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  1. Your post has been automatically removed because it appears to be about having sex for the first time. We get numerous submissions regarding this daily because many people are anxious about it. However, because it is a topic that comes up so often and is well covered by our FAQ our community has asked the mod team to direct posters with these concerns to these resources instead. If you're interested in discussion on the topic, please do a search of /r/sex and read some of the many past discussions on the topic. If you feel the topic of you post is not covered by the FAQ, please message the moderators and ask that your post be restored. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  2. Assuming he's going to be somewhere close he really won't be noticing your goosebumps. Experience will let you both know when each other is there generally but isn't guaranteed. Could you be a little more vocal in other ways at the time or grab him harder etc. The rhythm bit is really more about talking and teaching. You need to be able to tell and show each other what is good and what isn't.

  3. Be straight up with him look him dead in the eyes and tell him “I like it when you suck on my titties please do it more”. I was honest with my husband about it before we had sex for the first time and that worked out.

  4. I think you have negative views towards porn; and thats okay. But you cant control what other people do when it comes to porn. Maybe you and this person don’t agree with sexual compatibility.

  5. for the love of god do not call it dry nursing. unless he’s into that, it’s gonna make him feel weird. esp if you guys have kids. i like when my bf sucks my tits too, so i told him “i love when you suck and caress my tits. i would love if you did it more” and now he does it more. that’s all you need, girl.

  6. Thanks for your perspective, must sadly say i knew this all along. For the longest time it has always been a challenge loving them, for there is never a moment of peace in my mind. But every-time i give in and assume im being the jealous-jerk type and overthinking. Personally id wanna make this relationship work but when they accuse me of such thing it threw the whole relationship off track for me.

  7. Sometimes a little night night nap happens during sex. In French it's called “the little death” (le petite morir I think). Sex is intense and sometimes nervous systems blue screen and do a quick reboot. As long as sex seems like the primary factor and she comes back from her “nap” pretty quick, odds are pretty good she's fine. You could do the ultra-quick layman stroke check, which is to have her smile and see if her face stays even, say a phrase back to you in words, and lift both arms. Just to double check.

  8. Where’d you get your medical degree from? Very interested in what other “fluids” the kidney produces, never heard of this before in my 6 years of med school + 4 years of practice, have you published this new research???

  9. There’s lots of things to do simulate sex that isn’t sex so if she’s not doing those things for you that is something that’s important for your own happiness! Some people hire escorts just because their partners don’t wanna fuck all the time just make sure you’re being open and honest within your relationship so you can have your needs met while her needs are being met as well

  10. This is like her saying “he sometimes uses his hand which is tighter than my pussy” – do you see how that sounds when you turn it around?

  11. No, I don't fault him for having his preference, and he's acknowledged that it's her call. I'm not saying he will be belligerent or offensive, but given what I read here, I'm feeling like it's not going to go well.

  12. It depends on the color of her pubic hair. 17.4 for black. 33 for blond. Never for red. Don’t ask her to shave, say you like shaved, but understand completely f she doesn’t want to shave. Her choice, and there should be no pressure.

  13. You have to understand that this is a HIM problem and not a YOU problem. It isn't like he enjoyed it before and now doesn't with you. Is it worth breaking up over? Well…. He isn't fulfilling a specific need you have Sex isn't as good as you would like Mismatched sex drives This sexual incompatibility is a real thing and only you can decide if you are willing to accept this for the rest of your life.

  14. Bro I lost my virginity on a drunk night in Thailand when I was like 23, had been waiting sooo long for it to happen and afterwards you never really think about it again. I got much more sexually active in my late twenties (30 now), so don't worry about being “late”. It's mainly a construct you play on your own mind (and social pressure doesn't help either). I would advise against simply because you will always think about your first time being with a prostitute, but if you have no problems with that I'd say go for it! Regardless, enjoy Amsterdam: my city 😉

  15. It’s perfectly reasonable to not take a full body shower everyday, but you should wash your privates every day. That’s why bidets are normalized outside of America. It also depends on the climate in which you live in as well, along with if you have an active lifestyle.

  16. What contraception do you use? I only receive oral after showering and have never been bothered by the taste before but since having a copper coil fitted I think the taste is vile

  17. As a bisexual man i will not be participating in something that puts “study” and “toxic masculinity” in the same sentence. Maybe with the exception of “is hate speech like toxic masculinity harmful to men” but that would be redundant sense it obviously is.

  18. Hell yeah dude. I’ve gone from 1-2 hours to 30min the past few months. Though it might help that I’m a lot more attracted to my gf now than I was to my last girlfriend… 😬

  19. Maybe offer to do her laundry and then mention you were unable to get the stains out and start the conversation from there? Idk….. I’d never wear stained undies to a hook up….. I’d rather go commando and leave them in the car/trash. Also, if you can smell the poop, she can definitely smell it too!!

