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39 thoughts on “madison jaanenaked live sex chat

  1. I tend to think about Disney characters especially Minnie Mouse, that chick is stacked and takes me over the edge every time. Oh and chocolate cake 🙂 Then on the rare occasion I think about my partner and picture in my head the sex experience that we have shared and the one she’s currently talking to me about. Two lies, one truth. Choose which works did you 🙂

  2. 😂 facts, I can only last 10-15 min with my girl no matter how hard I try. I feel so bad because I haven’t been able to last long enough for her to come. I try giving oral but she takes so damn long to come that I can’t last. She says sometimes I’m right there but she just can’t get past that point to climax, not sure what to do

  3. Not really that big, maybe above average, I thick it's more on the thick side. Yip we need to use quite a bit of lube always, like it's kind of not possible without lube.

  4. I used to be silent too but just gradually got comfortable making noise. It's probably like you said, finding your groove

  5. Definitely think you’ve “figured out your groove” because I’m no scientist but I don’t think age has anything to do with this. You’ve probably just gotten more comfortable while masturbating

  6. Well it seems you give BJ Just for the Guy. If you don’t Really WANT that penis in your mouth, Just don’t. Just do it when you feel you need it for yourself too. It look like you Just do it as a part of the spécial menu without beeing Horny too :-/…

  7. It’s possible even with all this, you will still hurt her. I get torn by dicks that are too thick, regardless of lube and forplay. You might have to decide if you are sexually compatible at that point. Hopefully it won’t come to that. But pain in sex is not good. It means she is getting microtears

  8. Well so could you help me? I know many friends or people on the internet who seem to naturally be able to flex the muscles there. Like I can do to hold the urge to poop. But my gf doesn't know how to do it. She can't squeeze at all. I helped her with kegels and she started to be able to flex down there, but not hard. She trained over 3 months to be able to squeeze harder, but we haven't seen much more improvement

  9. Tbh… hearing you say it’s okay is one thing, and her deciding whether to do it knowing it’ll likely hurt you still is another. I wouldn’t trust a friend like her.

  10. This is the sex drive of an average 15 year old boy….which lasts about 10 years? So most guys will understand exactly how you’re feeling. But….you don’t have to adopt labels. Labels are limiting, and often do more damage than good. So….maybe lose the “nympho” self titling. It’s ok to be hyper sexual, as long as you don’t let it erode your self worth, or start depending on meaningless hook ups for sexual release, it doesn’t have to define you. It’s ok to have masturbation as part of a daily practice….sort of like a form of meditation. Sexual energy IS energy, and you are gifted with some extra, which if you want to waste a few years you can view as a negative. But, once you embrace it and see how you can transform it into a good & positive energy in your life, that is when you become a super hero. So….be amazing, just the way you are ❤️🙏🙌

  11. Why are all these responses pandering to these stupid male insecurities? It's juvenile, like how we pretend to kids that Santa is the one bringing all the gifts. Tell him the truth. That you would like to try penis sleeve to hit your spot. If he has a big sook over you asking for you needs to be fulfiled rethink the relationship, because that is the reaction of a child, not a man. Do you really want to be with a guy who has an exitenstential crisis over their dick size?

  12. You need to lay off the porn man. It has affected your mindset and attraction. Once you get completely off of it, you will be able to enjoy sex normally again. I have a bunch of friends who are like this. It is a bigger problem than most people want to admit.

  13. I've always been someone who gets like that and I've never had any complaints . As others have said it's the male equivalent of an erection and it's not a bad thing

  14. Who knows. Personally I'd find 3 nights in a row to be a little too hasty. If I start seeing someone that often I can catch feelings before I get to know who the person really is which can be problematic. But maybe you want him to catch feelings early! Forcing that comes at the risk of possibly scaring him off though

  15. 50 is relatively young when it comes to sex. Once you are mentally ready, your body will respond. You won’t need to relearn how to have sex. It’s natural.

  16. Never being able to insert a tampon is not normal. You could have vaginismus. I’d suggest seeing a different doctor who will investigate the matter further as opposed to dismissing it.

  17. Try a silicone lube, much longer lasting. Don't skimp on quality either. For water based lube, astro glide has also been good

  18. Guy here and I LOVE 'outies'. That said, I think all vulvas are beautiful and if a woman is kind enough to share herself with me, then I'm not going to turn her down based on what she looks like 'down there'.

  19. Signs to look out for: Flush creeping up from her chest to her face Breathing changes Tensing up and then relaxing Pussy pulsing But like others have said. Hugely individual. My bf actually accused me of faking it once because he felt it didn’t look and sound the way it usually did even though I had just cum…

  20. Go see an MFT. Even if she doesn’t want to go you should go for yourself. This is a path you definitely need help traveling with a specialist. If she’s not mentally and physically feeling amorous, then there isn’t much you can do to force the situation. Any pushing, forcing, and manipulation will only make things worse. Chances are she also feels guilty and betrayed by her own body. Cancer and menopause are really awful. HRT may not be something that is available to her but there are some non-hormonal options too. The book “Menopause Manifesto” is amazing, informative, and validating. You both might want to consider reading it. She needs to see therapy as well, but again, you won’t be able to force her to get it. I’m not sure it’ll be much help but, also, the book “Come As You Are” might be helpful for you both to understand the physical and mental aspects of intimacy and the individual requirements needed in order to become successful, or even just content, within your intimate selves. No one is to blame here. And neither of you are the asshole. You’re both valid in what you want and how you feel. You’re just going to have to figure out if there even is a compromise somewhere/somehow. But first, educate yourself on what’s actually going on biologically and mentally so you can approach this with a better understanding about what’s going on. People here will not be able to fully empathize unless they too have been through what you’re both going through. I can empathize with you both. It’s an awful situation to be in.

  21. You should look enthusiastic and like you're enjoying it, but unless you're filming it I don't think it really matters that you concentrate on your form. It's not a competitive gymnastics meet.

  22. You consent, they consent, you like it, they like it. Nothing wrong with feeling good from compliments who people who think you look sexy.


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