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Dulce-zoetnaked live sex chat

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39 thoughts on “Dulce-zoetnaked live sex chat

  1. Nothing wrong with you, its normal. I can understand you may feel uncomfortable and a bit embarrassed. Its how your body functions and its absolutely normal. Try masturbating on an empty stomach and see if this persists

  2. To add to this, if she is coming into her sexual peak and getting a little more wet than normal that can also have an effect on the feeling.

  3. 3x per day? Does this man sit on his ass and do nothing? Does he not have a job, or I don’t know, responsibilities? What adult really has time for sex 3x per day EVERYDAY?! I mean once in a while maybe, on vacation or maybe weekends, sure. But everyday? But let me guess. You work 10 hours, do all the cooking, and housework, do the shopping, pay the bills, and he still expects you have time, much less energy, for 3x days? Does this man realize there aren’t infinite hours in day. Dump him because clearly he doesn’t care about anyone but himself.

  4. If you want to spoil him, get a Tenga Flip Zero EV. Pricey, but it's basically a fleshlight that's covered in vibrators, and is much easier to clean.

  5. Why not text him and say when you're going to be there, ask him if he's available for sex. If he doesn't respond you know he's not available

  6. You can work on your acting skills. And if he isn’t satisfied, time to slap some sense into this guy and have an ultra clear and direct conversation about how you are going wayyyyy above and beyond in accommodating his fetish. Seriously 🤦

  7. Back when my husband and I were first dating our relationship was pretty volatile and we fought a lot, so we went on a month long break. He had sex with someone else, a girl that he sort of dated before he met me. The main issue I had though, was he wasn't honest about it and I found out from one of his friends. I was absolutely crushed. Like sick to my stomach for days. Couldn't eat or sleep. It was horrible. Sort of like your bf, he said the sex was bad. Supposedly she was a virgin, she was on top, he just laid there and eventually stopped her, etc etc. I have doubts that's how it went down. But regardless, we got back together shortly after that. And then we got engaged and married and we've been married for 13 years. So yes, I think with time you will eventually get past it. If I really think about it, I might get a tinge mad or jealous. Sometimes I'll tease him about it. But truly it doesn't matter because we have a life together, a good marriage, and I trust him 100%. We were young and immature at the time and people change.

  8. I just never see them. I mean, I don’t watch porn, but anywhere else – also Reddit – I barely see them.. but thank you! 🙂 didn’t wanna discriminate against WLW 😁

  9. Yes, this is true! So many women cant suck dick, find it gross or don’t have fun doing it, I remember my first Blowjob that was initiated by a women and oh low and behold how little did I know how great blowjobs can feel, when the giving part loves giving. I did not fall for that girl and we went on fucking like half a year or sth like that til I fell in love with a women that was terrible at giving head but thats life 😀 I was however not inexperienced and even as someone with some experience I’d say its 50/50 if I fall in love with a Women I sleep with and that gives great Blowjobs at any time I want.

  10. No need to change anything. If the other party is fine with the age difference and if you’re attracted, go for it.

  11. I want to learn how to do this, but when I asked my doctor about it (so I can learn to do it properly and not hurt myself), she just told me I don't need it. How else can I learn how to do it from someone who knows what they're doing?

  12. good to have a laugh in bed, but maybe save the sexual jokes until after you are intinate. At 18 your dick is still growing, women more interested in your eyes and smile than you r trouser size

  13. honestly i don't he cares that much, just an ignorant meme he thought it was funny. i personally wouldn't bring it up, if it really did hurt your feelings and you really want to talk about it, just ask him would it be a problem if you had big labia. if he says yes then leave him, he's not worth it.

  14. You are not broken. Please see another doctor. My wife wanted more sex when she was pregnant due to hormones. With the right care you will experience sex as it should be felt and enjoyed.

  15. Have her prop her upper body on pillows. I have a bad shoulder and can't prop myself up for long periods. The pillows help keep me up when my arm need a break. I also have bad knees and the pillows help reduce the pressure on Mt knees. My husband loves hitting it hard from the back so we just improvised until we found something that works. Also I can thrust back onto him and its an amazing feeling..

  16. You are 18 …it's fine to watch porn, I'd focus on how you could meet women you are interested in. Where do the types of women you are interested in hang out? Hobbies? Activities etc…. Join the activities you are interested in and see if you connect with anyone.

  17. Look it's pretty normal for a guy to masterbait sometimes even when he is in a relationship. I think girls do it also but not sure as I have never asked my SO about it however we have done it while watching each other. Very hot. But we do not deny each other sex and we do that 100x more then the other. This guy is not normal. Any guy that would rather masterbait when he has a willing woman right next to him is weird. He is a selfish person and only wants to please himself with no worries about your needs. This is a problem which will only get worst. Time to reevaluate your relationship.

  18. How is this weird? You view each other as sharing mutual communication values. He does not. He calls you when he wants you, but doesn't feel the obligation to reply when you want to meet.

  19. Girl, say no! You are allowed to say no, you are ALWAYS allowed to say no. Please be safe. Don't be alone with them, don't drink around them, don't take any chances. Your friend is already being really shitty to put you in this position and pressure you to have these threesomes, to the point where you really ought to reconsider the friendship already, but if she gets angry with you for setting this boundary and saying no to further hookups with this guy you don't like, then she's beyond help and you need to cut her out of your life. Please believe that no normal, healthy 29-year-old man wants anything to do with 18-year-old girls. I promise you, I'm 30, most of my friends are around my same age, and if an 18-year-old came near them, especially drunk, they'd be calling her parents or the cops, they would not in a million zillion years be trying to have sex with her. You're completely right that this guy is a douchebag. He's using your friend and your friend is using you. You might not be able to get her to see the light, but you can at least save yourself. Run fast and far away from this situation. People like this will ruin your life without a second thought.

  20. This is a 30 y old man taking advantage of two barely adult 18 y old girls. Creepy AF. You may not realize how much maturity development happens in this decade. This man knows exactly the manipulation he’s doing.

  21. I have hypogonadism (90ng/dl) and i am now on TRT (60mg/w). 320ng/dl is low but in normal range. Sorry but i am not buying that your age is the reason an endo will not treat you. At your age it is all about your blood work. It is when your my age, over 50, that the docs start thinking its not worth treating. You are very focused on testosterone being the end all say all for mens sexual performance. Its not and if you start taking it when you don't need to you are going to screw up other functions of your body. In fact taking the wrong amount is going to cause all the issues you are trying to fix and then some. I am talking from personal experience here. Figuring out the right dose for me took a year working with my doc. Too high a dose caused these issues. Also my hematocrit shot up due to TRT, so that has to be watched regularly now. From everything you have said the issue sounds more a mental issue then hormones. Depression, SADs and stressing at about it all point to a psychological cause. You should see a therapist first then see how things go.

  22. Have you changed techniques or positions? My partner squirts alot but only in certain positions and at a certain speed/depth. Perhaps your older technique was what caused it. Also if women don't want to squirt they are rly not likely to squirt. Maybe your fiance is holding in for whatever reason. Ex: too messy, embarrassed, etc… Totally understand bro. I'd be upset too if it randomly stopped and would question why

  23. What we know about OP: Non-confrontational Wanted anal sex First sexual relations experienced with current partner Confused about “fatherless behavior” comment (I am too, for that matter) Now, I don’t mean to attack you, so don’t get mad at me. I’m just curious as to what, from the list above, makes you believe there are issues that stem from not having a father?

  24. It's safer, but not safe. Unless one or more of you has been surgically sterilized, you should basically assume that any act of vaginal ejaculation carries a non-zero chance of pregnancy.


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