Diamond Jackson live sex web cams,milf sex cams wet

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18 thoughts on “Diamond Jackson live sex web cams,milf sex cams wet

  1. Life is a learning experience…..and today I've learned a lot of things about France that I never knew….yikes! hehe.

  2. She's the injured party here so she gets to determine the timeline. What you can do is continue to be available to her, honest with her, and absolutely transparent about everything. If you are tempted to get petulant and whiny because you miss the intimacy of PIV, remind yourself how fucking lucky you are to have a relationship at all after you shredded her trust, self worth, and faith in her ability to rely on others. Then suck it up and wait until she is ready for that intimacy again. I've forgiven people for a lot, but I'm not sure I'd let a dick that had been in my friend while I was in a relationship with the guy anywhere near my vagina again. OP best thank his lucky stars he's got a good woman.

  3. Everyone is different but this isn’t how most guys are. Personally I expect a kiss after I’ve given a blowjob, whether he came in my mouth, on my face, or if it was just foreplay.

  4. Okay, first, this is so awful. I’m so sorry this is happening. Secondly, Jesus people. How many of you feel the need to repeat “it’s over”?! You are not providing anything helpful to OP. Lastly, OP, why did your current bf not have your ex blocked? As someone with a parent who has been stalking me (long traumatic story), I had every individual in my life block him. This is in no way your fault or your bf. I want to make that clear! I’m just trying to gather a better picture of the situation. This is absolutely uncalled for… and TWO years after you broke up? Is this the first time this psycho has reached out to him? All I can really suggest is talking to him. It’s been two months, has there been any discussion yet? Have you talked about why you left that relationship? If you split on bad terms, I feel like those videos would strike me as controlling or even another way to degrade you. No shame to those kinks at all! Im not even sure if your ex’s kinks were something you were into… If they weren’t, I would definitely explain that was done to make the ex happy, but it was not enjoyable. Have you tried initiating sex? I’m just wondering if maybe he stopped initiating to see if you would, if that makes sense? You mention how amazing your sex is with current bf and that he is better than your ex, but was sex with your ex enjoyable? Did he ever make you cum or did he very often? My husband used to be insecure about his average size and was very self deprecating about it. But the fact that he is the first person to ever make me cum and does it basically every time has aided that insecurity. If these things ring true in your relationship, now would be the time to discuss it. Everyone has been very negative here, but I think if you are able to help rebuild his confidence, you may still be able to fix this. And who knows, maybe even grow from it. And OP, please consider therapy for yourself and maybe your bf too. Your privacy has been violated and it caused damage to your relationship. I can’t imagine the pain you both are in emotionally. A therapist will be able to help you find ac way to talk to him as well, but also make suggestions on how to prevent this in the future and protect yourself. I do think you should go for legal action because if he is doing this two years down the road, he’s not going to stop. Next he may send that to your job, parents, post it somewhere. This concerns me that he has posted it somewhere. I hate to say that, but it may be the scary truth. Take care of yourself OP and I really do hope this goes your way. Good vibes your way. 💕

  5. Am a woman, and I could happily have sex 3 times a day every day. We are all different. None are wrong or right, good or bad. But sexual compatibility is very important in a relationship. And so is respecting boundaries. Make sure you are both happy here. Or move on. Nothing wrong with breaking up if you are not a good match. People try to “make it work” with the first thing that comes along far too often. Just a recipe for long term unhappiness

  6. I understand that this hurts as it would for me too. But the fact that she opened up about this to you is a great thing. I'm sure she feels there is something wrong with her so was hard for her to admit. The anti depressants could very likely be the cause. I heard an episode on huberman lab podcast where he said that maca root supplements helped people orgasm that were in anti depressants. Don't just take my word for it though maybe listen to it yourself and scroll through some of his podcasts on Spotify. Great great information there. I think her vulnerability with you will also lead to better sex and closeness with you two. Just be understanding and ask her to never fake it again. And don't put too much pressure on her to orgasm. If she feels too much pressure it will be harder for her. There are lots of different toys you can incorporate into sex. My wife loves her rose clit suction type toy to add to penetration.

  7. I know exactly what you're going through, I have a best friend that this happened to. All I'll say to you is what I said to him, I can promise you someone out there loves you and wants to give you all them things and you will enjoy them a thousand times more than with her. I at the time was talking about myself because I was madly in love with him but after just hanging out and stuff she was barely on his mind. 100% sure that if she comes crawling back he'll chase the tail bit don't be like him, you stand up and tell her to move on!

  8. dawg that comment alone is, at least, 70% of every mf’s dream. might be biased opinion, but bring it up to him. idk if im way too late on the discussion, i apologize for that. just an interesting topic nontheless

  9. Two issues here. UTIs. I had this. Peeing IS good but you don’t have to if you can’t. If you are prone to UTIs you should be actually finding off with water down there after as well as peeing. And she can just drink a bunch of water right before sex, she’s fine. Your real issue is that you are not sexually compatible. You can’t really fix that other than to break up and date someone who matches you better


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