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5 thoughts on “MissArtnaked live sex chat

  1. i dont think you have anything to be embarrassed about tbh!! if it's not hurting you or anyone, it ain't a problem! people who make a big deal out of how genitals should/should not look during sex are immature as hell, sucks you had to experience that :/

  2. I have the same opinion about a whole lot of stuff. I know I did what I wanted to do even when I'm not supposed to. Regardless, I'll find a way. So I have this mindset being a parent. And for me, it is better to provide a safe haven for them to explore what's out there rather than them doing those things in places I know nothing about. That being said, there should be boundaries and kids have to understand that it isn't an open invite to just have random people over everyday and have a fuckfest, smoke weed or drink all day, or whatever it is that they want to try. Show that you are a responsible teenager and you would be treated as such.


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