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32 thoughts on “Danielacamachonaked live sex chat

  1. For me it’s a different experience. I started squirting at 30 lol. For me it’s ecstatic! I feel every squirt as an orgasm. It was a big learning curve. You think you have to pee very suddenly very urgent. Learn to let it go and get over that point. But that’s what I experienced and how squirting feels for me.

  2. Hey there, I just commented on your other post as well. It's rude to ghost anybody, for any reason. I am particularly sensitive to this because some women I had been chatting with here on Reddit have ghosted me. It doesn't take much to be honest and just say it isn't going to work out for some reason. The ghosting has upset me. What is gained by blocking them when they did nothing wrong?

  3. When I was 22/23 I went to school with people age 19/20. I didn't think the difference would be that big, but let me tell you, those three years felt like a whole generation of difference. It was like they had their own language and culture I wasn't in on. At only 3 years age difference, even I struggled to find something in common with them. I can't imagine being with someone who wasn't even born when I was 30 (I'm currently 27 so my partner wouldn't even be born yet for several years! Not even a baby, not even planned, my god!)

  4. You're responding like they're strangers- they are boyfriend and girlfriend. An unsolicited nude from a stranger is rude as hell. An unsolicited nude from your life partner may not interest you and make you feel a little uncomfortable when you aren't in the mood, but so could them trying to engage in physical affection or foreplay when you aren't in the mood. When my girlfriend sends me something I'm not in the mood for, I respond that she looks hot or beautiful but I'm not feeling very sexy right now. I don't say, “I have nothing to say to that.” Shockingly you can still choose to be nice to your partner even if you aren't interested in the same thing right then. By the way, “equality;)” is such an obnoxious way to end an actual attempt at engaging in conversation, probably don't do that

  5. Use lube no matter how wet she is, a lot of foreplay, fingering, stretching etc. go slow and if you manage to insert it without making her feel too much pain than stay there for a while and tease her clit. No matter how horny she is the vagina still needs time to physically adjust to a bigger penis. Additionally some lower quality condoms or improperly use can increase friction.

  6. Also for a lot of guys, if they’re close to finishing and you say things like “just like that” “keep going” “don’t cum yet” it’s almost a guarantee that they’re going to go off like a fire hydrant without any control at that point

  7. with my boyfriend, it happens everytime. he is good at foreplay and oral tho. with previous partners, i wasn’t even remotely close to an orgasm of any kind.

  8. I hate saying this, but this is a really unfortunate way to start a marriage. From what you've said here, it sounds like there might be several deeper rooted issues that deserve to be addressed together – trust, compatibility, communication, body image.. good luck!! I hope this all blows over and you have a happy marriage together

  9. I’m an active participant the entire time. I grab his arms, back, butt, hands, I run my hands through his hair and caress his face. I move my hips with the motion of his. One sided sex is not passionate or fun at all, I’m not just gonna lay there

  10. If he sent you nudes n you didn’t trade back I’d get it. Maybe if you sounded more sorry for trading back at least I’d maybe even then kinda get it. But you crossed the line by sending the pictures back to him knowing he’s married. That’s what makes you in the wrong here. He’s in the wrong as well of course, but you knew he was married & should’ve kept your nudie pics away from him.

  11. Efficient? Interesting word choice. You're not on the clock during lovemaking. As others have pointed out, aim for 'More pleasurable' for you and her both. Don't do stuff out of duty.

  12. You probably have a sensitive glans. Most guys with foreskins don't masturbate by touching their glans at all. Therefore that bell end is super sensitive and the overload of stimulation can register as pain. I recommend peeling that skin back and rubbing your glans with heavily lubed fingers for about 15 minutes everyday for a few weeks then go back to the toy. It'll be a little more tolerable at that point, probably. But to answer your question about vaginal tightness…it varies. Some vaginas are tighter than a Fleshlight others are considerably looser than one.

  13. Coconut oil is my holy grail for anal sex. Mess can happen every now and then but it’s unpredictable. I’ve found diet plays a role, I am celiac and am rather familiar with my bowel movements haha. The healthier I eat, the better quality shit I produce. If I consume an entire bottle of wine, skip meals and recover with iced coffee, the quality of shit I produce is simply offensive. When he first enters try going really fucking slow, slather everything in coconut oil and slowly let his penis go all the way in. We don’t tend to mix up positions during the session, l don’t know, personally I feel like it encourages mess. If your partner isn’t fussed when shit happens then that’s all that matters. It’s a risk we all take when going that route I suppose 😇

  14. She sounds like she has the same psychological condition that Debbie the Cum Lady featured on The Howard Stern Show has.

  15. You are absolutely not responsible for his guilt. That was an invasion of trust and respect… you can't consent while asleep

  16. I read somewhere that full lips are more sexually desirable. This was just a study done just by looking at photographs, it had nothing to do with personality. I believe the study said that fuller lips look more youthful, which equates to men believing the women would have an easier time bearing children.


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