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26 thoughts on “JanneYoungnaked live sex chat

  1. OP’s situation doesn’t sound like “waxing and waning of desire“ that is present in a lot of marriages. It sounds more like a deceitful spouse from the jump.

  2. I find that it takes a long time to feel any drastic change is sex drive after SSRIs, it usually goes in month long cycles of ups and downs for me and I would trust you’ll get it back eventually just have patience and anxiety surrounding it will only make it take longer so revel in the superpower of not needing sex whilst you can.

  3. Came here to say the same! 1 in 3 women experience BV and typically it’s a repeat infection brought on by diet, sweat, thier partners’ fluids, etc. Daily probiotics can really help!

  4. I wrote this in another thread on the topic and will repeat it here: Taking and sharing nude selfies is so disproportionately associated with women's sexuality and objectification (and I mean that in the dual senses of word: both as a consensual, self-determined pleasure as well as an unwanted, exhausting expectation) that men are often startled when they are reminded that they too can participate in this form of digitized intimacy. It's as natural for your girlfriend to want to see a photo of your dick as it is for you to want to see a photo of her standing naked in front of a bathroom mirror. So, if you are going to not only enjoy women’s nudes but ask them for specific poses that turn you, then you need to understand that reciprocity is expected. That is to say, if you want to enjoy the genuine pleasures of (consensually) objectifying another person, be prepared to enjoy objectifying yourself, too.

  5. Reiterating the many comments here that there is no universal response to the pill. For me, it has been a game changer. It boosted my sex drive, sorted out some hormonal stuff, cleared my skin, kicked up my metabolism, regulated my period, and eliminated my cramps and PMDD. I am unquestionably healthier and happier on my pill. BUT – “the pill” is kind of a misnomer – there are many different types of birth control pills! I was on Yasmine and it wasn’t working for me. Now I’m on Yaz 28 I’m happy about it. On the other hand, a good friend of mine was suicidal on Yaz and feels good on Yasmine. It does take trial and error and discussion with your doctor. Also – bodies change with time so I might have to change my birth control plan in the future, but for now, I’m really happy with my choice!

  6. I’ve been the wife who had a inner sexual transformation after years of boring and prudish sex. The key to this sexual reawakening? An affair.

  7. That’s your definition of virginity though, not the definition everyone uses. A lot of people who have engaged in oral sex but not penetrative sex would consider themselves virgins, for example, even though they could have been exposed to STIs. Again, there’s no concrete definition. This person’s wife has been very open and honest about the kind of sexual contact she’s had with other people in the past, so luckily this isn’t a problem at all! It really doesn’t matter if she considers herself a virgin or not.

  8. Probably not average to her ex, I know for a fact I'm not large but I always say “what I lack in size I make up for with enthusiasm”

  9. note that she has never finished in her life. Like never had an orgasm in her life? First step is her being able to reach orgasm herself

  10. Your body, your choice. As a woman, we cant expect men to just be happy with our contraceptive choices whilst not accepting their choices too. If you dont want kids, dont risk having them

  11. so, you feel threatened by a piece of plastic,glass, or whatever. I see. If you don't offer anything more than a piece of plastic, then maybe you are just..not a suitable partner for anyone with a heartbeat?

  12. Yes exactly OP can make their decisions I agree. I know I made mistake not mentioning my comment is about all relationships in general and not this particular case. I never said this behaviour is ok. All i meant is that i dont think its right to tell other to break up without even knowing them, their lives. I see it all over reddit. Its just makes me sad that comunication is key but people rather advise to end a long relationship than trying honest comunication to see why it has happend and how the other partner Felt, etc… in general.

  13. Your post has been automatically removed because it appears to be about anal sex. We get numerous submissions regarding this daily. However, because it is a topic that comes up so often and is well covered by our FAQ our community has asked the mod team to direct posters with these concerns to these resources instead. If you're interested in discussion on the topic, please do a search of /r/sex and read some of the many past discussions on the topic. If you feel the topic of your post is not covered by the FAQ, please message the moderators and ask that your post be restored. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  14. For me condoms really ruin the flow of sex, because I'm afraid of getting pregnant from precum when his penis even gets close to my vagina… Getting pregnant is an end of the world type of scenario to me lol. Condoms also dry me out and make PIV sex feel painful. It's really personal. But if you're not in a long-term relationship, condoms are pretty much a must for STD protection. For total peace of mind, I'd recommend condoms + birth control pills.

  15. Doesnt seem like it was anything more than observations. I wouldnt take them as a compliment or a diss, simply speaking out loud. Well least you know a little more about your body. Nothing to really have too much weight on, I wouldnt think much of it.

  16. it's because you haven't known anything sexually other than your current boyfriend. So you are curious. I'm afraid the same thing will happen to me because I too lost my virginity with my current boyfriend and never experienced somewhere else

  17. Thank you for your submission to /r/sex. Your post was removed because it appears to be a question about birth control or if you or someone else might be pregnant. These posts are not allowed. The topics are well covered by the PREGNANCY FAQ in general, and, if you're worried about a specific incident, no one can really know the likelihood that it resulted in pregnancy. You might also find the FIRST TIME HAVING SEX FAQ helpful as well. Also, please check the TOP POSTS FROM THE LAST DAY WEEK MONTH YEAR and ALL TIME. If your post was not asking if you or someone else might be pregnant or a generic question about birth control, then feel free to message the moderators and ask that your post be restored. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


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