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First time with my new dildo in pussy [Multi Goal]

159 thoughts on “julia-lixnaked live sex chat

  1. If you've explained to him the particulars of your anatomy, and he's okay with it, then it shouldn't be an issue. I suggest you go slow and ease into it, especially if you're new to sex.

  2. No, because there are specific dynamics that apply in order to create and maintain attraction in a relationship (actually there are many good books about it). It's something that happens on a biological level inside of our brain, no matter of the era that we live in or the beliefs that we have. The most happy and successful relationships are based upon a strong polarity (and of course, a sincere positive intention on both sides).

  3. Do not tell him about your feelings! Lol just try your best to take your mind off of things. Btw I’m a horrible fuck buddy! Lol my most recent fwb grew feelings for me and it was my fault. The reason why is because I tend to do affectionate things like cook for her, buy her little gifts, give her massages, listen to her problems, hype her up, compliment her, & support her goals.

  4. I once heard an aussie girl telling her partner to “root her up the shittah” at 4am in a full 12 bed dorm at a hostel in bali. Classy bird.

  5. This is a great suggestion. More you read more you will get in touch with what you like. Plus try writing erotic stories about yourself and whoever.

  6. Long time gf and I don't want kids. She takes the pill and I use a condoms always. Don't like it much, but for peace of mind I use it.we both want kids in the future so that's why don't hget a vasectomy. But if we did not one kids I would had gotten one years ago as I don't like condoms putting one on make me go limp for a bit

  7. Not just tentacles, but most of his fantasies aren't things that are possible at all in real life. To my knowledge he doesn't watch any live action porn at all, just comics.

  8. It's not unreasonable for you to dislike sex. It's also not unreasonable for him to want his girlfriend (or a girlfriend) to like sex. It sounds like you two are incompatible in your sexual needs. That's the long and short of it. Nothing you can do.

  9. If a girl let me cum inside of her without a condom, and then tells me, after the fact, she wasn't on birth control, it would be the absolute last time I would speak to her. Knowing he is going in raw, kind of implies you have birth control. This is as bad as stealthing. I would have to consider you a baby trap. So YES, you should tell him and let the chips fall where they may.

  10. I think this is the root of the issue. This is a big sacrifice to ask someone to make at the beginning of a relationship. And honestly if you have to make that kind of sacrifice, it's often better to find someone more compatible when the cost of leaving is lower even if you “love” them. It doesn't mean he wouldn't develop the commitment you're looking for in the future. However, from the other things you mentioned, I'd be skeptical that this guy would develop that kind of commitment. I think most people will want a balance of someone that values sex and someone that values love. If they only value love, they're probably not going to make great sexual partners. The more someone values sex, the more likely they're going to make sure the one person they choose to be with is sexually compatible with them.

  11. Oh my. I said it doesn't work for everyone, if it works for you and your partner then I'm no one to say it's wrong. I just that would personally made me and my partner feel awful. Both know we can always say no and no one will get angry. That's what I consider a healthy sexual relationship for me.

  12. Your post was removed from /r/sex because it is too short to be likely to foster meaningful discussion. Consider posting again with a little more detail. If you feel this action is in error, you may also message the moderators to request that your post be reviewed. Remember, please, to not ask for the impossible. If your post IS really short, we will hesitate to reinstate it, even if you ask nicely. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  13. He asked to try it. How's that my fault? All I did was misinterpret his tone because we were laughing up to that point and he didn't give me a second to reaction to him being serious.

  14. A person is in constant evolution trough their life and their likes or dislikes can be influenced through circumstances.

  15. I mean, one of the things to keep in mind is that human bodies don't conform to some specific rule. Human height is, ON AVERAGE, 60% leg length, but that's not guaranteed: my wife is 5 inches shorter than me, but her legs aren't 3 inches shorter than mine, they're 5 inches shorter. During sex, we kiss very easily, but when we walk side by side she has to hustle. Meanwhile, I dated someone who was… Well, this was 10 years ago, I can't recall her height anymore, but kissing her during sex was very difficult because there was a significant difference in torso length; I'd practically have to bend double. So, fundamentally, the answer is, “You're just going to have to face-check it and see.”

  16. Perhaps you and your husband should see a couples therapist that specializes in issues with dead bedrooms. If he is unable or unwilling to do so you may want to consider getting out of that marriage.

  17. For me, the hug thing you mentioned is just physically comfortable and not as tiring as other positions. That might have something to do with it.

