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2 thoughts on “ivieve adult sex cams masturbation

  1. I basically just said fuck this, I’m going to the bar for a drink and she said go and I said I will and then that turned into a argument but we were both drunk at the time.

  2. Was your partner always like this? Sure, people can become “lazy” in the relationship after time passes. But, is this a “laziness” thing or has your partner never prioritized your pleasure? I am always the person that asks, why. If you have brought this up before and it never changes. Then you deserve to know why it doesn't change. This can and probably will be a tough conversation that may indeed turn into an argument. But, in the end, you deserve to know why your pleasure is not prioritized. Why nothing has changed after multiple conversions. And, what you are expected to do with this situation. I am going to make an educated predication that your partner will… Take this personally. Get defensive. Shift the blame to you. Make excuses. Etc. Etc. But, as unpleasant as it probably will be, you deserve to know these answers and you can't make any decisions going forward until you know these things. YMMV


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