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43 thoughts on “Laurenrosse-1naked live sex chat

  1. Thank you for reflective reply. Your thoughts are appreciated. As you may have identified from my communication with who others have thoughtfully shared their view on my query, I have certainly communicated to my wife how the current scenario is making me feel and the frustrations it brings with it. But have only done so in a way that is without frequency, nor pressure or expectation on any level. If I were honest with myself I part of me recognises that my wife, knowing her as I do, would be quite content with my frustrations continuing and not being able to be met as long as everything else I do remains the same I.e., prioritise our child and her. Yes this reflects a greater problem in our relationship but not one that will ever change, and given that I do not want to cause any disruption to our child’s life through separation my current dilemma is largely a fault of my own. As I have conveyed elsewhere in my thread, my posting was not expecting anything, I just valued the thoughts of a others who may have insights or even similar predicaments of their own. Thank you again and do enjoy your day.

  2. Your post has been automatically removed because it appears to be asking if some aspect of someone else's or your own sexuality or body is normal or not. We get a lot of questions here that are about really basic stuff that ought to be taught in schools but that unfortunately isn't. Variance is the norm in human sexuality. It's more meaningful to ask questions like: is this safe? Is this consensual? Is this mutually pleasurable? There are a lot of great resources for this, including scarleteen and go ask alice. You may also find relevant information with a search of /r/sex or in our FAQ. If you feel like your question is more complicated or will be a topic for thoughtful discussion, please message the moderators so that we can restore your post. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  3. Gender swapping can be useful, I'd be glad they did it except you can't change the wording of the og post and expect your results to mean anything. Just swap the fucking genders op.

  4. Why would you care what reddit thinks about what you think about in your own time?? I’ve never met Chris Hemsworth.. anyone here have an objection to me beating it to him? 🔥

  5. Hello I am a girl around the same age as you who also has very innocent friends . I was sexually active with an ex boyfriend and I did tell them but none of them told me I was disgusting and what is disgusting is that your friends did. It is 100% normal to become sexually active from the ages of 16 – 19 ( usually when people start college or highschool ) I would say that's when most people do. It's a natural progression into adult life and NO ONE should make you feel bad about it. I don't know why they are acting so high and mighty anyway beacuse in a matter of years they will be sleeping with future partners too. Its a fact of life almost all healthy relationships involve sex so why we are so taboo and shaming about it still in this day and age baffles me. If they didnt want to know they shouldn't of asked ! I don't know what response they expected asking that question anyway.

  6. If she has never played with herself, she doesn’t know how to pleasure herself. If she doesn’t know how to pleasure herself, you’ll always end up starting from square one. It’s may be a little weird but ask her if she’s masturbated before. If she has, ask her what she likes. Having a man – especially an experienced one – trying to get you off without you knowing what you want is like asking him to find a needle in a haystack.

  7. Most women can't orgasm through penetration. They can only achieve clitoral orgasms. Did you play with her clit to make her orgasm?

  8. You're young and worth so much more than that! Get going girl! Find someone who will love you for who you are not who you have/haven't been with!

  9. No but don’t tell him you think he was horny cause he smelled her panties. How can he even respond to that. Imagine if it was reversed and he thought you were turned on from smelling your daughters boyfriends underwear….

  10. I won’t resent him for it but he persists in telling me that he loves me and to make sure I loose the weight as it doesn’t help his problem This comment of OP's explicitly describes him saying that her weight is at least part of the issue

  11. Bigger doesn’t mean it felt better. If you’re thinking about your ex then you shouldn’t be with your current girl.

  12. I actually ended a friendship with a person who did this to their partner. Turns out she just wanted a baby and as soon as she got pregnant she ended things with him. This is a huge red flag.

  13. Honestly I would break up over this. You did nothing wrong. This kind of thing happens from time to time. I would never say that someone else was disgusting during a trusting vulnerable sex act. And if someone said it to me they would never see me again

  14. Do not be afraid to talk comfortably about the lube and what you BOTH need for the most pleasurable experience. There should be no reason he should be put off by you two having a talk, maybe even going in to a sex shop together to choose the lube together. You BOTH matter in the decision making. Be sure to be clear about that. Also, there are many of different natural type lubes that you two can work out figuring out that work best. The first or second or even third try… it may take more than one. Your biology make up and his are unique, as any one else's is. You need to find what's best for you two.

  15. The bible reference her is completely inappropriate. OP said nothing about any religious misgivings, he was simply embarrassed because of his gf's rude and immature response. Don't impose your religious hangups on others.

  16. Keep your grounds, and your semen out of her pussy! Been there… My ex used to lure me to cum bare inside her pussy, saying that it is safe! (“safe days”) After that she started “mental blackmailing” that she's gonna kill herself if she is pregnant etc. Couple of times her periods were a bit late and she used this to abuse me! Long story short, don't act/be like I was. I wish there was somebody who wised me at the time. There was no one. I was 16 years old then… My parents were not helpful at all too. But I kicked her fuck out and survived. It took some 20 years with therapy and meds, but I'm here!

  17. Yes, the logic isn't actually that bad and shows above average awareness actually. OP clearly knows pre-cum can have sperm and so they believe they are removing it by wiping it off before insertion combined with the “pull out” method. They just seem not to be aware that pre-cum is produced continuously during sex. A small oversight with unfortunately large consequences.

  18. I think it is done (and I say this based on just what you written), you're wasting your time in a marriage that isn't doing anything for you. You want a sex life, and there is nothing wrong with that, and you could be getting it elsewhere. But you'll never know if you don't seek professional help. She had an affair because that person offered something you didn't. What was it? Adventure? Physique? Maybe she has fallen out of love with you? Maybe you stopped being the old you. Figure it out and good luck! But do what is best for you.

  19. From what op wrote, she DID give consent. And very clearly. Op is just overlooking it. She gave him consent to try before asking.

  20. Is this the plot to a bad porno movie? Even if sex was “on the table” so to speak.. That’s not how most people think their first time with someone is going to go.

  21. My guess? She just doesn't want to have sex with YOU anymore. She's likely getting it somewhere else instead. A 39 yr old women whose childless afraid of the roe overturn? Yeah that's bs. At 39, if pregnancy was that much of a scare to her, she can easily get her tubes tied, or request that you get a vasectomy. Instead her first go to is to stop sex all together? Yeah, there's someone else in the picture. Sorry, bro.

  22. I think this really depends on a lot of factors. Different personalities would expect things differently. I mean if you’re an asshole of a guy/gal and it’s always about you then Ofcourse it would be a big deal if she gets off and you don’t. When I’m dating and have a consistent partner going down on them gets my juices flowing. Sometimes I want nothing more! But then there are days when it’s my turn to get some. I think when you’re with the right partner you’ll just flow.

  23. Hard af to find people that sat what they want. Everyone wants to tell people to follow directions but no one wants to actually give the fucking directions lol.

  24. I don’t think I would mind any kind of toys my partner could have, even though I have never tried or owned a toy myself.

  25. just for clarity yes she's on hormonal birth control and i use condoms. sometimes i finish outside, other times inside, but not without a condom of course

  26. my partner doesn't love/have a preference for blowjobs either but appreciates the look of me down there and seeing me passionate about it. it doesn't have to be about the literal feeling of being blown, but the general act of giving a service without expecting something in return

  27. That whole movie is sex 😂 And same.. I will judge a session more on the kissing than anything else. So if there is no kissing, did we even have sex? Who knows.


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