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6 thoughts on “theisabellarosenaked live sex chat

  1. Have you considered that he may be attempting to initiate sexual activity with you, rather than just “get” sex? The way you phrase your question implies a lot. Is that how you feel? That he is the one who “gets” and you are the one who “gives”? Does he do anything else besides this, or is this his only approach? Have you possibly missed more subtle invitations to connect? If you have missed these other signs, it may seem like his most obvious and desperate signal is the only one. How often do you discuss each other's wants and needs in your sexual relationship, using frank conversation and words? It's common for people to give what they want to receive. For example, if he wants spontaneous expressions of sexual readiness, he may try to create situations where they can occur. You could try reversing the roles by surprising him with a bold display of naked readiness. Just an idea. It's important to communicate your desires and boundaries directly with him. Have this conversation with him as soon as possible. Hey, have you thought about the possibility that he might be trying to get with you, not just get some action? The way you're asking your question kind of makes it sound like you're the one giving and he's the one getting. Does he do anything else to try to get with you, or is this his only move? Maybe you're missing his other signals because they're more low-key. Also, have you guys talked about what you want in bed? Like, really talked about it? It's a common thing for people to give what they want to receive. So if he wants you to be more spontaneous, he might try to create a situation where that can happen. Here's an idea: why not surprise him with a bold, naked display of readiness? Maybe that'll mix things up. But seriously, you should talk to him about what you want and what your boundaries are. Don't be afraid to speak up!

  2. This topic is discussed occasionally in our forum. Please also take some time to search through past r/sex posts (following Forum Rule #3) — you’ll find some additional helpful discussions. The r/sex forum's HUGE archive of past posts is a tremendous resource for people who have all kinds of common questions regarding sexual matters. Searching those posts for relevant discussions will definitely help you here as well.

  3. Wow, I've never heard of a woman not into toys. FYI, I'm 65 & have a lot of toys that I love. My body isn't the same as when I was 25, but it still works! You may want to look into your medication that you may have to take. Some can affect sex drive & your ability to orgasm. They may have substitutes though. They make so many different types of toys, too. Some imitate sucking & others imitate licking. I just ordered that one!! Lol My least fav are the ones that go vaginally. I'm a clit girl all the way. Btw they make toys for males, too. Some imitate the feeling of a BJ I'm told. Just FYI. Here are some of their websites if you're interested: Adam & Eve dot com Pink Cherry dot com Hope this helps & you don't find it intrusive.


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