  20. Ok so no she can't cum by herself, she likes rimming a lot which I do for her yes we have a ton of toys and lots of oral and fingering, she watches a lot of porn to get her in the mood and enjoys voyeuring a lot. That is why I am confused is she playing or what I am supportive as I can be but you see this is the first time this have ever happened so its making me bonkers trying to figure it all out. Outside the bedroom we are good but oftentimes I get cranky at her because she takes the benzos like candy and is vague when I said moving on its because I don't know how to deal with this and its hard work u know like I love her and all but fuck me its getting to the point where its on repeat so yeah I am annoyed over this and I know its not her fault

  21. I have never been a one night stand kinda gal. Always preferred an emotional attachment with sex but grew up with attachment/abandonment issues so had a lot of unhealthy relationships

  22. I can't believe you are actually considering befriending him again. The fact that you are even considering it makes me hope your girlfriend leave this relationship as soon as possible. Keep in mind that you are considering your girlfriends mental health for the rest of her life and you missing someone (that you shouldn't) a 50/50 situation right now.

  23. Yeah I wouldn't leave this on the table unaddressed. It's bothering you, so it's worth bringing up. Outside the bedroom, I'd start by clarifying what she was doing (becuase it sounds like she didn't explicitly ask you to do it) “hey, just the clarify, the other day did you want me to finger your butt? Did you like it?” If she says yes, that gives you an opening to say “any chance that experience would make you more open to doing it for me?” And offer for her to put her fingers in a condom or gloves. I've done this for men before and I'd never put my finger in raw, only with some sort of PPE. Her reaction in the moment wasn't great, maybe she regrets reacting so strongly and didn't mean to, or she has some internalised homophobia. Some women think that men who like butt stuff are gay. You're going to want to figure out where she's coming from.

  24. It could be something not serious at all, it could be something serious. We can't really tell. If you're on the larger side or she's got a little cervix sometimes it can be painful for the girl, I've been with a guy who was pretty big and I was hurting for days afterward. Bled for 24 hours after too from tears

  25. I’m sorry, but what? OP’s partner is having size insecurity issues do you’re recommending she ask him to use a sleeve??? Not going to lie, I’m north of average, but if I was having issues around size and my girl suggested this it would probably make things infinitesimally worse.

  26. Just ask your doctor. Unless there is a crime being committed they can't tell anybody about confidential patient information. Just ask your doc for a test, get the blood/urine draw and await results. Let them know your situation and that it's confidential and they legally have to respect that.

  27. This is fucking NASTY. There’s no way to bring this up without her feeling embarrassed, unfortunately that’s just how it is. Be as gentle as you can, but fully communicate that it’s a constant thing.. not just a one-off. Chances are, other partners noticed it as well, they just didn’t speak up. You could have her shower with you to make sure she’s clean, but that wouldn’t get your point across & she still wouldn’t know there’s shit on her thong.

  28. Believe me, you can be dominant, take control and command the bed situation without disrespecting or hurting your partner. That is not what should be happening.

  29. I guess you’re right, I’m also scared of getting caught. Could you just imagine a department store manager catching you in a changing room

  30. This happened to me for years while I was on hormonal birth control. Used every kind of lube, hours of foreplay, plenty of oral, the first minute of penetration always hurt. I remember having to tell my husband to just “pound through it for a minute and I’ll be fine.” I talked my doctor and she just smiled and said I needed to be more turned on. Literally once I went off hormonal birth control this stopped happening. Also, it became so much easier to cum during sex. I’m not saying flush your pills or whatever, but it could be a factor.

  31. I’ve tried doing this so many times. I can only get it in with a lot of effort because my vagina doesn’t loosen up enough even with lube. With anal all I need to do is lube up appropriately and going inside is as simple as vaginal should be. In my case vaginal isn’t an easy thing, at least with average or above average penises. I had sex with a guy who had a bendy 4 inch penis and it felt heavenly.

  32. The shit I've seen in some restaurant bathrooms… Literally and figuratively lol. I remember walking into one and it looked like a colostomy bag blew up in there. The floor, the walls, the ceiling… Like that dumb and dumber scene, “THERE'S SHIT EVERYWHERE!”

  33. Oh, do they? Not only do you psychically know when women want to be choked, you also magically know all about me. Truely clever.

  34. Sounds like he's feeling under appreciated for this hard work and doesn't want to fuck. Try some appreciation. Tell him you respect him for how hard he works and how he really tries to take care of you. Respect is a man's way of spelling love. Might turn him on.

  35. And speaking of the other side, porn can “go where you never go” a human being that fucking loves you can go where porn can never go, that being physical affection? Like, are you dumb or just dumb?

  36. Yes, but we are open about it and also have used together. Communication is key. I may have a blown ego if she were doing it in secret.

  37. When I was young, I wouldn't have cared about it and most girls at that age weren't wearing it anyway. I had an ex that was kinda into it but I was always kind of indifferent to it. But now I've been married for 15 years and lingerie is awesome now. I've seen my wife naked so much, there's no mystery left. But lingerie adds some mystery to it again. It also helps that my wife has discovered that it helps her feel sexier, it's really been a win win for us. I also make it a point to expressly tell her how hot she is in it.


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