lisa-tease sex live cams 18

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9 thoughts on “lisa-tease sex live cams 18

  1. There is another subreddit for this type of conversation. R/deadbedroom To potentiall get some of her perspective check out: r/LowLibidoCommunity

  2. I'm not sure if I would use the word uncomfortable to describe how I was feeling at the time. I was completely caught off guard. I never expected my friend to respond that way to me in such an intimate situation. It confused me because I didn't know what would be an appropriate response. I guess this is why communication is so important. If I knew he was gonna interact with me to that extent, I would've been more prepared to respond in ways that might he might have enjoyed more. But you're right. No real boundaries were crossed and all of us had a good time.

  3. What an asinine comment. Thanks, if you check my post history, I am heavily involved in hotwifing. I totally get open relationships – if you want to use the “cool kid” lingo, we've got better than five years in the “lifestyle”. If you think actual human beings are going to go for the idea of having a super hot sex life like OP describes, but nah, let's give that up once she catches feelings, but hey – so that she doesn't get sexually unfulfilled, let's go with the option of her fucking OTHER guys, just not me, because she is attracted to them? You clearly don't have the first inkling of what open relationships are or how they work. OP has an actual issue here – assuming that this is a thing for her, and not just that she lost attraction to this one dude. She needs help with it, not to find a dude that doesn't have actual human feelings.

  4. If you only receive and don’t give, it’s selfish. It could be a confidence issue. But that doesn’t mean it’s not selfish

  5. My husband of many years is silent mostly just a couple moans at the end. We've been together for a long time and he's always been silent. Bums me out cause I do get turned on by it. But I also know it makes him awkward to make sound. We've talked about it. He said he sounds weird and then he gets caught up in his head that he sounds weird and starts wondering if I think he sounds weird. So it's very distracting for him. He's actually one and several guys who were quiet in bed. Mostly because of roommates but unfortunately for them all… I am not quiet.

  6. Then maybe the threesome was nore than he could handle. If one enters a threesome with tgeir partner and a third party then you have to be able to make peace with the outcome


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