  18. We are different like opposites attract but sometimes I feel she does more and is secretly talking to guys and girls about sex and other things just because her phone never has anything new in it no texts no calls no nothing her browsing history never changes and her location history is always missing time and is erased except home and work! She swears up and down she doesn't talk to anyone and says she has no friends! Is there something to this! Is she really telling the truth? My gut feeling is always moving and I don't know what to think. Someone help me out here! Xoxo

  19. A lot of people are like this. They are into it in the moment, but can’t really talk about it after the moment passed. Or they want it, but feel ashamed talk about it. For women this is extremely common. For men and anal stuff…it’s way more common. I mean when I was a teen some assholes killed a guy by dragging him behind a pickup truck, just because he was gay. So when you do butt stuff with a dude, you are literally putting him in danger if you talk about it to other people. So it’s understandable that he might not want to talk about it.

  20. He could be having sex with someone else and he doesn't want to “cheat”. He could have STD and he is trying to get rid of it. He could have erectile dysfunction.

  21. I'm against the stream here, BJs are my least favorite sexual act. Boring, one sided, mute, appetizer before main course.

  22. Have him dress up and role play one of your fantasies. Maybe he’s the pool boy, gardener, delivery guy, plumber… Honestly cleaning the house while looking sexy would be my #1 😂

  23. empty college classroom at the end of the day. Sat in the chair in-front facing the classroom. Don't think anyone would've came in except the janitorial staff

  24. Sometimes, this type of behavior is a sign that other things are going on. I worked with a guy who started dating this woman after he had gotten divorced. His ex-wife was a drug user and addict who stole money to buy drugs for her and her addict bf. After his divorce, he got custody of his 2 kids. When he started dating this new woman, he said that she was very nice to his kids but didn't show a lot of affection. She also never wanted to have sex or stay over at his place, only at her place because of the kids she said. So he eventually married her, and she moved in with him. After a few months, he announced that they were expecting a child. She has the child, and everything seemed to be going good. He comes home one day, and she hands him divorce papers. He asks her what's going on, why does she want a divorce. She tells him that she doesn't love him and she never really loved him. All she wanted was to have a child. She didn't want anything from him or need anything because she actually had a higher paying job than he did. She just wanted her baby and a divorce.

  25. Since this is only my second one ever, I never gave it much thought until now. It's not bothersome at all, and it's pretty mild, doesn't look noticeable or feel bad at all. Nevertheless, it's definitely a cold sore and I had just gone on a date with my girlfriend yesterday. Then all the posts I read always mentioned kissing which led me to believe that was rhe culprit. Thanks again for your responses, it's definitely helped alleviate some of the concern!

  26. It's okay to be horny. It's okay to want sex. It's okay to look at people and feel desire for them. What's not okay is reducing someone to a sex object, by which I mean, treating them as though their only worth comes from sex. But you're clearly not doing that. You're seeing the humanity in people, while also feeling desire for them. Nothing you've said sound incel-ish to me. You're the exact opposite of the typical incel, because you obviously care deeply about treating people with respect and dignity. You're not saying anything misogynistic. It isn't wrong to want to have sex. I do, most people do. It's normal to want to explore sexuality. Just make sure you're treating your partners with kindness and respect, and ensure they are enthusiastically consenting before moving forward. And practice safer sex, of course. You'll be all right. You sound like a really decent person and I'm glad you care about treating people right.

  27. you fucked up horrendously. there’s no coming back from this. having to convince him was bad enough, but how do you just continue after you see him crying???? i hope he can recover and find someone who treats him better

  28. No. Hell know it's a lie. If it's small there is very little that will make him happy. Just do your best to make the sex enjoyable for both of you. If he sees you enjoying it and Cumming that will help.

  29. Wow, you definitely dodged a bullet. As a man I am always amazed how much women will put up with from guys. I've heard female friends tell me “well he told me that he can't orgasm with condom so I agreed to do it without” or “he said condoms don't fit him..” etc etc. Obviously all complete BS. If any guy refuse to wear a condom, I would say to any girl, just get up and leave. That action tells you all you need to know about the guy, he's selfish and he's a liar, so just get out of there. The moment he said “aren't you sensitive” and then complain about not having to give foreplay to other women, you should have gotten the hell out of there. Not to mention when he complained about wearing a condom, is like tripple red flag. The guy is obviously terrible in bed and have no idea how to please a women, he is rude and selfish and doesn't care about protecting you. So basically an absolute loser. I'm sorry you had this experience.

