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5 thoughts on “jordyn18naked live sex chat

  1. Get tested yourself and you might have it. be with one person in a monogamous relationship that's the best way not to catch herpes . I had it for over 20 years. I had children married twice have plenty of boyfriends have not passed it to anyone. The main thing taking suppression medication will protect your partner from getting . Suppression therapy works for me. when you are having symptoms it'll give you a warning sign that tingling sensation. Stop that putting that into the universe you know if you worried about having herpes you going to eventually get it stop worrying about it .

  2. Can you cut and paste the part in OPs thread where they ask for specific “answers during sex? I’ll wait.

  3. I've been with a few girls with big clits. I find it hot IMO because they are super sensitive with it and have massive orgasms. Bigger than any other girls I've been with.


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