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71 thoughts on “LivaGrimenaked live sex chat

  1. Exactly, the language is important. “I really like white dudes” is an aesthetic statement vs. “I would never date a black dude, I'm exclusively into white men” comes across as really wonky and racist.

  2. The likeliest reason for her preferring the lights off is that she is insecure about her body/appearance. If that is the case, then a lot more frequent compliments/reassurance from you might help. However, the only way to find out what the issue is, is to ask her what the issue is. You can’t solve the problem if you don’t even know what you’re trying to solve.

  3. Try not to worry about your size. Focus on giving her pleasure in other ways first, to make sure she gets to orgasm. A we-vibe would be a good toy for you guys, as she wears it inside while you penetrate her. Also another option is using a penis girth/Length extender such as these: Hope that helps!

  4. based on what they said, it's not nonsensical. why would op stay with someone like that? especially if they have a 🌽 addiction and is blatantly devaluing them. ew 🤢🤮

  5. No he’s the asshole of course. You’re the one who could get pregnant. You’re never the asshole for looking after your health

  6. Oh yeah, I get it I absolutely hate being on anything but some things are necessary lol I don’t know how self prescribers do it

  7. I’ve always wondered about significant height differences… can she blow you comfortably while both standing up?

  8. Let me preface this by.. I DO NOT CONDONE THIS BEHAVIOUR AT ALL and any downvotes would be justified.. But im one of those dudes that generally doesn't bother with condoms unless the woman herself wants me to use protection. I'm quite selective as to who I fuck and we are usually pre tested before we have sex (bumble dates etc). 65 women body count, majority unprotected and luckily no STD or pregnancy scare once. I pull out every time, I either have low fetility or am sterile. Cause even with my long term gfs there was no BC and I always pulled out.

  9. I had the same situation. Doggy was uncomfortable in most positions and painful for some. But after I had a baby I enjoyed doggy and was able to have more vigorous sex in that position and cum every time. I wonder if it had something to do with my pelvic floor being too tight before. I’ve been to embarrassed to ask the OBGYN so I hope you get an answer!

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  11. What kind of off-label use? You should know that Viagra isn't a stimulant or libido-increasing medication. It works by increasing blood flow to the penis, which also helps shunt the valve to air in keeping it erect. I'm not sure there's a legitimately good reason for a female to use it. Sometimes it's prescribed for blood pressure reasons.

  12. Also, if you’re not into the dom sub naughty stuff, you can still do this without the tone. Just pull out and put a stop to things until she is ready to go at your pace. And if she isnt, then the session is over.

  13. Most females around your age experience this sort of thing – even I did. It's one of those things where you have to wonder the reason why these men can't pull a woman their own age, but rather go after a teen. I'm now just shy of 30 and couldn't imagine trying to be involved with an 18/19 year old romantically or sexually. I wouldn't even choose someone in their early 20's.

  14. OP's bf thinks vaginas are gross, which normally stems from misogyny Ehhhh I have yet to see a person blaming misandry when women find penises gross, so I'm kind of skeptical that this is actually true. I've also never seen any studies looking into this. It just seems like some off the cuff hand-wavy nonsense. his guy just sounds like he doesn't care about pleasing her So far, all we know is that he doesn't perform one sex act (oral). I don't see how we can extrapolate his entire philosophy of pleasing his partner from that. Do you?

  15. Start slow with kisses around the thigh and some on her lips. Personally I suck on her lips and spread them individually. When there open I use a fat tongue and slowly like to the top and when I’m getting on the clit I let my tongue get pointed and apply a little pressure

  16. First figure out if you're fit (can you do jumping box for 20 mins straight) or have psychological barriers in the relationship

  17. Fingering isn’t about girth (at least for me) it’s about directly stimulating my g spot so 1-2 fingers is perfect anything more is overkill or just uncomfy

  18. I agree a sincere apology and maybe give him some space. Flip the gender. If anyone teases my white hair l'd be devastated lmfao. And I'm only 31!

  19. Mine is desensitised due to unrelated medication. I can last almost indefinitely when it comes to sex, it's actually kind of annoying.

  20. Unless you have discussed a safeword that always means No, then No always means No. If you have discussed a safe word then you can ignore the No because she can then follow it up with her safe word and then you know she means No.

  21. Unless you can find a way to make your penis curve the other way I just don't see how physically your can resolve this issue unless it's a lube problem? Might just to accept the fact that it's a no go… Just like how I accepted the fact my wife can never climax with my eating / fingeringbher pussy (or even both at same time).

  22. Me personally… I respect her more for taking what I give her like a champ! For sure. Maybe feel proud that your throwing it at him like that… Idk… Embrace it….. And get that pussy beat up regularly! Lol

  23. I'm 21 years old, the same thing happened to me but with my mom, I didn't like it but later I understood that she only cares about me, it's not that she wants to know when and where I'll have sex, it's knowing that she protects me.

  24. I'm not sure whether we feel the same way, but I like when my wife makes the first move. Having a lady dominate the sex is satisfying!

  25. So here's the thing, I completely agree with you and think you're right. But sex is still amazing and important for me – I just want to have it more often but there's some kind of mental block. I genuinely WANT to be hornier or have more of a drive!

  26. I usually do but this is a sensitive one because he used to kiss me and all and now he just doesn't want to. Same for hugs but he likes to cuddle sometimes when we sleep.

  27. Well I mean blood isn’t the sexiest thing and not everyone wants or likes to run red lights, and the bleeding does have a smell. Maybe you don’t notice it because it’s yours but it’s definitely a smell. It’s okay for him not to want to keep going and being turned off, he’s not a machine.