  30. My partner would never want me to bear pain for his pleasure when I don't find pain pleasurable. He's not selfish. I tapped out of a sex act just this week because it started to hurt and he stopped immediately.

  31. Build a sex bench covered in tiles. It would be usable for just showering also. The shape of it looks like a woman’s body if she is laying on her stomach. It does need to be in the center so you can put your feet on each side. It’s like a chase lounge for sex.

  32. I don't think there is anything wrong with being a little attached or having some feelings for a fwb. You guys are literally doing the most intimate act. It is hard to overcome nature and hormones. As long as you know that it's not long term, I think it's fine. Just enjoy it.

  33. Before PIV, very responsive clitoris. Start PIV, dead as a doornail. I don't know how something can lose sensitivity so immediately but I suspect that the dick starts engaging the clit from the back end (g-spot area) and all internal focus goes to there? I don't know why it can't do both the front and back but the body is weird. But like I mentioned, it's not super uncommon.

  34. Get him off right away and go back to foreplay (especially on you [f]) until he's ready to go again. He shouldn't have the same problem

  35. Ok, yes, he has the right to break up for sure, but NOT in that way! This is just cruel and unbelieveable shitty from him! I'm so sorry you're going through this right now, and can't even imagine how you feel! I can just tell you, he is an incredible big asshole for what he did to you and you are definetly better off without him!

  36. Making a habit of cutting into yourself with a sharp object and giving yourself scars for the rest of your life is absolutely a symptom of mental illness. What else could it be? And not accurate at all to say teenage girls do it all the time. It's not good to try to normalize this.

  37. I care more about a girl worshipping it and showing she's happy to be there than specifically deepthroating it if her mouth is too small. I also HATE TEETH and every time I see a woman smile with teeth I take it as a threat and it triggers my fight or flight (sarcasm). Chances are, if he's reasonable, he'll be able to make the obvious decision between two choices. 1) She tries to awkwardly deepthroat you with her teeth trying to sand 4 grooves into his dick because his cock is thicker than the space between your back TEETH. 2) She enthusiastically kisses the tip. Looks at it with lust. Sucks the tip like a Popsicle while flicking her tongue and pulls her mouth off with a loud “pop”. Uses her saliva and her precum to run her lips across his shaft. And even puts her nose right at the base of his dick between his balls and shaft, just to smell him while she's stroking his with one of her free hands. I assume he'd prefer the later.

  38. I agree and that’s been scaring me for quite some time now, but i try to convince myself she loves me and that it wont happen to me :/

  39. You're doing so much right! I think the only thing I would recommend is basically edging for her–work to get her riiiiight to the edge of orgasm, then switch to PIV while continuing the clit stimulation.

  40. If it happens again, then you know he isn’t wiping/washing down there enough. I’d suggest to do something in the shower and see if he gets the hint that way.

  41. I think the better use of kegels is to give you ways to stimulate you and your partner, than just trying to make you tighter overall. I think most guys talk about tightness because they don't know that kegels are an option. So they just treat it like rolling dice, hoping they get lucky. Kegels remove the luck element and make it a matter of skill. You can squeeze as he pulls out and release as he enters and I don't think any man would complain. Being loose doesn't matter if your kegels are on point, and that's a skill you have direct control over.

  42. Thank you, I'll give that a try. The only thing is that once she gets close, and I penetrate, then it's overs for me as well, haha. But I guess that a mutual orgasm would be ideal, I just want to give her my best possible performance.

  43. Sure you can paraphrase it that way, all I said was that he confessed which a lot of people would never do so I'm only saying he deserves credit for that. I never said that makes his actions right or any less horrible. On the contrary I said like right below that it doesn't resolve him of his actions or crime all I wanted to point out is that he didn't have to confess. As a matter of fact we would have no conversation if he didn't confess. That's all I'm saying

  44. I personally prefer eating pussy and ass, that gets my cock so hard…. You should play with pussy in front of him and lick your fingers, he must just watch

  45. Break up…. I personally feel the way you do about pubic hair especially if it’s like that. She’s still young, I didn’t start realizing how much more confident I feel with Brazilian waxes until I was 26 and I wish I had been brave enough to start them younger

  46. I always urinate right after, to avoid a bladder infection and then I douche to wash out most of the semen. I like to have a clean PH neutral vagina, that way there are no smells and/or yeast infection problems. You can buy vaginal and anal douches at any sex shops. I wish they would sell them at chemists, but unfortunately they don’t. I hope this helps.

