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6 thoughts on “kamillwebb sex cams big-tits

  1. You need to work on the communication between the two of you. If it is so difficult that you completely avoid it, find a mediator/therapist.

  2. I love this position BUT till I got there I have realized that: If he sits or leans back on pillow or headboard as well itโ€™s better – the angle and friction are different I need the support, so I hold the headboard a lot or I am lying on his chest Movements – back and forth and circles. If I hold the headboard I am able to do ups and downs – and I can control the power of thrusts. If he holds you on hips or butt and push you down on him – the friction increases and if presses the butt halfs together – it makes you tighter and the friction for him increses as well.

  3. That wasn't very cash money of her. You're well within your right to advocate for the kind of protection you want. If she's going to be aggro about your peace of mind, you might want to reconsider this arrangement.

  4. I tried all this thing in recent meeting but all of these failed I feel too much excitement just after entering into her I have no prob with hard on and tried all you had said but could not resist my early ejaculation I stopped and took breath and afterward when I start thrusting just after two to three strock I again feel that is coming so I came. After that when everything is done I feel a sensation inside my urinary track which started burning sensation like I have put a chilly inside my penis and that going downward to my anas, I became frightened what the hell is this I never have this kind of situation before. So my gf told me that it could be your weakness which causes this situation but I don't know what is this, first I have lost my stamina and second this burning sensation after ejaculation, held I became depressed ๐Ÿ˜ž.


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