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28 thoughts on “ShyAlexnaked live sex chat

  1. Since you’re not primarily seeking advice here, please consider posting this in one of r/sex's Daily Sexual Achievement Threads. It would fit really well there. But as Posting Guideline #3 indicates, achievement/appreciation posts like this one get removed from the main forum.

  2. I don't think your trauma is the biggest issue here. Your partner seems reeeally incapable of listening to you, and being honest about his feelings. If your best friend would approach you with this story, what would your advice be? Please don't marry this person before you're actively enjoying sex with him. As others have said. Serious therapy, if this relationship is salvageable at all.

  3. Sounds like there is a power imbalance. There's nothing unsexier than one party pleading and the other providing. You need to get rid of this power balance by aiming to not ask for sex for 2-3 weeks. Take care of yourself, maybe start a new hobby but don't stop being loving to your wife. She will most likely soon start to wonder what's going on with you and try to initiate. Don't give in easily, make her jump some hoops and wait a few more days. Once you have sex again try to spice it up and make it equally enjoyable for both of you. Pressure is a death sentence for a couples sex life.

  4. He is emasculating himself by refusing to take responsibility for anything and being lazy. If you are doing most of the work/paying most of the bills, he is what is known as a cocklodger. This isn't going to get any better. I would move out and move on to another man.

  5. That really depends on your sexual constitution… some are high some are low. There’s nothing wrong with saying no.

  6. All she needs to know is it makes you uncomfortable. If i were in your shoes, id maybe overreact a little next time it happens. Or just sit down and be honest in a way that you dont need to explain the why. “I genuinely dont want you touching me with your feet. I want to establish a boundary because i dont want you to continue doing that”. Establishing clear boundaries takes one serious conversation. Establish it as a serious conversation when you want.

  7. Read up on the Pavlov’s Dog experiment. It’s not addiction, it’s “conditioning”. You aren’t stuck in one mode forever unless you want to be.

  8. These experiences were 17 and 25 years ago, I never planned them out, and alcohol was involved in both. Who knows what could have happened if it was a girl who wanted me and a guy friend. Maybe… But it never came up.

  9. Definitely let her pick the first couple of videos. This way you can get an idea of what she's into. Also, suggest mutual masturbation videos to her so that there's something for both of you to enjoy.

  10. Lollipop method is super underrated, I love it. Where you use your hands for stroking and focus on the head. Sure venture out but at your pace. I make sure to keep eye contact to build intensity with her.

  11. That's not how it works!! No matter what y'all say about women getting “stretched out” we don't stretch. If “she” is really 'too tight' to even get a finger in then either she's a child or has a gynecological issue that needs to be treated.

  12. If it's something that is rough or extreme in any way,the fact that it was ok or even asked for once doesn't necessarily mean it's ok or wanted all the time though. Having said that,in a long term committed relationship where something has been discussed and enjoyed before,it's ok to start it without specifically asking but it's also of course for the other person to put on the brakes.

  13. Set boundaries, watch porn together to explore what your desires are and communicate during the act. Aside from that eat a couple edibles and have a great time.

  14. Well, in my case I do have very meaningful relationship right now with a kind of person that I always was dreaming to be with.


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