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4 thoughts on “Elizath-slimnaked live sex chat

  1. As I stressed in my reply to that post: you and your husband should lay down ground rules before and then you both stick to them. No re-neogiating midway through. If want to re-negotiate, do that after for the next threesome you plan. But even then, going from fantasy –> reality can be a rough transition for couples. Doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong, only that a third person in your bed requires both of you to realize that your fantasy isn't just b/c the two of you, it's also involving another human being and once that reality drops in, people can find that their fantasy doesn't quite manifest in the way they imagined.

  2. He’s most likely watching porn. If he’s bored by sex with you it’s either that he’s watching too much porn, finding regular sex mundane because he seems anything that the internet has to offer, which is everything. Or the other option is that the “newness” of fucking someone is gone and he doesn’t get the same explosive orgasm which he had when you first started. Men are creatures of novelty. The more new something is the more exciting it is. Some people have no problem with fucking the same person, getting them to dress us, trying new things like rope and submission, others can’t get over that it’s not as exciting as it was. My wife and I have been together 13 years. We try new things all the time. Intimacy requires initiative on both sides. Has he asked you what turns you on? Have you asked him? Maybe it’s not that it’s boring, rather it’s the same as it was last month and the month before that. My money is on the porn option because it’s easy to engage, easy to find something thrilling and maybe he wants some of that without giving the initiative to go down that path. Either way he sounds like a complete child and you need a man who would communicate with you, then take control and get maximum pleasure for both of you. Just a thought

  3. I subscribed to r/sex because I wanted to learn and maybe help, the majority of my experience has been “wow these despicable selfish dogshit men (who are everything I've lived my life around trying not to be like) have more sex than I ever will.” God I wish I could go back and do my life over. God I hate myself for the decades I wasted.


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