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Isa-Jonesnaked live sex chat

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6 thoughts on “Isa-Jonesnaked live sex chat

  1. Men desire other women. Constantly checking out the goods, married faithfully for 30 years. Just accept reality that men are both biologically and socially conditioned to look/desire. Self control is a thing though. Ever pass a bakery and see a beautiful cake and want to eat it but know eating cake makes you fat, so you never do eat it?

  2. Try focusing on your arousal outside of the act. What makes you aroused on your own? Then build that into the two of you. If you feel sexy on your own, it will make it much easier for him to tap into that energy.

  3. So, let me get this straight, you only do it missionary now? Forget the choking, let's take baby steps and just get him to hit it from the back once or twice a week.

  4. Some people are just vanilla like some people are just kinky. If there was a kinky side in your man just waiting to be unleashed, I'm sure he would have discovered it by now with your encouragement. If he's showing no inclination for rough play despite encouragement, then chances are high that vanilla sex really is enough for him. The question is, is it enough for you? It's very true that both parties have to be into rough play for it to be enjoyable. You don't want him to make a halfhearted attempt just to please you, because you will tell he's not into it and it won't be what you wanted. If he's really just not into it, that's never going to change. The only 'vanilla' folks who 'become' kinky have always been kinky, they just didn't know it because they have never been introduced to it, but seems like it's not the case with your man. Can you live with vanilla sex forever? Even if you decide the answer is yes now, I suspect resentment will breed down the road, which you really don't want. Better to break things off now than carry this load inside you for years before it eventually explodes and you call it quits anyway.

  5. Had sex with my boyfriend for the first time since weight restoring in eating disorder recovery…if that counts


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