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Jeenna1naked live sex chat

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10 thoughts on “Jeenna1naked live sex chat

  1. My 1st thought was, this has to be someone too emotionally immature to be in a relationship. Shes still caught up in that highschool friends over everything mentality. Shes not thinking about the consequences or thinking about him at all or she wouldn't discuss these things with her friends without discussing with him 1st. Some things should be between the couple until a mature conversation is had, mutual consent is given and boundaries made.

  2. The main theme to me is that a lot of the specific things they do in porn isn't actually that pleasurable IRL – it just looks good for the camera. Some of the positions they do aren't actually so great, but they just give the camera a better angle to see everything. Same with some of the cumshot trends, like facials – probably not most women's favorite, but it's one way to really have a dramatic climax everyone can see on screen. Or even in creampies, when the guy pulls out a bit so you can see everything – it's really hot to watch, but it's definitely not what most guys will say actually feels the best (partially pulling out while cumming), the impulse is usually to go deep! But like a lot of the best real sex positions, you won't see all the action with a camera because you're going to be too smashed together. So many of the angles and positions and stuff like that are 100% visual choices, not what feels the best. It's all just about enticing the viewer, not the actors' real pleasure. Then you add in the performances they're putting on, the women fake-moaning and the men mostly staying silent so as not to bother straight male viewers. And just the way women's bodies are usually treated is not what feels good to most women – so much seems added in for drama or who knows what, like slapping boobs, what? Meanwhile so little oral sex for women, and so few female orgasms that seem real. So much of porn just falls apart for me as a woman when I can tell the woman on screen is not getting off at all.

  3. I don’t really mind tbh, my libido isn’t even high high it’s just moderate to his low. But I don’t really care if I don’t ever have sex. I don’t really seek it out, never have, relationships either

  4. Does he not enjoy all forms of kissing or just not on the lips? I don’t feel much from regular making out but kisses/licks on my neck or chest will get things going right away

  5. Nobody is perfect. Most people are far from perfect physically. There also plenty of people who can find your imperfections attractive. You just have to accept that you're not going to be attractive to everybody but you will still be attractive to plenty of people. And if you've gotten to the point where you're naked together You know they want to see and appreciate what you have.

  6. well, she's not my ex. This was actually the moment, twenty years ago, that I knew I would marry her. 🙂

  7. I do not have a lot of money. I am not getting a sex worker. I already see a therapist. Note sex work in the form of sex in exchange for payment is against the law in my country. I also don’t believe in paying for sex as a transaction. In addition, I don’t want my first time to be with a sex worker


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