?, CurVy Chriss ⭐️ cams sex pvton

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53 thoughts on “?, CurVy Chriss ⭐️ cams sex pvton

  1. She's taken every reliable method off of the table. It sounds like you're going to need to stick with condoms.

  2. Maybe try with lube. It will happen, but it can only happen on her time. If she’s turned on before you actually do anything, there is a better chance of it going well. There isn’t a way to make it not hurt. If it’s unbearable then obviously don’t force it, but take it slowly and keep trying. It could be a medical issue, but that’s something to think about later

  3. This is 100% grooming, and it seems like he's getting ready to exploit you. He is beyond dangerous. He had almost certainly done this to others and will absolutely do it to someone else. Talk to the social worker at the hospital about the situation ASAP. You need help to pull away from this dynamic. I'm so sorry you are experiencing all of this. I hope this is a chance to find help so you can begin a journey into healing. You are so much more than your traumas. You are so much more than the things people try to take from you. You have value and deserve to experience the best in yourself and in others. Sending love.

  4. It wasn't ok for him to lie, but as consenting adults, age really is just a number. If you're compatible ??‍♂️

  5. Refer to him as your good boy. Rub his chin every now and then and thank him for being helpful with a kiss. I think it’s another way of saying he likes the idea of being submissive? So try out anything that puts your in a dominating position. Or you can just sit down and talk to him about what exactly he likes about that kink.

  6. After coming off the pill her periods also stopped for like a year, but she's recently just started spotting a bit. This is concerning. Libido in women had a lot to do with our natural cycle and when estrogen is high, libido is usually high. The fact that's she's not having regular periods means she's not having this hormonal cycle. This needs attention if she's not seeing a gyno about it yet. I would say that's normal after coming off of depo but not the pill.

  7. there is a psychological reason people have the kinks they do, even if some reasons can be completely harmless. idk why people WOULDN'T be concerned about someone having literal racist fantasies. i think cnc partakers are much more complex. there are people that like it because they are able to reclaim sexual trauma they've had, people who like it because so much mainstream porn boarders on the non consenting fantasy so many mass porn consumers are conditioned to be turned on by such scenarios. being turned on by being racist seems a lot less… contextual imo.

  8. i don’t speak about it with him at all, that would just be mean it’s just that he knows my ex and everything so this is a bit awkward

  9. Your post has been automatically removed because it appears to lack a descriptive title. Please resubmit the post with a title which better reflects its content. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  10. shrug I mean, it's your relationship, and you know it better than I do. My own experience, though, tells me: most likely it'll work for a while and then fall apart. But, you know what? That's true of most relationships when you're 23. They work for a while and then fall apart.

  11. As much as it sucks, it's probably your best bet to part ways if it's something you can't get over. Him being bisexual shouldn't be a problem, it's the fact that he cheated on you. Why did he wait 5yrs to tell you? You should've known right away whether it was male or female. He could've been afraid to tell you he was bi if he was worried about you judging him, but that still gives him no excuse to cheat.

  12. Put down a towel if you know it's going to be that much of a mess … … or two or three towels all folded for multi-layered absorbency IF you want/need absolute, complete protection from puddles. Sheeeeshh! (that's a sound of the spray)

  13. It's just mother nature talking. We are genetically engineered to spread our seed. All animals are. It'll be alright! It's perfectly normal to feel that way lol.

  14. I feel most girls relate love and sex And for most men its more of a physical thing..like men would enjoy having sex with a stranger but its not a thing for most women until they feel comnected

  15. It’s not about men, it’s about the patriarchy. That’s a system created by men which benefits men even to this day. There are lots of prejudices and stereotypes which reinforce this system and a lot of it is unconscious bias and people are unaware they’re doing it. Other people are openly sexist because they like the way the system benefits them at the expense of others. It’s not that women are less sexist towards men, it’s that it’s not perpetuating any systemic oppression like misogynistic sexism does.

  16. She explicitly told him not to go fast/hard and he went back to it after a minute. That's clearly ignoring her lack of consent. And yes, not everyone ask for consent every single move but he covered her mouth which prevents from voicing her boundaries/lack of consent. You don't do that period without asking first period. Even BDSM people make sure to have safe word for the rough sessions and some other codes for when they use a gag.

  17. It absolutely is a female death-grip scenario. Possibly with some mental blocks as well. We'll give this a shot, when I'm ready to. Honestly the biggest issue for me is the breach of trust. I know she didn't mean to hurt me and she is embarrassed by it. Still sucks though.

  18. Unless you solely married her for her blowjob abilities. Imagine a table with three legs, which leg is keeping the table from tipping over? Or how about a car? Do you get a car solely for the cooler? The gas tank? The breaks? The steering wheel? The speedometer? The break line? The ignition? The keys? Many of those parts are vital for the car to function properly or safely. None of them are likely to be the reason you chose that specific car, but the lack of any one of them is likely to be the reason for you to not chose that specific car, or to take the bus instead. Do you see what I'm getting at?

  19. That's what I've been thinking too. What confuses me tho is that I really don't see when he'd have the time to watch porn or jerk off, as we're really always together except when we're at work. So the only times that he jerks off are after sex…

  20. I'm surprised that in fourteen years she hadn't communicated this already. The communication must be lacking sadly 🙁 best to you op!

  21. Your post has been automatically removed because it appears to be asking if some aspect of someone else's or your own sexuality or body is normal or not. We get a lot of questions here that are about really basic stuff that ought to be taught in schools but that unfortunately isn't. Variance is the norm in human sexuality. It's more meaningful to ask questions like: is this safe? Is this consensual? Is this mutually pleasurable? There are a lot of great resources for this, including scarleteen and go ask alice. You may also find relevant information with a search of /r/sex or in our FAQ. If you feel like your question is more complicated or will be a topic for thoughtful discussion, please message the moderators so that we can restore your post. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  22. fantastic if true but according to some of the comments it isn’t ? literally just popped in to say big guys + prone boning is divine

  23. Usually wipe off with a paper towel or toilet paper. Unless it's period sex, then I'll wash it off in the sink.

  24. I think I will for peace of mind, but I think I'm supposed to wait a couple weeks before they'd show up? That's a long time to be trapped with my mind lol.

  25. It sounds like there are multiple things going on. In your short write-up you mention: Your difference in sex drive Him not being big on PDA He is emotionally unavailable. Any of these individually would be something to talk about and investigate a compromise between the two of you, with all three, you will need to address them all in order for you to feel fulfilled in this relationship. I would say this is bordering on being incompatible, given how stark your differences are, but if you genuinely want to be together, then do your best not to come at him as if you are criticising him.

  26. Go down on her, and stay there a while. A very long while. Get good at this and you'll never have a problem.

  27. But if you’re still wanting to masturbate to porn daily and doing so regularly than your issues aren’t your T levels .

  28. According to the dictionary: “Empathetic state of happiness and joy experienced when another individual experiences happiness and joy”

  29. I thought that was a normal reaction, never really thought of it like maybe it could be an allergy or something? Whenever i get cum in my mouth and lips, it gets super tingly for a couple of minutes, but it never causes real discomfort, just feels a little funny?


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