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30 thoughts on “Devabraidsnaked live sex chat

  1. …which he offered, until she wanted to fuck other people. Then SHE ditched the respect, and he followed suit. Quit blaming the victim here.

  2. That is an extremely fair counter point. So much so that you have me reconsidernig my original point. I could be imposing too rigid an idea of whatr open relationships are vs what other non-monogamous relationships are. For some people any non-mono relationship could be just a subset of open relationships; but in my mind an open relationship is a separate and distinct type of non-monogamous relationship. So yeah. I think the terms here are not well defined and are probably making my statement more polarizing than it probably should be.

  3. Omg this same exact thing is happening to me. Been on my period for months now, sex hurts and i hate life. going to stop taking any birth control from now on

  4. Why the hell would anyone make fun of you? There is zero to be ashamed of, and being attracted to someone older like this is absolutely valid. You're probably really into their maturity, and his sexual experience and maturity likely makes him really good at what he does. Let go of the shame, and enjoy the moment!

  5. There are literally porn videos that teach you how to do some sexual acts. The famous Nina Hartley ones, for example

  6. If I’m reading your situation correctly, he has a choice to make. He can either redirect his sexual energies to include you (which might mean openness about his fetishes or might mean abandoning them, depending on your attitude); or he can take responsibility for the end of the engagement and the relationship. Lifelong monogamous fidelity is a huge ask. Not providing sexual attention to your partner in such an endeavor is really unkind and unwise. Confess what you found and how you found it. Put your ultimatums on the table. But ultimately, listen. Find out how long this has been going on. Understand it from his perspective. Don’t let him off the hook with “just looking”; he paid for this for a reason. Be kind, be compassionate, be the strong one, but do not forget for a moment that the evasions and lies we tell to cover our shame rarely ends with marriage: it just gets to be an even higher-stakes game.

  7. Down vote away, but this isn't as clear cut as all the rape allegations in here are. You were in the middle of consensual sex with your partner, felt a wave of weirdness, said stop but presumably carried on without attempting to remove yourself, and then returned to consensual shortly after? I'd definitely talk to him about what happened before calling him a fucking rapist, which people throw around so lightly

  8. Nah not weird, just keep communicating and be open. Don’t force her to anything and make sure that you also like her as a person and not just sexually.

  9. You're right. Am I putting the blame on my brother because I'm afraid to be different or do I think I'm ace because I don't wanna accept that I'm not over it. I mean it's totally okay to be ace but to me it looks like mourning something. I spend the whole afternoon listening to podcast, I'm gonna think about it… Thank you tho!

  10. From my experiences dating as a size 16/18, the majority of men don’t care at all. I would even go as far as to say that most that I encountered preferred curves. That’s certainly not to say all, but it was never an issue for me.

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  12. We should live by our own rules not what society dictates. And yet, society at-large will rip your life apart at the scent of blood. It's really no surprise that a lot of men are almost paralyzed from confusion and indecision these days.

  13. You’re right, it didn’t. It was just intended to be some friendly humor. I apologize if I offended anyone.

  14. Idk the science behind it but I don’t think it’s pee. I have gone into the bathroom mid sex and completely emptied my bladder and then gone back and had my partner give me a massive squirting orgasm. Again, not claiming to know the science behind it but that’s been my experience. As far as if guys find it to be a turnoff I think most guys don’t really care. I’ve only had one partner in 8 years and he gets so excited by it. Like put his face down there and want to get rained on haha. Other guys I’ve had squirting orgasms with seemed to really enjoy it as well. Definitely try to be on something like a towel or standing up on the tile or wood floor for easy cleanup but even then I had a guy who was making me squirt on his bed and I tried to warn him it was making a mess. He was having so much fun he didn’t really seem to care

  15. Breasts have very little to do with masturbation (for most), so I can’t think of a reason not to masturbate.

  16. Yeah, I agree. Women hate talking during sex, in my experience. I’ve known women who never say a word while having sex, just kinda curl their tongue up on their lip and moan a lot, lol

  17. I suppose not but I definitely don't like the fact that I'm almost entirely unable to, feels like something my ego is getting in the way of possibly. I guess it's more of a thing where it's indicative of other issues, but this is the most apparent example of it. If that makes sense

  18. I used to struggle it’s this too. Some for sure methods ( for me) if I am on top he puts his thumb over my clit but barely pushes I mean barely but I do think he moves it side to side a tiny bit. Then I find it better if I hand my hands on his calves so I’m pretty exposed toward his face. If it’s missionary he basically has to start out real slow but hard and eventually can speed up. Or just putting the tip in over and over and every 10th time he goes all the way in. I also remember doing this thing I read in a cosmo haha but it worked! If I’m on top again you just stick the tip in and you do it ten times then nine times then 8 all the way down to one and then go bananas doing whatever you want to. I think it’s basically teasing but when I was your age it’s what started me out in partnered sex.

  19. Cumming inside is what we are programmed for, for reproduction reasons. It releases a TON of satisfaction hormones that give us pleasure but also that feeling of “I'm done with the job”, so this might have something to do

  20. Don’t overthink it. Do what feels natural and pay attention to their reaction. But ps. kissing with soft or firm pressure, sucking or some combination with licking drives this woman wild. Just try things out on various body parts and see how they react. If they like it they’ll let out a gasp, moan, or I will pull my boyfriend closer into me when he’s kissing my neck, shoulder, or collarbone for example and play with his hair.

  21. Never do anything you're not comfortable doing. No sex partner should, and he needs to respect that. I think you should be firm: “Look, I don't want to do this.” Maybe you should try to find out why he wants to. Does it excite him to think of you doing two guys at once? Does he want an opportunity to explore doing something himself with another guy? Communication is essential to a healthy sex life. It sounds like you two have reached an impasse and need to resolve it.


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