  28. My BF and I have been Anal Only for going on 3 months. It's funny how the people saying something isn't possible are arguing with the people who are already doing it. The only 2 days we have missed since the start of 2023 were when I had a mild case of food poisoning. But tell me again how using anal as the main type of sex in a relationship wouldn't work? 👀

  29. There was a lot of unrelated info here but to answer your questions : no he’s not grossed out by you he’s just inexperienced and acting lame by hiding his insecurities behind a reluctancy to give you pleasure If your boyfriend is inexperienced he will suck at sex. He will likely do less of the thing he feels bad at. Sometimes giving too much direction can overwhelm someone and make them feel inadequate. If he’s super insecure about his lack of experience, you coming off more experienced and knowing want you want might intimidate him These are all obvious things and stop assuming he’s grossed out by you What do you want from this relationship? Do you want good sex or do you want to build something deeper? You already tried the deeper stuff before and you’re very young, maybe you’re learning through your current relationship that sexual satisfaction matters more than you thought it did. That’s normal and doesn’t make you a bad or shallow person, just saying

  30. Have you read the same comment as I have? „Don’t ask. Just touch him […]“ thats not pushing or discussing thats just breaking those boundaries

  31. There's some overthinking going on, for sure. Heck isn't a smaller clit the “socially preferred”? In any case it's perfectly valid to ask him to refrain from commenting on your anatomy

  32. In my head-canon, you have your head between some chick’s legs and you are going at it like a woodpecker going at an old pine tree…

  33. You like what you like, it doesn’t matter if it’s “a kink” or not. Just be safe and have fun!

  34. I've been there, thought there was something seriously wrong with me and the more I thought about it the worst it got. Even after decades of watching porn I also didn't have a clue what I was doing. But then I found someone I was comfortable with and regained my confidence.

  35. Yes, others do it as well. I don't think it is uncommon. I was once dating this girl, and it went all night, like 9pm to 6 am

  36. This got worse for me as I got older. Now I've been with my “new” partner for nearly 5 years and the only way I can get and keep an erection is with sildenafil (viagra). She is beautiful, and loves me very much but I can't get an erection without chemical assistance. This can also happen when masturbating too, just randomly goes soft. In your case its almost certainly nerves, once you're comfortable with each other I'm sure you'll be fine but if after 10 to 15 times it still goes soft every time seek medical help

  37. I’m so sorry this happened to you. Everything you’re feeling is valid and normal. This same thing happened to me at 19 too. Had just lost my virginity to my first boyfriend, and he insisted on going down on me. I said no but he kept begging so I agreed. He had a cold sore on his lip, which then transferred to my genitals. Cue the most horrific week of my life. I was feeling a lot of the same things you are feeling now. I thought I was dirty and gross and nobody would ever want to be with me again. None of that was true, I have been able to find multiple partners that don’t mind. The worst part is just having the conversation. I usually wait until we’re about to be intimate and then I say “I need to tell you something.” Then I ask for some space, i scooch away a little bit, and then I start to explain myself. I explain what happened, how it happened, and that I have hsv1 down there. I tell them whenever the last outbreak was, and I explain that it doesn’t ever affect my life until I have to have this conversation with people. I always give the guy an out and say I won’t be offended if he isn’t comfortable with it. I haven’t been rejected yet, so no advice really on how that feels. The thought does worry me though. I know this whole situation sucks, but I promise you will feel better about it with time. It still makes me sad 8 years later, but I’ve accepted that this is a part of my life now. I wish there wasn’t such a stigma over herpes because it truly is so common. I hope in time you can learn to understand that you are NOT dirty or gross, and that people will still desire you. It will take time to get there, so let yourself feel all the emotions you currently have about it. You are allowed to grieve about this. And it’s okay to be angry. Just try to remember that the next step will be to work on accepting yourself. Sending you so much love. You will be okay ❤️

  38. If it was a few months in, and we weren't monogamous, I'd totally understand the request. However, you've been with him for 3 years, so I'm assuming you have been sleeping with him for a lot longer than a few months. If you both have been monogamous, I'd be a little offended, and I would think you were assuming I might have not been faithful. Why did you not ask him to get tested way before hand? Relying solely on a condom for STI prevention isn't optimal. With all that said, yes, he should go get tested, if he hasn't gotten a test in over a year. Herpes blood tests are somewhat unreliable, though (as of this post). You really have to pay attention to if he has any potential sores.

  39. It sounds like he's afraid that if he has something he won't be able to have sex with you. Try reassuring him that treatment only takes a couple weeks and you'll stay with him the whole time. Testing usually just involves a swab or urine test; it's not painful. If it's just herpes it's no big deal as it's relatively mild (some people don't even have a single outbreak) and something like 1/3 of the population has it. In fact, usually doctors don't test for herpes unless you ask specifically to prevent people from freaking out. If it's something more serious, I'd wait for him to get treated and either use protection or use your hand/a toy depending on what risks you want to take.

  40. Exactly the burning yellowish discharge! I should've said that. She knows the basics in cleaning herself. Though she does use douches, which I don't feel like it's necessary for her to use when water is literally enough, but she said she uses that occasionally to clean her lips. Anywho, yeah for heavy discharge… It mostly appears randomly. But overall I never had any sign of infections after sex so I knew I was right with what I've informed her. She probably got a bit paranoid, lol.

  41. It was back in August so I can't remember exactly, we had sex twice that day and I was very close each time and he stopped. Was an unasked for denial. (Funnily, if he was going for that and intentionally I'd find it hot but because i knew it was just he's came = finished with no regards to me I felt frustrated.) I didn't say anything but was maybe a little sulky, he asked and I explain what and that it hurt. He got pissed off. I just want to feel desired I guess. And that my pleasure matters to. He used to do that (oral before or after) but hadn't in a while.

  42. Not a problem at all. My girlfriend and I are 15 years apart. Felt weird in the beginning but don't even think about it now.


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