  47. As you realize, there’s not much you can do in regards to his process here. But if he’s not willing to look into some kind of counseling or therapy for himself, then he’s not really willing to do the work to help your relationship succeed. What’s important here is that you find a way to heal from this trauma and I hate to say it, but that may not be possible to do with your boyfriend being stuck in his own head about things. Again, you can’t do anything to change him, all you can do is what’s necessary to take care of your self. I’m very sorry for what happened to you and the continuing aftershocks from it. I’m glad that you seem to be getting help for yourself.

  48. I second this! It sounds like stubble burn. It definitely happens when my partner has short facial hair and we kiss for too long.

  49. I felt forced. I thought “being a man” meant that I should always want it. I'm kinda good looking now, but I was an ugly teen. So I felt like I should be grateful for all the attention I was getting. Did a fair amount of stuff that I didn't really want to do. I wish someone had told me it was ok to say no. In fact, it's so important to give yourself permission to say no.

  50. If you don't mind me asking where are you from roughly? This feels like a real bible belt kind of idea. I don't think I've ever heard anyone in Western Europe express this view

  51. So you wish your girlfriend was more into sex, but when she tells you something that she would like to do, you effectively kink-shame her … not by refusing to do it, but by refusing to now have sex with her. I am definitely not saying you should let her peg you if you are not comfortable with it, but you shouldn’t be withholding sex in general just because she expressed a kink (at your prodding). You may need to consider the possibility that you two just aren’t sexually compatible.

  52. So, im an experienced guy. I'm an envelope pusher in general, I like it rough, I'm an arrogant prick. I've accidently gone in the wrong hole. Things are wet and slippery and accidents can happen. I felt terrible and immediatky went into action trying to care for my partner. That said. Apparently there's a thing called surprise Anal, which I think could be egregious understatement depending in intent and what the next action they take is. If everyone agrees it's one thing, but when one party I'd not expecting it it is an incredible violation. If the surprise is intentional it's really bad but coukd be ignorance. If they continue or tey to that is rape, period. I don't say that lightly. I'm not judging and have no idea if this dudes just a fucktard or I'd he's got a sadistic streak. The fact that he stopped indicates he may just be an idiot, and of the type that shouldn't be allowed to contribute to the fucking gene pool. If not, call it what the fuck it is. Its fucking rape if he knew you didnt want ut and did it anyway. Nothing makes that ok. I'd bend his ass over and dry fuck him once and see how he liked it. Now again, he may just be a fucktard which is statistically the most likely.. Too many guys learn from porn. Porn is awesome, but I see way too many posts with such incredible ignorance around anal. It's fucked uo to me anyine woykd think this is OK, or going from the V to A. It's sad and disgusting. Now tell me how some fucktard who can't understand why it's a bad idea to unexpectedly shove his cock in someone's ass is going without being told why that's a bad idea is going to be any kind if a worthwhile life partner. Like hold a job or balance a checkbook… or worse, where that shit goes next. I will additionally qualify my opinion of that sentiment with I believe its a term overused. Read my prior comments if you think I'm a wolf crier. Grabbing an ass of a stranger is not rape. Consensual sex for a promotion isn't fucking rape, it's a career move. It does not cause ptsd. It is traumatizing. Forcefully ass fucking a partner against their will absolutely is. This shit can cause serious long term trauma. You got a chouce here lady, but im telking you, barring something i credibmy compelling, dump this mother fucker. I'd have put a bullet in him of that was my ass… or my daughters… or hell, even a close friends… either to stop a Predator or protect intelligent DNA.

  53. There's always at least some risk of false positives and negatives with any test. You could do another test if you really want to be sure. But I think it's more likely that you do have it, and just didn't transmit it. Transmission is never a sure thing. I wish we didn't stigmatize herpes so heavily, making life so hard for the many people who have it. I know it's not fun to talk about, but it's really great that you are doing so. I hope things go well with your new partner.

  54. I applaud you for having, and sticking to your values. If I was not taken, I would look for a person such as you. Keep it up, you will find the right person. For me it happened as soon as I decided to stay single lol.

  55. So then I suppose my follow up is why do I enjoy it? I had a girlfriend cheat on me and it plagued me with trust issues for a few years until I met my current girlfriend who just made all of that go away. I wouldn’t wish feeling how I felt like that on my worst enemy. Why is something like this what gets me off the most when I’m with myself? Why can’t I search “Big booty Latina gf gets creampie” like normal people?

