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8 thoughts on “penelopee-hootnaked live sex chat

  1. A couple things First, give yourself a break. The senate minority leader in your head is getting the best of you. Second, if you’re incapable of convincing yourself of the truth that you’re fine and she can be attracted to you and enjoy sex with you as you are, find professional help. Not as a cop out, but as a genuine piece of self-care Lastly, hopefully you feel safe to confide these feelings to her. If she cares about you, she won’t want you to suffer feeling that way, and will do what she can to help Good luck, bruh

  2. This post breaks Rule 5 and has been removed. Posts should seek specific, actionable advice about your personal sex life.

  3. The above comment is quite correct. There are men out there who are generous lovers and want to invest in partners, but evidently those men are not in the places you frequent, or you are distracted by men who appear to offer what you want but actually aren't offering what you want. Are you part of any large ish, close knit communities of mixed ages and genders? It's amazing how easily healthy romances spontaneously happen in communities like that. Probably because it's what our brains are wired for. If you want someone passionate and prosocial, spend time in prosocial passionate communities.

  4. My gf had one fitted recently; I've only ever felt the threads when I've got most of my hand inside her. Haven't noticed any difference with my penis. Certainly haven't felt anything bad – if anything those threads might actually help! Slightly OT but related question: I am a little wary of being as rough with her insides as I used to be (she does like it hard sometimes), ladies is that something I should even be worried about?


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