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10 thoughts on “yourlilbabeenaked live sex chat

  1. And thats entirely fair.. I wasnt trying to discredit you whatsoever.. Only trying to make aware to you that hes using the clichĂ© of “getting caught up in the moment” as a way to gaslight you into thinking what hes doing is okay – It isn't.

  2. This is how I ended up giving my first blowjob at 14, despite saying “I’m not ready” and “I’m scared”. It’s just not cool to do to someone without prior discussion.

  3. I would not have bareback sex with someone I just met, even if yiy have a vasectomy! STI results like printouts can be faked. She could have lied about the test or contracted an STI after the test. Be cautious with strangers. Bad things can happen.

  4. Well, I know it's in vogue to tell people to seek therapy, but that's genuinely what I would recommend at this point. You need to spend some time thinking about how you came to this view of relationships, and figuring out how to change your thinking. That kind of long-term project is not suited for Reddit.

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