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18 thoughts on “Sharloth21naked live sex chat

  1. If it's what I experienced, it may be the cum tube at the base of his cock is getting pinched at the bottom rim of your pussy. When you're cumming that way it can be quite uncomfortable–like stepping on a water hose. What has worked me is to withdraw to about half cock length and pump to orgasm with just the top half of the penis, then go in deeper with the full shaft as a finisher after ejaculation. Is there much of a height difference between you?

  2. Then communicate it just before sex. Still a last-minute surprise. Plus, not everything needs to be a surprise, especially when it comes to things like sex where informed consent matters a lot. I'm sure he'd be very happy about it even if it weren't a surprise.

  3. You have control. Stop telling yourself you don’t. If you don’t wanna fuck, use your words. If he’s going to be a fuckwit about it, hold your ground. Your silence is complicit in this behaviour. You’ve trained him in what is acceptable. And now when you reneg on what has worked for the last 3 years, he’s going to act like a spoiled brat. Sit him down like the adults you are and use your mouth for something new. Communication.

  4. That’s just crazy to me. Like, I sincerely don’t get it. Shower routine is so easy for a guy – hair, face, pits, dick, ass. Top to bottom. Every time. Often I’ll repeat the last three just to be thorough. How the hell does a guy screw that up?!

  5. Absolutely love penetrative sex. I am able to cum from that alone. I actually prefer it to just clitoral stimulation only, it also feels good just to have the fullness there whether or not an orgasm is involved.

  6. You’d be surprised how many women will vividly defend “girl talk” with friends revealing intimate details about their SO… (I mean here on Reddit, my friends in the real world would never do that, but I don’t live in in the US so don’t know if it’s cultural or just Reddit)

  7. People change and so do their preferences over time. You should talk to her more about both your desires and disappointments.

  8. I too was once a prude with my ex…. I blame a lot of it on not having my testosterone levels right.. now… he he he… well I’m a perv and like a school boy with a partner.. but it’s about the vibe… also planned sex is boring.. I know there’s schedules these days but surprise him or her by doing something in a part of the house that’s private and try and be quiet about it.. the quiet part will rev them up because it take the mind off the act.. be spontaneous.. control is a mood killer.. A MOOD KILLER!!

  9. On the phone to my mom and she was trying to make me laugh and pinching me. She then pulled my pants down and I’m trying to play it cool. It went from playful to my balls and cock are being sucked while talking to my mom.

  10. Not for everyone, my husband's ex had the same “issue” (for a lack of a better word) and he couldn't finish due to the wetness

  11. Wow, does he finger or make you orgasm during sex at least? I could live without oral on me if I had crazy orgasms during sex.

  12. For me it’s not the cum and more like swallowing a bunch of air on an empty stomach – that with the coffee is a recipe for an upset stomach.

  13. I guess we’re communicating through other means… guiding each other physically or moaning harder or talking dirty. I know I’ve lost it when I’m asking him to cum in my ass


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