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2 thoughts on “Saraywilliamsnaked live sex chat

  1. As with almost any movement it doesn't come down to just pure power and endurance. The same as with running, I think technique plays a big roll in being able to endure very energetic movement. Technique can only be learned by actually doing and your brain will follow what in human movement science is called an attractor. An attractor is a movement pattern that everyone will do the same given the same task and environment (having sex in a certain position). As you get better at sex your brain is better at timing the movements of muscles needed for a certain position. Sex is comparable to running, imagine only landing on your heels. That would be very inefficient at high speed since you can't load the achilles tendon with elastic force in your landing. An attractor in running therefore is a midfrontfoot landing. Every top atlete lands on its midfrontfoot. Your muscles have developed a timing to always achieve this and other ways of making you faster and more efficient. TLDR: your body will learn the most efficient way of having sex in a certain position by training (having sex)


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