necessary component of building trust but it can't go on forever. And while you give her time to build enough trust to move on to the next step, you also want to feel wanted and desired in the mean time, within the current range of expression she's comfortable with. Like she might just start experimenting with oral and not be comfortable with that yet. But that doesn't mean she can't show you desire in other ways, even ways that aren't strictly sexual.

  4. This stuck out to me as well. I'm more on the modest/shy side of things about my nudity but usually after a few months I'm pretty comfortable. I couldn't imagine going years.

  5. this is one of the most helpful things that i have read about this topic. i want to thank you and for sure will apply these things into practice.

  6. I have some silicon toys so silicon lube is out and water based stuff doesn't stick around. Im a guy so being lubed isnt natural and therefor all lube feels unusual. If you're trying to replicate vaginal lubrication I would probable stick with water based but I've never been with anyone who needs additional lubrication so I can't comment there. I've tried a few oil based things over the years. I don't like the smell of animal based fats. Petroleum jelly always seemed to stick around for weeks and I felt having my insides lined in it for that long probably wasn't healthy. Coconut oil melts into near water viscosity but without the evaporation. Being solid at room temperature means I can use a dildo to push a solid lump deep into my ass and allow it to melt in place, something I find handy for depth play. After a poop or two it feels like it's cleared out of my system, I'm sure it's not 100% gone buy compared to PJ its gone. It smells coconutty.


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