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2 thoughts on “Joseph020naked live sex chat

  1. I think the important thing to recognize here is that it may or may not happen again. It may or may not happen with other people. You may have just the perfect everything to have rocked 4 orgasms outa that specific individual. Some guys get orgasms easier. Sometimes it is just the day, the position, the foreplay, the experience. My advice is to hit it a few more times and see if the common denominator is you + him. Try different positions, ect. If he is your match consider making it a regular thing. I have f*cked a good handful of people and sadly half of them were… lackluster bed mates. When sex is that good, start trying to check off those other relationship boxes. Consider playing for keeps if enough boxes can be checked.

  2. While an initial diagnosis of an STD/STI is devastating, it is not the “end of the road”. Most STD's can be cured and/or treated. Regarding HSV2, this is a lifelong issue that you must disclose to future partners however, knowing the triggers to cause an outbreak, stress, vigorous sexual contact, you should be able to keep it in check. If you notice an outbreak coming on (signs of a cold is a big warning), do not engage in sex, protected or not. Also, make sure you tell your OB in the event you become pregnant, you do not want an outbreak in the mist of child birth. There are anti-viral medications available to keep the virus at bay, speak to your GP on this. You can and will have an long, active, and fulfilling sex life with a positive HSV2 diagnosis, be aware of the signs, be safe but please enjoy life.


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