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17 thoughts on “Lis-srnaked live sex chat

  1. Are you gonna pretend your whole life ? Plus the probability she will cheat is very high . She likes to be dominated . Which means any guy that shows interest in her be he bigger and more muskuline than you would probably succeed in bagging her. I suggest you run.

  2. why are you assuming that OP will “act on impulses” or something? it's just masturbation, he doesn't hit on anybody. give him a break lol

  3. If his issue is actually premature ejaculation, there are numerous products out there that can help, most of them are not even medication type. There are desensitizing sprays and things, but what really works well are Durex condoms, either prolong or extra time type. Have him try one and see if it helps. Plus, easy clean up for you.

  4. When I was having sensation issues, I was actively masturbating. I found out that gripping the penis really hard can affect the blood flow and width of it affecting PIV sex. I recommend letting go of it completely and consider finding a way to have unprotected sex.

  5. Yea I see. We would still concider ourself vanilla. So maybe vanilla with some sprinkles hahah? So not really kinky?

  6. It would be different if you felt neutral about it, but you are disturbed and freaked out. Tell him you won't do it anymore. If he respects you, he will agree to not do that anymore.

  7. If you watch him and then criticise him I will definitely appreciate your thoughts but if you don't know about him say stupid stuff then you are a brainwashed person. You fail to understand how brainwashing works. Humans are very susceptible to propaganda, we just are. When we listen to enough lies about literally anything for long enough, we start to buy into them, no matter how vile or crazy. At very least on some level. It normalizes that in your brain, and you start to sympathize with it, because in our past enough brutality happened that if you could find a way to live alongside it you were likely targeted yourself. So: saying to anyone “you should listen to this guy that everyone agrees is a sick twisted misogynistic asshole who went so far over the line as to end up facing rape and freaking sex trafficking charges in a place as unlikely as Romania”, you have your world view upside-down, my guy. Andrew Tate doesn't need you speaking up for him, he needs – I dunno, I'm agnostic – but he needs Jesus or something.

  8. Yeah, I get that it's a good problem to have like oh woe is me I keep having insanely good sex help. 😂 Keep exploring and learning about yourself! Sex is a lifelong journey after all and our relationship with our bodies, ourselves and our partners changes throughout our lives. You may feel meh about it now, only to find yourself having the best sex of your life with someone completely unexpected at a different time of your life like what happened with me.

  9. May I suggest wearing aprons if there are any cleaners/chemicals involved? Protects the naughty bits AND adds a little spice

  10. Just keep in mind that HPV and Herpes are not usually tested for and you will not be able to tell her that you are clear of those 2 diseases. Keep an eye out for any possible symptoms/outbreaks.

  11. Seems to me like OP would be a jerk regardless of circumstances. He hides a lack of social skills, empathy and self-awareness behind a “boo-hoo I'm disabled” facade. Even the title of his post would give most women with any self-esteem the Ick. Most of his comments focus on: Previous physical attributes; Current physical limitations; Stereotypes on what women supposedly want in a man. OP's real disability is not with his body, but with his mind, and the creepily misogynistic thought pattern he has there. OP might be better getting a professional, but he's too cheap to try that route; he likely thinks he deserves to get what he wants from women, most of whom will find his…personality (such that it is)…really off-putting. Women are seen by him more as a tool – a means to some kind of self-pleasuring end, rather that actual human beings. He might be better off with a fleshlight. Or serious therapy. Ick.

  12. For some reason I feel embarrassed about sharing that I masturbated. I had a gf once who would try to shame me for it even though she wasn't putting out. (We didn't last long.) If my partner wasn't willing to have sex but was masturbating that would be a deal breaker for me if it became a habit. My current gf never masturbates that I'm aware of. I have a few times but never said anything.


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