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Live video chat room Queen111-rousell

Queen111-rousellnaked live sex chat

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6 thoughts on “Queen111-rousellnaked live sex chat

  1. It definitely will get better with time. When my SO and i first got together he was super fast! I also took it as a compliment! Usually round 2 or 3 would last longer, but honestly as long as you are having fun there are lots of ways to make it good without extended time of PiV. C Can you keep going after cumming? If you don’t go soft you can stay in and go for round 2. If you go soft give yourself a couple minutes of pleasing her and you should be ready to go again! Even after 20 years.. if we go longer than a week without sex that 1st time is quick for both of us though!!

  2. Do you masturbate? I’m not saying deathgrip at all, it sometimes it’s just a matter of giving yourself a rest for a day or 2 and then Trying

  3. Your post has been automatically removed because it appears to lack a descriptive title. Please resubmit the post with a title which better reflects its content. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  4. Maybe there is a childhood suppressed memory that hasn't resurfaced yet? As to why? This was the case for me. That's why.

  5. I think most guy like squirters, just tell them straight up in a conversation. And please, never hold back your beautiful squirt, let it go and enjoy it.


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