  56. I guess the first step is to talk with my partner instead of posting online 😂 just wanted some reference. I havent talked to him so he may not even know that id like to have more sex, and the hints of saying im always in the mood arent direct enough. Next step tell him to please fuck me more 😂😂

  57. Your post was removed from /r/sex because it is too short to be likely to foster meaningful discussion. Consider posting again with a little more detail. If you feel this action is in error, you may also message the moderators to request that your post be reviewed. Remember, please, to not ask for the impossible. If your post IS really short, we will hesitate to reinstate it, even if you ask nicely. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  58. My mother is… similar. Maybe some people don't think like this right off the bat, but that man should be offering you therapy in the kindest way possible. I don't understand how anyone could even think about a child for a person who has went through that so fresh from a parent. Hell maybe you could tell him that? Even if you aren't ready. I'm not saying you will ever be anything like your mother, but I think therapy would really explain things and then you can properly go through what you need to and start to at least learn how to heal from it. It's not really a to do list type of thing, it takes time. But perhaps you could tell him you would like to start and get somewhere into that journey before you can be sure of bringing someone you are in charge of into the world. Also mention the career thing again but have the therapy part be the biggest thing and emphasize it.

  59. Enthusiasm helps alot. Teasing during foreplay, passionate kisses. Also live in the moment, it's not a race to finish. (I'm not saying you do that.) Make him feel big, inflate his ego a bit, especially if he doesn't have one lol. Make him feel special, make him feel he is the only one in the world and don't do any comparing. Personally I like it when my girl brings me to the brink of exploding then cuts me off. It drives me insane. Surprise blow jobs, sexy outfits/lingerie, mess with him before you have sex, like if you are out on the town or something, build up the tension.

  60. You are not obligated nor should you feel that way. I would think most people in committed relationships are sometimes willing to have sex with their partner even if they are not fully into it. But by the same token a partner should respect the others desires if they are not up to it. It's give and take. Saying no to him in this instance is perfectly reasonable. As are your feelings. Him as a loving partner should care about your feelings. I would argue your feelings about this outweigh his desire for stoned sex.

  61. Agree. I don’t know why people go to the ER for stupid things. Are you dying? No? Don’t go It’s just sex

  62. Reenacting past sexual trauma is super common, it's a way for victims to process it in a way in which they're in control. I would recommend fully discussing it with her and making sure you both have safe words if you continue it.

  63. Yes you might. But herpes is a very common virus and a lot of people herpes. You won't know, and they won't know themselves, because herpes only shows up occasionally on the skin for short times. So it turns out most people have herpes. HIV is also treatable and there are pills you can take to stop you from catching it in the first place now. However, you should speak to a doctor about the different infections to get a better and clearer understanding than what us internet strangers can tell you. But this is all why protection and regular testing is important. The standard recommendation in the UK where I live is every 3 months, so that's why I suggested that. Protect yourself and be safe, and make sure you think very deeply about how much you can trust any sexual partners before becoming exclusive and having raw sex with them.

  64. I've seen that theory too, and it makes sense on the face of it. Being upright resulted in quite a few interesting though sometimes tricky evolutionary workarounds especially for women.

  65. We regularly have lazy weekend morning sex, and after we cuddle for a minute or so and my partner hops out of bed, goes makes bacon sandwiches and brews and brings them upstairs for us to enjoy in bed. Bliss.

  66. I'm sure you're right about this . And he probably thinks you're incredibly sexy. It can be a little boost your ego and confidence

  67. I wonder if it could be microtears? Are you using enough lube? Not enough lube for more girth than you're used to could definitely cause microtears from friction. Some lubes irritate me; you could try different ones and compare ingredients. Definitely try and find a gyno that will listen. Some doctors just dismiss pain and symptoms but keep trying!! My first thought was fibroids or endometriosis, but that doesn't sound as likely if the pain is further from the uterus. Have you tried using a dildo or vibrator on your own (after waiting for the pain to stop) to compare sensation? I didn't know vaginal walls could be thinned from birth control. Did the gyno see signs of that, or just guess? I would definitely get tested for STDs just in case, but if the pain happened immediately (within 24 hours or less) after your first time with him, that seems unlikely. Another commenter mentioned latex allergy. You can develop such an allergy (I did) and it's annoying!! They do make non-latex condoms, if that is the case. I'm sorry, that is so frustrating 🙁

  68. Thanks for revising your post to include a specific advice question. Just to confirm: As a general matter, update posts are disfavored here if they don't raise a new topic for advice or discussion.

