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I will make you sin very bad!! Get horny and wet with me honey. LET ME RIDE YOU [170 tokens remaining]

16 thoughts on “MiaCambnaked live sex chat

  1. Just tell him in person but not while sexy time is happening. Outside the bedroom. If you really don’t want to hurt his feelings sugar coat it with a bunch of I love yous and all that other jazz. And how you want to please him but that he needs to do a better job wiping and washing hit butt crack in the shower. I guarantee he doesn’t wash his butt crack with soap and water. Also, if he is really that hairy he should get that thing waxed. Just the crack would cost like $20. Or he needs to use hair conditioner after cleaning with soap and water. Makes poops much cleaner.

  2. You most probably did nothing wrong. Intense sex may trigger compulsive crying, specially after orgasm. Aftercare is really important when going for BDSM. It seems you did it right there.

  3. It was really emotional, we stayed as amicable as we could sharing the dogs etc. on some occasions he was a dick, although I had just told him I was leaving for someone else pretty much so I felt he was entitled to be that way. I moved in with my mum, which was hard because I think at the time she hated me for my decision and they had a good relationship as they worked together (family business) so she would invite him for tea. I just had to make myself scarce. It was also just as covid started, so as you can imagine it was a whirlwind of emotions. I think I was a bit depressed at times, but covid did not help this. I’m a very social person so to be completely cut off and trapped in a house with my mum was suffocating. As time passed though it got easier and three years on, he’s now with someone else. We don’t speak anymore but I think that’s the best way. Fair play to those couples who can remain friends. My advice if you do decide to split, would be to stay completely factual and try to detach from any emotions when it comes to decision making re money, house etc. Rant to your friends/family but don’t allow yourself to get into a toxic place. I wouldn’t worry about the house etc, you can start again. Your happiness is not worth bricks and mortar. You may have to cut back on luxuries for the short term but you’ll be ok. I do think marriage is very traditional, I alway wanted it and my wedding day was the best but it’s a contract that can be rescinded. We don’t have to shut up and put up the way our parents/grandparents did.

  4. I want to have sex with you. I want to feel you inside of me. Kiss him and then redirect his hands in your pussy. Snap him a picture of your nipple and mention it's waiting for him. Wear lingerie and send him a snap saying you want him to tear this off tonight. When he comes to the room just open up his zippers and start sucking.

  5. Don’t do it man, she’ll never be able to get off on just your dick ever again. No Johnson can compete with a machine. Trust me 😞

  6. My boyfriend said yes , it feels like clinching but like a vibrational clinching ( whatever that means ) 😭

  7. He's abusive and blaming you specifically TO damage your self-worth. Based on other things here, he's likely turned on specifically by hurting others emotionally. Apparently, he's also pulling an Epstein with girls as young as 14, or at least trying to. Sounds like he's not rich, so maybe he'll be moderately less effective. I'm gonna sum it up in simple terms. He's an abusive piece of shit. You've already given him more than enough time. You should run. Straight up, get the fuck out of that situation. If you don't, it will only get worse and worse. You honestly sound like a stereotype of an abused person right now, so part of me sincerely hopes this isn't a real post.

  8. I don't take ADHD meds. I don't know whether my partner found them helpful for sex specifically but you should talk to your doctor.

  9. This is my husband too! If he's not doing all this, we don't want him. This is the standard. I also get a sammich (or whatever food I want) after because he says if I can make/get my own he didn't do it right.

  10. That's BS. First dieting doesn't boost your metabolism, if anything it slows it down temporary. Second losing body fat can lead to higher libido for some people, because fat is an organ that affects your hormonal balance. For the same reason women can become infertile both because of overweight and underweight.

  11. 7″ is the max I can take before hitting my cervix. I've had great sex with 4″ and great sex with 6″ so there's no ideal size, other than less than 8.


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