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22 thoughts on “Zemuninaked live sex chat

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  3. Honest to god I wouldn’t mind this at all and I think this is one of those person-to-person cases. I don’t really reveal details about my sex life cuz I don’t have that kind of closeness with anyone but if my boyfriend wanted to say stuff to his friends about our sex life/my body or whatever I would not be upset in the slightest because I know it wouldn’t be critical. I’m so surprised the resounding opinion is that men don’t talk in detail about their sex life!!

  4. Then it's probably best you both go your separate ways. It's a good thing though, there are lots of men out there who won't ask that of you and for him I'm sure there are plenty of women that would be into that kind of thing. It's for the best for both of you.

  5. A connection to her. Changes everything. If she can be vulnerable, trusting and trustworthy, accepting, and generous, then she matches my nature. And sex is insane, while body, all day, I-forgot-my-name good.

  6. As an 18yo uni student–yes, but no. I have many regrets from my first semester's hookups, and although many were fun in the moment, the consequences (having to get tested for STIs and the subsequent bloodwork bills, staying up way too late and waking up in a bed that doesn't belong to you, abandoning friends on nights our for much less valuable sexual encounters with random people whose names you barely know) definitely outweigh the pros. That's not to say that you can't still do all that. Consider talking to her about opening your relationship, or better: trying new sexy stuff. Just because you didn't necessarily experience as many other bodies as she did doesn't mean you can't derive just as much–or more–pleasure with her!!

  7. Guy is so straight he probably doesn't even touch his dick./s I am a straight guy and in my country homesexuality is illegal. Whenever I have this conversation with my friends about why they won't kiss a girl after she goes down on them I always get replied with” it's gay, it's no different from sucking a dick”. I find it crazy but I do understand where they are coming from since they were conditioned from birth to be as straight as they possibly could. Maybe I'm just reaching, but your hubby could be repulsed by the idea because he thinks it's gay.

  8. Ovulation occurs about two weeks after the period starts: thus the best time to get pregnant is days after your period ends! Especially as sperm can survive for a couple of days in the woman's body.

  9. Okay so you don't like the idea but you haven't stated what you don't like about it. Also you don't state what you do like. Very hard to give suggestions with so little detail. What is he usually into? What is he usually into? What are your boundaries? Where do you think the sexy concensus is?

  10. Instead of telling him it's ok (negative) tell him it's hot ( positive). Make him feel good, not shit. There's nothing wrong with making your man cum.

  11. Wait so he hasn't showered in 2 days? Because if he has then literally anything that came out of your body would be washed off. Whatever is giving him dickstink is his own damn ass funkycock problem!

  12. You couldn't feel the difference? Especially if he started with one on? There's a HUGE difference in how sheathed sex feels versus bareback. At least to me


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