  69. And I don’t want to overstep my boundaries by offering you this advice. But I did notice, she said all of your friends, who are single, feel isolated, and hopeless. The in a relationship will not change that feeling for you or your friends. You must find a way to feel less isolated and hopeless before you get into a relationship. You need to bring the best version of yourself to the relationship so that you can find the best possible partner. If you aren’t living your life to the fullest, and you aren’t happy and fulfilled, you will attract people with those same deficiencies. And that will cause you to feel even more lonely while in a relationship.

  70. Okay, hear me out. Have you considered being honest with the ex and telling them exactly what you’re thinking right now regarding entertaining other people? I ask for a few reasons. The first is that you stated the breakup was necessary, do you honestly intend on getting back with them if change happens? Their motivation is flawed, so I can’t say the change will stick, but the question remains. The second is, do you think if you share that you’re interested in someone else that you will lose the ex? You’ve already chosen to breakup with them and entertain someone else, do you feel like you’re holding out hope for that relationship that you’re not admitting to yourself? For the record, I say be single and pursue other people, but I don’t think you’re being 100% honest with yourself about your intentions with your ex. This is in no way meant to be a dig at you, I’m all for people exploring new opportunities, but if you’re harboring some kind of guilt or moral quandary, I always think being forward and honest is the best bet. With yourself and your ex.

  71. This reads like a poorly- written porno from a teenage boy. Fuck him again and be done with it. If she's cool with it and so is he, what's the issue?

  72. Well dont film people without consent so they dont throw youe phone out of the window eithout ur consent 🙂

  73. YES, ENTHUSIASM! Make him feel like his dick is all you’ve ever wanted. Kiss it, lick it, moan while it’s in your mouth. Tell him/show him how much it turns you on to get him off. Make love to it. Pay attention to what angles make him harder, how he reacts to different speeds. I always start off with some variety, then when I find an angle and speed that makes him go nuts (moaning, grunting, hands gripping, balls tight and close to shaft) I keep the rhythm until he comes. Im able to get him off up to 5 times a night this way. Hope it helps!

  74. I would say it's up to you. Fwb is just fwb and not a relationship for just two. As long as he identifys this between you two as a fwb as well it shouldn't be a problem for him to accept that there is another person. If you want to be safe then tell him. If he gets angry it wasn't a fwb relationship for him.

  75. With all that being said, then I think you need to take it a step further back. Not everyone knows how to communicate. So talk about communicating. Talk about how you dont want to fight. Youre not attacking her. Talking is just talking. Its a way to learn more about each other and overcome awkwardness and problems. Its you and her vs the problem, not you vs her. Youre meant to be a team, and thats how you are approaching things. And you would like her to approach it that way too. There isnt an easy fix unfortunately. But if she has a problem communicating in the first place, then thats the thing you have to work on first. Then once she has a better understanding and a better idea of ways to talk to each other, then it won't be so explosive or whatever when you bring up sex things. You dont have to wait obvs, but they should be separate conversations. Communicate first. Then the sex thing afterwards on a different day. And alternate between them. Again, you are allowed to have a problem. You are allowed to have a problem with having a problem. And you are allowed to express that. You are allowed to have an expectation of standards in your relationship and hold her to them, if that was what you feel is necessary for yourself. Theres meant to be give and take in a relationship, and if there's no equal in that, then you are allowed to express that. There is also something to be said if you show her this post. Maybe not the post itself if you cant do that, but copy and paste it to your phones notes and make it like “if i were to ask for advice from someone this is what I would say”. Theres nothing wrong with being completely honest and letting things go as they will. If it ends in a fight, you were at least honest and everything is on the table then. And it lets you get somewhere.

  76. Because viewing women as our own personal property is engraved into almost every culture in the world.

  77. Make sure she’s thoroughly hydrated and orgasming easily and her body is super turned on Press on lower abdomen as you poke her g spot, a certain kind of bouncy repetitive tapping, I’d say “medium fast” and significant pressure. Tiny jerking movements and use your whole arm not just your wrist. Try to use your mouth too if possible

  78. Leave the fantasy as it is. Expend your high sex drives on each other. Don't ruin your beautiful relationship by trying to make it real. Use toys if you must but fantasies are just that.

  79. This is called being smart and responsible. A sign of manhood is to do the smart and responsible thing in the face of pressure, whether it be from peers or your partner. Be a man, and do what's best for you.

  80. I'm not sure someone keeps track of such a statistic, because it's not that relevant. You're very unlikely to get pregnant from one sexual encounter with condom. There is probably a way to infer it though. Let's try There roughly 12 time intervals during the year when a woman is fertile. If perfect use of condoms guarantees only 2% of women will get pregnant, probability woman will not get pregnant is 0.98. Therefore assuming it's equal for every month, probably woman will not get pregnant during one month of sex with condom is 12th root of 0.98 = 99.832%. Now if a couple practices completely unprotected sex, there is 85% a woman will get pregnant. Assuming pregnancy is equally likely every month, this means each month probably of woman not becoming pregnant is 12th root of (1-0.85)=0.15 and is equal to 0.85377. This gives us monthly probability of pregnancy is 14.623%. Assuming sex is equally distributed among fertile and non-fertile days (probably not true) we can conclude condoms reduce chance of pregnancy 14.623/(100-99.831786) = 86.93 times. Feel free to correct me if I made a mistake somewhere. This calculation requires some pretty generous assumptions and is therefore not exactly accurate.

  81. I feel like lube is essential for me, a woman, during sex. For years I’ve made it a priority to have at home. I often use it when I masturbate with dildos. If I’m just rubbing my clit with my hand then I’m usually fine with my own juices. I’ve always had sex with condoms and I usually add lube to the outside because I thought that were supposed to be used that way. I’ve struggled with some pain during sex and usually one of the first suggestions to deal with that is to add more lube. So I generally start by applying a lot and then pausing to add more whenever I start to feel a burning sensation that seems to be caused by friction. I’ve used Astroglide for years because it’s easy to find and was recommended by a gynecologist as a brand that works well for vaginas. I recently got some water based Sliquid and find that it feels great when first applied but it dries up much faster than Astroglide so I have to reapply a lot more. I’ve read that you can just add water to water based lube to “reactivate” it, but I haven’t tried that.

  82. I (26M) got the same. Fun fact, I mostly talk about it with my… female friends. Closer ones, or not even closer ones [with closer ones I talk more about details though]. It's just important to not break some boundaries while talking to other person there. Especially if it arouses you.

  83. The sad part is is, it’s not a sexless marriage, I can probably have sex with her I would say about 90% of the time, which you think would be a win, right? But unfortunately, it’s not fulfilling because it’s with somebody who doesn’t really want to have it, and It’s really just to keep me happy, and it feels very unconnected, that’s the problem I’m struggling with.

  84. For feature reference. Never ever ever use toys that arnt made for anal play to do anal. This is why butt toys are different make sure it’s got a base or a ring or something at the end to hold onto. Be safe a ass will swallow anything it can

  85. I think I might Understand. Is it repulsion like feeling how magnets repel each other. Did you feel a physical Pull towards her Before this event happened? And now do you feel like that energy pushing back ? Also I don't think there's anything wrong with this being your preference. You expressed that your hesitant towards the toys to begin with. I think you could sense that this was not your thing but you tried it anyways for your girlfriend. And I think you just kind of proved to yourself That you really Were not OK with it. I also understand theUse of much bigger d**** being a turn off as well. And I wanna say I see nothing wrong with that. I honestly don't know what to give you for advice on where to go from here. But if I was in your position going through that I think I would lose attraction as well. And I'm no stranger to the vibrator. However, ultimately I prefer my husband. Unless I'm pleasing myself or giving my husband head I don't care for the use of toys. I found it makes actual sex less enjoyable, It makes me less sensitive to my husband, So that then I end up needing the toys more than my husband in order to get off. To where if I don't use the toys at all then my husband is all I need to get me crazy.

  86. As everyone else has said – leave him. Block him on all social media platforms, get a new phone number, and move on.

  87. I met this girl at a club and took her to my place the same night. We fucked for like an hour. This is all she wanted. She didn't want to know. She wasn't interested in anything after sex. She got what she needed and you're trying to figure out why. Why does it matter? Your single, be single.

  88. This sub is for seeking advice. Posts that just look to solicit opinions are specifically against the rules here. Because as with literally every other subject – some people will love clit piercings. Some will hate them. Some won't care either way.

  89. Guy here – amazes me how many guys don’t seem to like putting in the work to get a girl off. It’s the best part of the whole thing.

  90. People with BPD have a hard time accepting that they are good enough. My sister would beat herself up endlessly for the smallest things. You didn’t talk about what she’s like outside of sex, but I’m guessing there’s more there. It sounds like you’re doing all you can by telling her how much you still enjoy it. Keep up the encouragement but recognize that this isn’t something you can sort out for her.

  91. Personally, I prefer a cute girl over a hot or beautiful girl. I find them the most attractive. If she's cute AND has a “darker” undertone, I find that to be the hottest and most attractive thing on a woman. Honestly, you sound just like my type. But it sounds like lack of communication in the bedroom might be your bigger problem, not necessarily being cute, from what you've said in this post. Communicate that you like it rough. My ex was also cute and sweet. But she liked rough sex, and I thought that was the sexiest thing ever. It feels like extra naughty/dirty because a cute girl “shouldn't” behave that way, but yet here she is liking it that way — breaking the rules.

  92. It's not that a breeding kink is weird but it's the birth control comment in my opinion. Even being the person who HAS the kink, he should be able to realize A.) At this point, it's literally just a fantasy. You (I'm assuming) don't want to get pregnant and he can't make you and B.) That's a weird ass comment and incredibly worrisome. OP, don't leave your birth control pills or any bag/purse that has them, unattended when around him.

  93. You are not being too strict, you are doing the right thing. If you are not comfortable going bare than don't let someone talk you into it. I would say the same thing to a woman who wanted her men to use a condom. Sex is not supposed to have anxiety attached to it. If you have concern about getting an STD, you cannot relax and have the experience you should have.

  94. All the guys are getting mad 😂 You can tell who isn’t getting the job done. I could understand if the guy gets a cramp and needs a break. But it’s like they’re perfectly fine UNTIL I SAY THEYRE DOING WELL. I’ve started being silent during sex so they won’t change up. I can’t risk another ruined orgasm bc he wants to switch things up or change the flow

  95. My husband went down on me for 45 whole minutes cause he wanted to finally be the man that makes me orgasm. It worked in the end but damn it was NOT fun. I don't even like receiving oral 😂

  96. You said yourself, it’s perfectly fine and sounds like it works for you. If you’re that worried about what ur friends think tho just say that he’s a grower, not a shower and he fits perfectly.

  97. Just for anyone that reads this and gets confused, working out will not make your clit grow, the women in that sub that are muscular are injecting testosterone/ other PED’s

  98. I have similar issues with PIV the anxiety meds need to go if he wants to achieve and O with piv. Only certain positions work for me to achieve cumming, on bottom being ridden, on our sides in a spooning position as she rides sideways. Also helps if there have been a couple days since last masterbation.

  99. I’m really curious where this pressure to be promiscuous when you’re young comes from. The national lifetime average in the US for both men and women is like 6-8 or somewhere in there. In the real world, promiscuity is actually pretty uncommon, it’s not a standard to which people should hold themselves (nor, of course, should they feel shame if they do).

  100. Maybe you have OCD. The statement about “too intimate” seems to be a key clue, but I don't what it means. You have all this negativity about sex, or about romance. If you meet his gaze during cunnilingus, you'll take offense. If you close your eyes, you'll give offense. The post is a pile of excuses for why one or the other of you should take offense during sex. A lot of women's posts share this paranoia that during sex, men run wild with overthinking, and men are on a mission to seize on any and every aspect of a woman's sexual being to judge her to be weird, unsexy, repulsive, and overbearing. (The shape of her labia, if she gets wet, she doesn't get wet, if she asks for this, asks for that, bla bla.) I don't think men are like that, but then, I'm just one man. I don't understand your reluctance and embarrassment at “demanding lots of energy” and “wanting to go harder and faster”. That's what sex is supposed to be. We men want to be commandeered for our partner's pleasure. Just as we want her to let us shove ourselves into her mouth. We would like her to be a sex machine who we can make get wet, emote, squeeze, pant. As for technique suggestions, I suggest first thing is to level with him that you are leery of sexual intimacy, and you specifically don't like your pussy being fingered alone, don't like it being licked alone, and don't both being done together. Offer to try submitting to these touches for a couple of minutes during sex. Keep doing this night after night, week after week.

  101. Yes, that's what is so frustrating. I say it ALL the time, every day, literally. Until I started the divorce process (which he isn't aware I started it, he's just aware I want a divorce).


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